The fourth generation nuclear power plant represents the future energy, which has a lot of significance. Just efficient, safe and low-cost power generation represents endless benefits.

In the equity structure of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, Anliang occupies a full 15% share. Once the fourth-generation nuclear power plant starts commercial operation, Anliang will obtain a large amount of benefits.

"It still takes some time."Zhao Wanxi responded,"North of Fengning, a verified fourth-generation nuclear power plant is under construction. Only after this verified fourth-generation nuclear power plant passes formal operational verification will the fourth-generation nuclear power plant be put into operation on a large scale. construction and operation."

Zhao Wanxi added,"If the proven fourth-generation nuclear power plant operates stably, it will mainly provide energy for Fengning's flight training center, and the court plans to build a new energy industrial park in Fengning area to specialize in the research and development of graphene-based batteries. various types of equipment"

"Is this inside information?"An Liang raised his eyebrows.

Zhao Wanxi chuckled,"You are thinking too much. When the new energy production park was planned at the flight training center, it had already been planned simultaneously. The land over there and the supporting land were all The imperial court owns it and will not leave any loopholes."

"You didn't get any benefits?"An Liang asked back.

Zhao Wanxi shook her head in the negative,"Some benefits can be obtained from matters decided by the imperial court, and some benefits cannot be obtained. You know this aspect better than me."

While An Liang and Zhao Wanxi were chatting, Zhang Zijin ate quietly, and she had no intention of answering the conversation. It was almost 1:30 at noon, and lunch was coming to an end, and Zhang Zijin took the initiative to speak,"Mr. An, I have an idea."

"Um?"An Liang looked at Zhang Zijin.

Zhang Zijin was silent for a few seconds before responding,"I hope to cooperate with Bai Yue."

"ah?"An Liang was stunned for a moment.

Zhang Zijin and Bai Yue?

What kind of cross-border combination is this?

Zhao Wanxi laughed and said nothing. Zhang Zijin continued,"I like Bai Yue's Animal Star Rescue Foundation and Animal Star People in Tianfu. As for the protection home, I hope to establish the Animal Star Rescue Foundation and the Animal Star Protection Home in the Imperial Capital."

Although on the surface there are no stray pets in the Imperial City, An Liang has said before why stray animals are rarely seen in big cities, and he doesn't want to repeat it a second time.

Faced with Zhang Zijin's request, An Liang thought about it for a moment before responding. He said,"The affairs of the Animal Star Rescue Foundation and the Animal Star Protection Home are entirely run by Bai Yue. If Sister Zijin has any ideas, you can contact Bai Yue."

Zhang Zijin nodded,"Okay."

Hearing Zhang Zijin's promise, An Liang always felt a little strange. After all, Zhang Zijin and Bai Yue seemed to be unrelated?

So it was Zhao Wanxi who revealed the news?

Zhao Wanxi seemed to have guessed what An Liang meant, and she defended herself."Our club's charitable foundation currently has more than 4 billion donations, so Sister Zijin wants to do some meaningful and good things.""

"When Sister Zijin was investigating charity projects, she naturally discovered the Animal Star Rescue Foundation and the Animal Star Protection Home. When Sister Zijin asked about it, I happened to know Bai Yue. Do you think it was a coincidence?" Zhao Wanxi explained.

An Liang sighed,"That's a coincidence!"

Zhao Wanxi smiled and said,"I actually want to recommend Yang Maoyi. She has done a very good job in charity live broadcasts."

"..."An Liang was speechless again. Wasn't Zhao Wanxi too well prepared for a rainy day?

"Okay, no kidding, Sister Zijin is more inclined to charity in the field of medical assistance. At present, we have provided medical assistance to more than 100 people across the country."Zhao Wanxi explained.

Zhang Zijin did not speak.

An Liang did not ask about the specific situation. He believed that according to Zhao Wanxi's shrewdness, there must be nothing fishy about medical assistance.

After all, she is Zhao Wanxi, an extremely smart woman!

A lunch After that, An Liang separated from Zhao Wanxi and Zhang Zijin.

The afternoon was a rare leisure time, and An Liang sent a message to the young actor Liang Xue

‘An Liang: How is the filming progress today?"

Recently, Liang Xue has joined the new drama of Huanyu Film and Television, and plays the role of the second female lead. It can be said that her acting career is extremely smooth."

Liang Xue's former colleagues are all envious of Liang Xue. After all, in their view, Liang Xue's stardom is rising steadily, with one drama after another without interruption, and the importance of the role is also constantly increasing.

However, more resources also mean that Liang Xue has less rest time. She and An Liang have not been together for two months.

‘Liang Xue: Hello, Mr. An, I am Russell Fen’

‘Liang Xue: Xuexue is filming’

‘Liang Xue: Is there anything wrong with Mr. An? I will tell Xuexue right away.’

‘An Liang: It’s okay. I’ll see you later.’

‘Liang Xue: Oh! Russell Fen, who was at the Imperial Film and

Television Base, saw the message sent by An Liang. She was a little stunned because Liang Xue's filming schedule was full, so was An Liang coming to visit?

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