The four large investment companies in Bald Eagle Country 'know' a lot of inside information!

At least they think they even know the cause and effect of everything!

Initially, it was geologist Sirami Larrie who discovered gold deposits three kilometers north of Sunset Canyon and extracted soil samples.

Next, the white-glove Tyrande Ren'an Investment Company of Anxin Investment Company discovered Sirami's behavior and immediately arranged for personnel to hunt down and kill Sirami.

However, Sirami sent the news about the gold mine to Matthew Lean, a geologist at Golden Garden Mining Company, which naturally led to follow-up actions by Golden Garden Mining Company.

What Jack meant was to ask if they had sent out all the causes and consequences.

Facing Jack's inquiry, the senior investment vice presidents of the other three large investment companies hesitated. Although Anxin Investment Company was suspected of flipping the table, there were actually pros and cons for them to send such gossip.

Jack knew the concerns of the other three people, and he promised,"I have a way to spread the news without implicating us."

Richard asked,"What way?"

"I know a network technology expert who can help."Jack explained,"These gossips have nothing to do with us, and the Securities and Exchange Commission can't find our information."

"I reserve my opinion."Richard was cautious.

Andy agreed,"I also reserve my opinion. Bazel responded,"Jack, this is too risky.""

"But we don’t have a choice, do we?"Jack responded,"Anxin Investment is obviously targeting us. They use such gossip to force us to not raise our cards. After all, once we raise our cards, we will be suspected of insider trading."

Previously, the four of them decided to raise their cards to enter the shareholders' meeting of Golden Garden Mining Company, but now Anxin Investment Company directly flipped the table, leaving them with no other choice. They even directly sold all of Golden Garden in order to remove the suspicion of insider trading. Mining Company Stocks

"I suspect that Anxin Investment has any secrets hidden there. If we are forced out by them, I am afraid that Anxin Investment may have greater benefits!"Jack added.

Richard had an idea,"The gold reserves announced by Golden Garden Mining Company are one thousand tons, but we all know that the gold reserves should be larger!"

The video message reserved by Sirami shows that the gold reserves exceed 2,000 tons, and four large investment companies are aware of this news.

Andy then analyzed,"If the gold mine has greater reserves, then Gold Garden Mining The company's stock price will definitely be higher. If we are forced out early, then part of our profits will be eaten up by Anxin Investment."

"Crafty and safe investment!"Bazel said with a hum.

Jack sneered,"Since the other party flipped the table and completely forced us out of the game, then we will also drag Anxin Investment down, so that the other party will not get any benefits!"

This time, no one objected.

So another piece of gossip appeared in the US stock investment market, telling how Golden Garden Mining Company discovered the gold mine, how Anxin Investment laid out its plans behind the scenes, and revealed all the ambitions of Anxin Investment Company.

And this A piece of gossip announced that gold reserves exceed 2,000 tons, further igniting the enthusiasm of the U.S. stock investment market.

Although it is just a piece of gossip, Anxin Investment is very famous in the U.S. stock market. After all, it is an old sickle in the U.S. stock market and has harvested in the U.S. stock market. A lot of leeks.

So after the gossip came out, Anxin Investment Company was also dragged into the water. Even if Anxin Investment Company issued an announcement stating that it was not involved, no one believed it.

Investors in the US stock market are not fools, so how could they easily believe in Anxin Investment Company? ?

However, these investors in the US stock market are not aware of a problem at all. Under the bombardment of various gossips, they have ignored the authenticity of the gold mine north of Sunset Canyon.

Almost all investors in the US stock market have defaulted The gold mine north of Sunset Canyon is real. After all, these U.S. stock market investors, after synthesizing all the gossip, directly analyzed that this time it was a melee between Anxin Investment Company and the four major investment companies of Bald Eagle Country. The current situation is obviously Both sides played really hot and exposed each other's trump cards, ultimately resulting in a lose-lose situation.

Faced with such a situation, it was naturally a carnival for retail investors!

Retail investors like large investment companies to compete with each other, and they have the opportunity to take advantage of the fire.

If there is harmony among large investment companies and they collude with each other to form an alliance, will retail investors still have the power to resist?

There is a lot of gossip in the US stock investment market, but the situation in the African city of Arlia Pallas is very strange. Calm.

In the Joseph Manor, the Chief Administrative Officer of Pallas City was checking the report on Sunset Canyon.

Butler Manson brought the coffee, which was a bit hesitant to speak.

Pantani took the initiative to speak,"Manson, what do you want? ?"

"Mr. Pantani, I heard something through the grapevine. Manson responded hesitantly.

"What gossip? Pantani asked back

"The Tyrande Company that owns Sunset Canyon is assassinating geological experts from the Bald Eagle Country in the city. Maybe we..."Manson only told half the story.

Pantani understood what the other party meant. After all, Manson had been with him for more than twenty years.

"I understand that there are dangers, so I will not get involved. Whether there are real gold mines in the area north of Sunset Canyon or false news, that has nothing to do with us. Pantani responded.

Manson breathed a sigh of relief.

"Go down first and I'll look at the documents."Pantani waved his hand.

After Manson left, Pantani re-checked the Sunset Canyon property rights document information, and he discovered a key blind spot....

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