The next day, Friday.

An Liang and Huang Guoxiang were working together on the 'Missing Items' cooperation plan remotely. Although the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation had reported the latest situation to An Liang, and An Liang also judged the thoughts of the four major investment companies, An Liang still had to prevent the outbreak of conflicts.

Anliang has always believed that guarding against others is indispensable!

"How is your deployment in Africa going? Huang Guoxiang asked casually.

An Liang responded,"Everything goes well!""

"I heard that your club is also involved?"Huang Guoxiang probed

"I find that you like to ask questions knowingly. An Liang complained first, and then asked,"Where did you hear about it?" Huang

Guoxiang ignored An Liang's question and continued,"The people in your club have messed up the U.S. stock market. Aren't you worried that they will disrupt your plan?""

"As the old saying goes, plans cannot keep up with changes. We do have plans, but we also adapt to changes."An Liang responded calmly, because An Liang really doesn't care about changes in plans.

There are many things where plans have changed, but An Liang can always correct the script to ensure that the results are not too biased.

For example, this time during the African-state vacation The ultimate goal of the gold mine plan is to use this fake gold mine to make the stock price of Golden Garden Mining Company soar, and Anxin Investment Company to complete the leek harvest in the US stock market.

Anliang only needs to ensure that there is no big deviation from this ultimate goal. , as for the intermediate process, you can adapt to changes

"Our interests are still guaranteed to be at least 100 billion Xia Guoyuan?"Huang Guoxiang probed

"rest assured! An Liang responded,"As long as the plan succeeds, your interests are completely guaranteed!""

At 9:30 pm, summer time, the U.S. stock market opened.

Yesterday's closing price of Golden Garden Mining Company was US$49.85. However, after the opening today, the price jumped directly to a height of US$72.50. The shares of Golden Garden Mining Company are basically at present. In the hands of Anxin Investment, the four large investment companies of Bald Eagle Country, and the Sky Baiyujing Club.

The stocks held by retail investors are only about 5 million shares, and all the retail investors who currently hold Golden Garden Mining Company are also Human beings, they watched the stock price of Golden Garden Mining Company rise from 2.78 US dollars to over 70 US dollars in three days. How could they sell it easily? Retail investors who had sold out Golden Garden Mining Company before began to complain. They complained to the Bald Eagle Securities and Exchange Commission, the famous SEC, hoping that the SEC could investigate possible insider trading at Golden Garden Mining Company.

However, the stock price of Golden Garden Mining Company was not affected at all. In the Baiyujing Club in the Sky Driven by , the stock price of Golden Garden Mining Company successfully exceeded 100 before the close, and rushed to a height of 119.66 US dollars.

However, throughout Friday, in the US stock market, the trading volume of Golden Garden Mining Company’s stock was only a few hundred It’s just a stock.

Such a weird situation has attracted more and more investors’ attention to the shares of Golden Garden Mining Company.

On the land of Africa, six kilometers north of the Arlia Sunset Canyon, the ever-changing Enchantress No. 9 disguised herself as Joe. E. Noyce, and Matthew Lean, a geological expert from Golden Garden Mining Company, are secretly observing the situation nearby.

Four security personnel are also cautiously distributed around because they have discovered that there are armed patrols in the Sunset Canyon.

"Matthew, what's going on here?"The Variety Enchantress No. 9 asked.

Matthew responded,"We need to take some soil samples! But there were armed patrols around, and if we made too much noise, they might spot us."

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 frowned,"The security in Arlia is pretty good. Those people shouldn't treat us badly."...They don't dare, right?

Matthew said negatively,"No!" Joey, you are too optimistic. I suspect that they are the guys who are chasing Sirami. If we are discovered, we will definitely be hunted by the other party."

"So do you have a way to take a soil sample?" Joey asked back

"I need to discuss this with security."Matthew responded.

The security team leader's name was Bob, a retired member of the Bald Eagle Marine Corps. Faced with Matthew's question, Bob thought for a moment before responding,"Ms. Joy, Dr. Matthew, I I must remind you that the forces that control Sunset Canyon are very powerful, and their weapons and equipment are very advanced."

"I just observed that the other party's equipment includes our country's, Bei Xiong's country's, and Xia's country's equipment. This shows that the other party is a transnational organization and has channels to obtain weapons and equipment." Bob added

"Once we conflict with them, we cannot stop each other, so no matter what you want to do, please try to be as low-key as possible, otherwise we may stay here forever. Bob said in a serious tone.

Matthew tentatively suggested,"If we want to get some soil samples, what do you suggest?""

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