Faced with the conditions proposed by Pantani, the Variety Enchantress No. 9 secretly sighed in her heart. The other party was worthy of being the chief political officer of Pallas City, and all the conditions were just right!

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 responded,"This is a very good condition!"

"As long as Ms. Noyce is satisfied."Pantani nodded.

"What does Mr. Pantani want?"The Variety Enchantress No. 9 asked proactively.

Pantani raised his right index finger,"First, I gave you a huge government preferential plan so that you can obtain land at a low price, so I need more returns. Add $20 million."

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 did not agree directly because Pantani said that was the first condition. If she readily agrees now, who knows what Pantani will ask for later?

Although compared to the fake gold mine plan, In terms of income, these costs are very small, but Variety Girl No. 9 pretended to be Joey Noyce from the Golden Garden Mining Company, and she had to conform to her identity.

So Variety Girl No. 9 did not agree immediately. She hesitated before responding,"We can agree to Mr. Pantani's conditions, but in terms of payment time, we hope that Mr. Pantani will give us a little more buffer time."

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 continued,"Twenty million U.S. dollars is not a small amount. Since Mr. Pantani has inquired about the situation of our Golden Garden Mining Company, you should know that it is difficult for us to come up with 40 million U.S. dollars at once. USD cash."

Pantani smiled and nodded. His additional offer of an additional 20 million US dollars was actually just a test.

If the Variety Girl No. 9 agreed directly, Pantani would change his mind.

Because the Cardcaptor No. 9 said You're right, Golden Garden Mining Company cannot come up with 40 million US dollars in cash at once. If the enchantress No. 9 can really come up with it, it means there is something wrong with it.

"I agree with Ms. Noyce's request. How soon do you expect the payment to be made? Pantani asked.

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 pretended to think,"If Mr. Pantani is willing to give us five years, then we will be particularly grateful to Mr. Pantani." Pantani waved his hand and refused,"I don't need your special gratitude. I will only give you two years at most.""

Although Pantani doesn't know the proverb of the Xia Kingdom: long nights and many dreams, Pantani also knows that the longer the time, the greater the risk.

"Please allow a little more time."The Variety Enchantress No. 9 argued,"Our cash flow is limited. Although our stock price is very high now, it is only the marginal price.’

"If I sold the stock, our stock price would immediately collapse, so we wouldn't be able to raise funds quickly."The Variety Enchantress No. 9 responded.

An Liang has said more than once that stock prices are just a concept. In the real stock market, stock prices have deep problems.

Pantani also hesitated. He understood what the Variety Enchantress No. 9 meant. , the other party has promised US$20 million in benefits, and is also willing to add an additional US$20 million in additional benefits.

If his conditions are too harsh, what if the other party runs away?

Pantani doesn’t know the other party’s bottom line, so Nor dare to be unscrupulous

"It takes up to three years and must pay at least $10 million in the first year. Pantani made a new request.

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 pretended to be relieved,"Okay, Mr. Pantani, we agree to this request.""

Pantani continued to raise his right hand, and then raised his index and middle fingers."The second condition is that no matter what projects you have around Sunset Canyon, I will get 10% of the profit dividend."

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 was silent for a moment before responding,"We can agree to this request, but if we have a conflict with Tyrande's Ren'an Investment Company, we need Mr. Pantani's support."

"That's the right thing to do!"Pantani agreed.

"If Mr. Pantani has no other requirements, we will sign a cooperation agreement and we hope to snipe Yanan Investment Company’s actions."The ever-changing enchantress No. 9 hinted to Pantani not to be greedy.

Pantani naturally understood what the other party meant, and he did not make any further demands, because he had already received a guaranteed US$20 million in benefits, plus an additional US$20 million in benefits. Looking forward to the future, and got a 10% project dividend.

In Pantani's view, no matter what the Golden Garden Mining Company does in Sunset Canyon, he can get a 10% share, and he is Pallas City local snake, he is not worried about the other party tearing up the agreement

"No problem, let’s sign the agreement now!"Pantani said in response.

Before signing the final agreement, the Variety Girl No. 9 transferred 20 million US dollars to the account designated by Pantani according to Pantani's request, and the two parties finally completed the agreement.

Nine On behalf of Golden Garden Mining Company, No. 1 Variety Girl acquired 2,500 hectares of land north of Sunset Canyon. Golden Garden Mining Company will own this land for a 99-year lease, and has exploration rights and mining rights, allowing for It is believed that the operation is within the scope of legal permission.

This marks an important step in the African fake gold mine plan!

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