In the rest room of Fox Fairy Advertising Company, An Liang told a short story about the former richest man in the world.

Facing Yang Maoyi's doubts, An Liang continued,"When you were browsing the company, I had already earned the benefits of buying this company."

Liu Mingyan listened with excitement. She didn't think An Liang was bragging. Liu Mingyan was very She is good at identifying lies. In her opinion, An Liang shows no sign of lying at all.

"Besides, this company is a gift to you, so how can it be a waste?"An Liang said softly.

"King!"Yang Maoyi was shy.

Liu Mingyan had already realized what was going on and left calmly.

"What do you want to eat for lunch?"An Liang changed the topic.

Yang Maoyi responded,"We will go to the Sandaomen Old Kitchen at noon to film the food documentary of the Sandaomen Old Kitchen, and then go to the Furious Roast Mutton Restaurant in the evening to also film the food documentary there."

Yang Maoyi added,"I took a look at the evaluation applications on the official website of Fox Fairy Food Evaluation. The number of applied restaurants in Imperial City alone exceeds 150, and they still need to be screened before evaluation."

"In addition to Imperial City, there are also a lot of restaurants in Shengqing and Rongcheng that have applied for evaluation. The number of restaurants in Shengqing that has applied for evaluation exceeds 500, and in Rongcheng there are more than 300."Yang Maoyi said distressedly

"Excluding the evaluation applications from the above three cities, the number of applications nationwide exceeds 1,000, which require analysis and screening."Yang Maoyi sighed.

"You can't do it alone, right?" An Liang responded.

Yang Maoyi nodded.

An Liang continued,"You need to expand the size of the Fox Fairy food evaluation team, establish an audit and screening mechanism, and split more work, such as referring to Michelin reviews and conducting multiple batches of tests on the same restaurant. , after passing the preliminary and re-examinations, you will be tested in person, thereby greatly reducing the workload."

"Of course, these are just preliminary suggestions, and you still need to carefully consider how to operate them."An Liang added.

Yang Maoyi fell silent. An Liang's suggestion is actually very good, but there is a problem, that is, the evaluation cost is too high.

Taking Sandaomen Old Kitchen as an example, if after the preliminary test, retest, and then she will be the final test, even if If the final evaluation fails, the food documentary will not be filmed, and the Fox Fairy Food Evaluation sign will not be issued. The related evaluation fee will also exceed 5,000 yuan.

Don’t think that 5,000 yuan is not much!

It is just a restaurant.

Currently, Imperial City is applying for evaluation There are more than 150 restaurants in Shengqing, and there are more than 500 restaurants in Shengqing. Even the spicy noodle restaurant that just opened has applied for review. Isn't this deliberately causing trouble?

An Liang looked at the silent Yang Maoyi, and he pulled Taking Yang Maoyi's right hand,"Are you worried about the cost of the evaluation?"

"Um!"Yang Maoyi nodded affirmatively.

"That's why I sent you an advertising company. An Liang brought up the old story again,"This advertising company made a profit of more than 30 million last year. This profit is completely enough for you to conduct food reviews.""

"But..."Yang Maoyi wanted to say something, but was interrupted by An Liang

"In fact, you are over the top. There are ways to make money through free food reviews, and it is not an advertisement or a method that goes against one's conscience."An Liang reminded

"What good idea does the king have?"Yang Maoyi immediately asked back

"I have a very simple method that can not only solve the problem of review funding, but also solve the problem of too many restaurants applying to review. It can also make your reputation even higher, and I can also make a profit from it."An Liang said a plan to kill four birds with one stone.

Yang Maoyi immediately shook An Liang's arm,"Your Majesty, please tell me what you can do!"

"Don't you want to take a guess?"An Liang asked back.

He suddenly thought of Zhao Wanxi. If it was Zhao Wanxi, he should have guessed the answer by now, right?

After all, Zhao Wanxi is very smart!

In addition, Zhao Wanxi knows An Liang's situation very well, she She knew very well what areas An Liang's tentacles extended into, and coupled with her broad vision and knowledge, she could naturally guess what An Liang meant.

Yang Maoyi was different, her starting point was far behind Zhao Wanxi

"Your Majesty, I can't guess~" The little vixen acted coquettishly. An

Liang pinched Yang Maoyi's little face dotingly,"We can make a food review variety show, dedicated to online broadcasts, so the scale can be slightly larger, for example In addition to restaurants with good reviews, we can also post some restaurants with bad reviews to create hot topics"

"Didn't I tell you that Aiyi Video is our family's business?"An Liang added.

Yang Maoyi looked at An Liang in surprise,"Your Majesty, are you saying that Aiyi Video also belongs to your family?"

"Yes, although we have not obtained 100% of the equity, we have obtained absolute controlling interest." An Liang explained.

Then he continued to add,"We can join forces with Aiyi Video to jointly produce an online food variety show and turn the process of evaluating food into a variety show"

"Does anyone watch this show?"Yang Maoyi is worried

"Why not? An Liang asked back,"Our food variety show focuses on sincerity. We don't recommend unscrupulous restaurants. We only do real reviews. This alone is enough to be interesting.""

There are too many marketing routines in this era, and there are too few frank and honest words. Therefore, Anliang prepares for real marketing. The more important thing is that he has the ability to foresee danger and does not foresee losses.

This is the foundation of Anliang's confidence!

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