Faced with Chen Siyu's suggestion, An Liang naturally agreed,"The Griddle Fish Grocery Store is very good, and I haven't been there for a while."

An Liang has many good memories of the Griddle Pot Fish Grocery Store in the back alley of the National Conservatory of Music, such as An Liang still remembers Ning Ruoshuang's best friend's test clearly.

As someone who has experienced this, An Liang really does not recommend such things as a close friend test. No matter what the result of the test is, does that make sense?

Life advice: Never test people’s hearts!

"Then let me call you Qianqian?"Chen Siyu asked tentatively

"Is she at home?"An Liang asked back.

"Um!"Chen Siyu responded,"School hasn't started yet, Qianqian doesn't usually come to school."

"Forget it today, we will play together later." An Liang rejected Chen Siyu's proposal. He lowered his voice and said,"Let's just eat a little and go back."

Chen Siyu's face suddenly turned red. How could she not understand what An Liang meant?

A few minutes later, An Liang and Chen Siyu came to the Ganguo Fish and Grocery Store.

During the summer vacation, the business of the Ganguo Fish and Grocery Store was slightly deserted. When An Liang and Chen Siyu After Chen Siyu came in, there was only one other table of customers besides them.

The proprietress came over with a bunch of frozen lemonade, and she took the initiative to say hello,"Handsome man, long time no see." An

Liang nodded,"It's summer vacation. Of course I'm not in school. School is about to start. Am I coming back soon?" The landlady glanced at Chen Siyu who was next to An Liang, and asked inquiringly,"What do you want to eat today?""

"Are there any fish eggs?"An Liang asked

"Of course, there are fresh fish eggs, which is our family’s signature dish. The landlady said,"Handsome man, we also have farmed forest frogs. Do you want to try the spicy hot pot?""

"Male or female?"An Liang asked back.

"Of course it's male."The lady boss responded,"You can go to the kitchen and have a look. We are real forest frogs and we will never fake them."

It's impossible for female forest frogs to be used to make spicy dry pot. It would be a waste.

An Liang stood up and said,"I really want to see it!"

The back kitchen of the Ganguo Fish and Grocery Store is actually relatively clean, and there is no mess. When An Liang was checking on the forest frogs, the landlady said jokingly,"Why did I only bring one girlfriend with me today? Could it be that something happened? ?"

"..."An Liang was speechless.

Can this boss lady stop being such a gossip?

"Give me a discount and I'll tell you."An Liang responded

"12% off?"The landlady responded casually.

"A small change?"Anliang bargained

"OK! 20% off, 20% off!"The landlady is full of curiosity.

"The other one will come later."An Liang responded

"What about the third one?"Is the landlady really gossiping? Even Song Qian is included in the calculation?

An Liang didn't hide it,"She is at home, a bit far away, so she can't come over today."

"Haha, my classmates are so awesome!"The landlady said with a sigh,"I have been running a shop in a back alley for more than ten years, and I have seen similar combinations like yours before, but yours is the most beautiful!"

"Thanks for the compliment." An Liang responded casually.

After leaving the kitchen, An Liang returned to Chen Siyu and sat down. Chen Siyu pushed him directly,"Master An, go and sit opposite. Shuangshuang has already set off and will be here in five or six minutes."

"Wait until she comes."An Liang had no intention of moving.

Five or six minutes later, Ning Ruoshuang entered the dry pot fish shop. She was wearing a sportswear and a sun protection suit outside the sportswear. An Liang stood up and gave way. An

Liang liked Chen Siyu and Ning Ruo They had a harmonious relationship with each other, and he respected their rules, so when Ning Ruoshuang came over, An Liang gave up his seat and let Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang sit together. During the process of giving up his seat, An Liang smelled Ning Ruoshuang's body. The breath that came up must be that she took a quick bath after the dance practice?

Thinking of this, An Liang's mouth showed a smile.

Ning Ruoshuang happened to see An Liang's smile. She seemed to have thought of something, and even her ears turned red. Get up.

After Ning Ruoshuang sat down, An Liang sat across from the two of them.

Chen Siyu shook the phone screen at An Liang,"Master An, Qianqian complained in the group that we don't call her when we eat!"

An Liang took out his phone to check the message, and then replied to Song Qian's teasing

‘An Liang: @松青: Your home is outside Beifu Road, and it’s after six o’clock during the rush hour for getting off work. Do you know that?’

‘An Liang: [Navigation Road Map]’

‘An Liang: It takes 1 hour and 49 minutes to get from your home to school.’

‘An Liang: What do we call you?’

‘Song Qian: So I want to learn flying motorcycles!’

‘Song Qian: If there is a flying motorcycle, I will be there in ten minutes!’

‘Chen Siyu: I also want to learn flying motorcycles’

‘Ning Ruoshuang: I want it too’

‘An Liang: Fengning Flight Training Center officially opens on September 1st. You can also go to study. I will sign up for you in advance, but you must pay attention to safety.’

‘Song Qian: Okay, Master An’

‘Chen Siyu: Just tell Master An!’

‘Ning Ruoshuang: We listen to Master An’

‘An Liang: No, I have already promised you, why are you still called Master An? '

Shouldn't it be 'If nothing happens, Master, if anything happens, be good to my husband'?


Update time: July 5, 2021 00:03:11, good night, treasure.

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