The fake gold mine plan in Sunset Canyon took a lot of effort from An Liang. He hid behind the scenes the whole time and used his danger premonition ability to plan the plan. Now the time of harvest is finally here.

In Bald Eagle Country, the senior investment vice presidents of Berkshire Hathaway's four large investment companies are in a video conference again.

Richard spoke first,"Anxin Investment Company has indeed started to take action. Our informants discovered that the Xia Kingdom Imperial Capital and Tyrande have arranged a large number of personnel to go to Africa."

Jack added,"From Our investigation found that many of the people who set off from the Xia Kingdom's imperial capital were retired personnel, and they were all elites among the elites."

"Tyrande's situation is not much different, including a large number of elite combatants from Ren'an Investment Company."Bazel agreed.

Andy sighed,"We have no choice but to introduce powerful allies. Richard suggested,"I suggest you wait. Since Anxin Investment Company has started to take action, indicating that they are about to sell off their stocks, we can take over at a relatively low price.""

Jack reminded,"Now it's not just us who are eyeing Golden Garden Mining Company, other peers have long been eyeing it. As long as there is an opportunity, they will not let it go."

"Wouldn't that be better? Richard chuckled,"If more peers join in, we may be able to unite with other peers and adopt a hiring approach to invest in Anxin instead of introducing strong new allies.""

"Makes sense."Jack seconded.

Bazel also seconded,"Anyway, we have no losses. Let's compete with other peers first."

While the four people were discussing, Anxin Investment Company began to invest in the shares of Golden Garden Mining Company in the U.S. stock market.

Currently, the shares of Golden Garden Mining Company have risen to a high price of more than 2,400 US dollars, but Anxin Investment Company has a darker heart. Directly put out a high price of US$2,800 per share, and put out 10 million shares at once.

Faced with the high price of US$2,800, four large investment companies including Berkshire Hathaway were not moved.

Although the four of them were not moved, There are also large investment companies that are interested. Other large investment companies also 'understood' the truth, so they began to tentatively buy the shares of Golden Garden Mining Company. A total of 10 million shares of Golden Garden Mining Company were sold directly at a price of US$2,800. After all , there are many large investment companies in the Bald Eagle Country, and even Berkshire Hathaway is not the top one.

Anxin Investment Company has begun to sell more stocks. Anxin Investment Company itself holds 36 million shares , Joey Noyce holds 19 million shares, and retail investors composed of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club hold 10 million shares.

A total of 65 million shares of Golden Garden Mining Company are safely invested in the US stock market under the T+0 rules The company was sold perfectly. Because of mutual distrust, the investment companies in Bald Eagle Country did not discover that Anxin Investment Company had sold a total of 65 million shares. They thought that someone had jumped repeatedly. Among them,

Joey Noyce held The 19 million shares were not sold directly, but Anxin Investment Company chose to go short and sell 19 million shares in advance to avoid Joey Noyce’s obvious stock share changes and cause unnecessary trouble.

Anyway, Joey Noyce The 19 million shares held by Noyce can definitely be given to Anxin Investment Company and can be traded over the counter, so there is no problem for Anxin Investment Company to short 19 million shares. A total of 65 million shares of Golden Garden Mining Company were sold to Anxin Investment Company for The average price of selling was US$2,630. The large investment companies in the Bald Eagle Country were also very powerful. They joined forces to eat up the stocks sold by Anliang Investment Company.

Just like Anliang had his own plan, the large investment companies in the Bald Eagle Country also had their own plans. They are not afraid of the Anxin Investment Company’s armed forces at all.

When the benefits are big enough, these large investment companies in the Bald Eagle Country can use any means!

Unfortunately, they made a mistake from the beginning. Where is the area north of Sunset Canyon? What gold mines are there?

After Anliang harvested the large investment companies in Bald Eagle Country, he quietly began to transfer funds. The average sales price of 65 million shares of Golden Garden Mining Company was US$2,630, and the total revenue was US$170.95 billion. , this is the biggest benefit that Anliang has gained so far!

Such a benefit is worthy of Anliang's wasted brain cells. For this benefit, he has maximized his danger premonition ability.

But Anliang is also thinking, he eats this After a profit, I am afraid that there will never be such an opportunity again in the future, and that the large investment companies in the Bald Eagle Country will regard him as a thorn in their side.

But Anliang has no regrets. Since there is such an opportunity, why not cheat the other party?

An Liang is not afraid of trouble!

After all, he has a winning system in life and the ability to foresee dangers, coupled with the strength of Renyi Security Company, what is Anliang afraid of?

The worst I can do is never go to Bald Eagle Country for the rest of my life!

Besides, what is there to see in Bald Eagle Country?

Sir, times have changed, and the myth of Bald Eagle Country has long been shattered!

"Brother Liang, we made more than 20 billion US dollars? Li Cunyuan said excitedly.

In the large tea room of Yunjing International Apartment, the data displayed on the 85-inch large screen was only the income of the members of the Bai Yujing Club in the sky. They had a total of 10 million shares, at a price of US$2,630 each. Calculated, that is a profit of 26.3 billion U.S. dollars.

The average price for members of the Bai Yujing Club in the sky to acquire 10 million shares is no more than 50 U.S. dollars. Compared with the price of 2,630 U.S. dollars per share, is it completely free?

This is simply crazy. profit!

"Yes, you got more than 20 billion US dollars in profits!"An Liang responded with a smile.

"Damn it! Li Cunyuan exclaimed.

Qian Xiaogang also exclaimed,"I feel comfortable!" Yun

Haiyang cheered,"I finally achieved the freedom of super running!""

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