Faced with Zhao Wanxi's retreat, the danger premonition ability did not give any warning, so An Liang agreed.

‘An Liang: You are right. We are partners. There is no problem in letting you meet my girlfriend.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Ha!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: As expected of you!’

‘An Liang: When will you come over tomorrow?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: I should be the one to ask, when will you get up tomorrow?’

‘An Liang:...’

‘An Liang: I always feel that something is wrong with your question!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: [smile]’

‘An Liang: What do you think about ten o'clock tomorrow?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: No problem’

‘Zhao Wanxi: One more thing, regarding the profit distribution of Yagu Gold Mine, thank you for your kindness. I will give you a surprise tomorrow.’

‘An Liang: I hope it’s not a shock!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Am I that kind of person?’

‘An Liang: By the way, I also have something to ask. Has your grandfather finished drinking the Shiliwan Maotao wine?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Do you know? '

An Liang told the story about Huang Guoxiang.

‘Zhao Wanxi: It is indeed Uncle Huang’s style!’

‘An Liang: So something is wrong with this old man! '

Zhao Wanxi persuaded Huang Guoxiang to persuade her father, and then teamed up with her brother to tell Zhao Zhuangkang that he had finished drinking the Shiliwan Maotao wine.

‘Zhao Wanxi: Do you still have Shiliwan Maotao Wine over there?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: After an examination by our doctor, it was shown that Shiliwan Peach Wine is not harmful to grandpa’s health, so if there is any left, I can exchange it with my contribution points’

‘An Liang: There are more’

‘An Liang: Forget about the contribution, I will arrange for someone to send it over right away.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Thank you’

‘An Liang: So you have to remember my goodness and don’t embarrass me tomorrow, okay?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: [roll eyes]’


The next day.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, Yang Maoyi hammered An Liang's chest. She said coquettishly,"Your Majesty, get up quickly. Didn't you say that your partner will come over at ten o'clock?

" The vixen had a chance to escape last night, but how could he escape again when he got up in the morning?

If An Liang and Zhao Wanxi hadn't agreed to meet at ten o'clock, I'm afraid she would have been suppressed by An Liang again!

After the two of them washed up quickly, An Liang took the initiative to call Zhao Wanxi and waited for the other party to answer. An Liang asked first,"Are you here?"

"I'm in the hotel lobby seating area."Zhao Wanxi responded directly.

An Liang was stunned for a moment. Did Zhao Wanxi come directly to the hotel?

"Okay, wait a moment, we'll be down soon."An Liang responded and hung up the call.

"Little fox, have you packed it up?"An Liang asked Yang Maoyi

"Wait a minute, Your Majesty, I want one more minute."Yang Maoyi said in response.

The imperial capital in August was a bit hot. Yang Maoyi was wearing a white sportswear and large-frame glasses with no prescription as decoration. Coupled with a ponytail, she was full of purity.

"King, can I do this?"Yang Maoyi asked

"Very good, let's go." An Liang nodded affirmatively, and then stretched out his right hand. Yang Maoyi also obediently reached out and interlocked with An Liang's fingers.

Yang Maoyi attaches great importance to meeting An Liang's partners. In Yang Maoyi's view, An Liang's willingness to take her to meet her partners actually means that he values ​​her. Performance.

In the hotel lobby seating area, Zhao Wanxi was sitting quietly on the sofa. There was a kraft paper document bag placed on the coffee table in front of her. She was looking at the content on her phone, mainly the details of the Yagu Gold Mine. Report.

With the actions of the National Security Investigation Bureau and the entry of Li Cunyuan’s family, the information about the Yagu gold mine has become more and more detailed, including the ultra-high grade of the Yagu gold mine.

Each ton of gold ore contains 500 grams. Gold, this is definitely a super rich ore!

Zhao Wanxi secretly lamented An Liang's choice. With such a rich ore and huge reserves, An Liang did not hesitate to share it.

Although Zhao Wanxi also understood that if he did not share it , Under the circumstances, Anliang may not even get a penny of benefits. Others will inevitably unite against Anliang and hand over the Yagu gold mine to the court. But

Anliang can restrain his greed, which is actually very difficult.

At least Zhao Wanxi knows that if An Liang really wants to seize the Mo Yagu Gold Mine, there is actually no way to do it.

For example, An Liang can maintain the current framework of the Yagu Gold Mine and just replace the current Yagu Gold Mine. The operator still adopted the form of a black kiln, and finally concealed the truth.

An Liang and Yang Maoyi took the elevator to the lobby with their fingers intertwined. He led Yang Maoyi directly to the rest area, and then he saw Zhao Wanxi at a glance. He took the initiative to say hello,"Zhao Wanxi." Come!"

Zhao Wanxi heard An Liang's voice. She followed the sound, put down her phone, and stood up.

Looking at Yang Maoyi, who was intertwined with An Liang, Zhao Wanxi nodded secretly in her heart. She is indeed the woman that An Liang likes. , Yang Maoyi is really beautiful, and has a vixen temperament. Coupled with her pure dress, the contrast between the two makes people feel like they can't stop.

"Hello, I am Zhao Wanxi, An Liang’s partner in the Imperial Capital."Zhao Wanxi took the initiative to introduce herself and extended her right hand to Yang Maoyi.

Yang Maoyi was a little overwhelmed and broke away from An Liang's right hand, and then responded slightly restrainedly,"Hello, my name is Yang Maoyi...."

When talking about this, Yang Maoyi hesitated.

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