Gold Garden Mining Company, Joey's office.

Matthew had no doubt at all about the authenticity of the information provided by Sirami. This is a human emotional misunderstanding, and it is always easy to trust one's friends.

If it was a gold mine discovered by Matthew himself, he would probably have to repeatedly verify and confirm it, but the information provided by Sirami, coupled with the fact that Sirami may have had an accident, convinced Matthew of this situation.

In the video, Nine disguised himself as Sirami and stated that he discovered traces of a gold mine three kilometers north of the Sunset Canyon in Arlia, Africa. He then collected soil samples for analysis and finally determined that there was a high-grade gold mine there. gold mine.

Sirami, disguised as No. 9, added one more thing. The land ownership of Sunset Canyon is in the hands of Tyrande Ren'an Investment Company. She suspected that Ren'an Investment Company also knew about the existence of the gold mine and wanted to keep a low profile, so she Being hunted.

Sunset Canyon is a uranium mine reward. An Liang took it through Song Ren of Tyrande in the name of Ren'an Investment Company. No development has been carried out yet.

After all, ownership alone is of no use. Once the discovery of uranium ore is announced, and Xia Guo has publicly announced that it has acquired fourth-generation nuclear power plant technology, conflicts will inevitably break out around Sunset Canyon.

So An Liang planned an additional [Fake Gold Mine Plan] to show off his strength in advance and show off his muscles.

"Who else knows about this?"No. 9 looked at Matthew and asked.

Matthew responded,"Currently only Sirami, me, and you know."

Number Nine fell silent.

Matthew also followed suit.

After nearly a minute, Number Nine spoke,"If this matter is handed over to you, how will you handle it?"

Matthew immediately responded,"I have investigated in advance. The land around the Arlia Sunset Canyon is still unowned. Tyrande's Ren'an Investment Company has not yet taken action. Sirami's guess should be fine. The other party hopes to block it. Gold mine news."

Matthew continued,"As long as the news about the gold mine is blocked, Ren'an Investment Company can buy the corresponding place at a very cheap price. After the storm subsides, they can then obtain the exploration rights and mining rights. You can make a lot of money."

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 looked at Matthew,"So how are you going to deal with this matter?"

Matthew said frankly,"I have two plans."

"The first plan is to use the power of the company to obtain the land property rights, exploration rights, and mining rights of the corresponding gold mines, thereby obtaining huge benefits and helping Sirami get fair treatment."Matthew explained.

No. 9 made a knowing guess,"So the second option is that if I don't agree, do you still have a solution?"

"I will directly contact the Aliya court and announce this matter on the Internet. I will also contact the news media to publish the video of sirami, which will at least cause some trouble to Ren'an Investment Company. If I can prevent the other party from getting it Gold mine, I'm sure Sirami would be happy too." Matthew explained

"Are you sure that the corresponding area of ​​the gold mine is still unowned?"Number 9 asked again

"I am sure!"Matthew responded.

Number Nine took a deep breath, and she started thinking like Joey. After about two minutes, she responded,"I hope you will keep this matter secret for a while. Matthew frowned

"I need time to buy back stock!"No. 9 directly expressed his thoughts,"If you have extra funds, you can also buy back the company's shares."

"Nearly 50% of our company's shares are circulating in the stock market. After my husband had a car accident, some small shareholders sold a large number of shares in the stock market. According to my estimation, currently in the stock market, our company's share is of outstanding shares account for approximately 70%."No. 9 explained.

"I plan to repurchase shares on a large scale. When we get the ownership of the gold mine in Allia, our company's stock price will definitely skyrocket!"Nine analysis

"this..."Matthew hesitated for a moment,"This should be suspected of insider manipulation, and we will be prosecuted for investigation, right?"

"So I want you to keep the Sunset Canyon Gold Mine secret. As long as there is no news about this matter, our operations will be normal."No. 9 explained.

No. 9 added,"In addition, we can use other identities to repurchase stocks. Matthew, do you hope to gain financial freedom? This time we have the opportunity to earn ten times or even dozens of times in return. Will you give up?"

"I..."Matthew hesitated for a moment, then bowed his head to the money,"I will keep it a secret!"

"We will take action this afternoon, first repurchase the company's shares, and then strive to obtain ownership of the gold mine in Sunset Canyon within a week."Number 9 explained.

Matthew nodded heavily,"Understood!"

After Matthew agreed, No. 9 reminded again,"Matthew, this matter is not only your personal interests, but also related to Sirami's affairs."

"I think you should understand what happened to Sirami. If we handle the gold mine matter well, even if the Arlia court cannot give you a satisfactory answer, I will give you a satisfactory answer!"Nine gave false promises.

But Matthew just fell for it!"

"BOSS, please don’t worry, I understand what to do!"Matthew responded solemnly


Update time: July 6, 2021 00:03:29. Baby, go to bed early. The person you like has gone to bed. Ann.

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