Bald Eagle Country.

After Ron and Anliang ended the call, he contacted the president of Berkshire Hathaway, Mr. Ba, who is known as the stock god.

"Good evening, BOSS."Greetings from Ron.

Ron was once the senior vice president of investment at Berkshire Hathaway. Mr. Ba naturally knew Ron, but the demotion of Ron was also an order given by Mr. Ba personally.

"What's the matter, Ron?"Mr. Ba asked.

Ron didn't hide anything. He completely recounted the exchange between him and An Liang, and finally added,"I think there is a conspiracy in Anxin Investment!"

Mr. Ba secretly thought about what An Liang's purpose was, and he also keenly felt that An Liang must have some ulterior conspiracy.

"Regarding the Golden Garden Mining Company, you can give the other party a positive response. You have obtained the company's authorization. Mr. Ba responded.

"Before the market opens tomorrow, I will personally be in charge of the company to handle the affairs of Golden Garden Mining Company!" Mr. Ba added

"Okay, BOSS, I'll contact him right away. Ron responded.

Mr. Ba stopped him and said,"Wait!" Ron was stunned for a moment, and then said proactively,"If I contact the other party so quickly, I'm afraid the other party won't believe me, and may even guess our situation." Mr.

Ba sighed,"Forget it, the other party will guess the answer no matter what. You should contact the other party in advance!""

"OK"Ron obeyed the order.

An Liang received Ron's reply early, and he did not contact Ron again, but chose to rest first.

On the second day of September, at 9:20 pm, the US stock market opened in ten minutes..In

Berkshire Hathaway, the country of the bald eagle, Mr. Ba, the stock god, is personally in charge. Ron Klein and Richard Lewis are both present. Ron is holding his mobile phone with some anxiety in his eyes, because An Liang has not yet Contact him.

There were still five minutes before the U.S. stock market opened. Ron's mobile phone finally sounded a ringtone. The caller ID showed a 'secret number'. Ron connected directly and selected the loudspeaker status to facilitate Mr. Ba and the manager. Chad knows everything

"Hello and good morning, Mr. Ron."An Liang greeted in English first.

In order to take care of Mr. Ba and Richard, Ron did not use Xia Mandarin this time. He also responded in English,"Good evening, Mr. An."

"Let me guess first, Mr. Ba and Mr. Richard should be next to Mr. Ron?"An Liang pointed out the situation directly.

Mr. Ba, the stock god, did not hide anything. He immediately responded,"Good evening, Mr. An."

Richard greeted in the same way.

After the two parties greeted each other, Ron asked first,"What is your purpose?"

"I said that I wanted to be friends with Mr. Ron and that Mr. Ba was my idol."An Liang gave another reason to make Mr. Ba, the stock god, an idol.

Fortunately, Mr. Ba didn't know the meaning of idol in Xia Kingdom.

Currently, in the Xia Kingdom Internet, the meaning of the word idol is definitely not worship. It most likely means 'I I'm going to beat you to death.'

An Liang continued,"You should all know that we at Anxin Investment reaped a large amount of profits in the US stock market yesterday."

"Then what? Ron asked back

"I hope you cash out today too!"An Liang responded

"Um? Ron was confused.

Richard snorted softly,"If we cash out and leave, you will have one less opponent in Africa, right?""

Mr. Stock Shenba didn't speak. He just frowned and thought about what An Liang meant.

An Liang ignored Richard at all. He added,"Mr. Ron, I believe you are a smart man. Think about the whole thing again."

Ron was stunned for a moment, and he vaguely thought of a possibility.

Mr. Ba, the stock god, thought of the answer first, and he quickly ordered,"Richard, cash out all the shares of Golden Garden Mining Company immediately! Operate with caution! And go faster!"

After Mr. Gu Shenba gave the order, he immediately asked,"Has Mr. An told anyone else about this matter?"

"You are the first one, I will only give you one hour, and then I will tell the other three."An Lianghui said frankly.

"you..."Mr. Ba, the stock god, has already guessed Anliang’s plan.

"As expected of Mr. An! Mr. Ba, the stock god, sighed,"You have indeed won with Anxin Investment, and this time you won completely, treating all of us like leeks!""

"Your country of Xia is described as leeks, right? Mr. Ba asked back.

An Liang said negatively,"No, no, no, you are not leeks, you are also a winner!""

"Are we the winner? Mr. Ba, the stock god, laughed at himself,"Mr. An obviously designed the trap, told us the trap clearly, and then invited us to jump into the trap. We still have to jump. How can we be the winner?" ?"

After Mr. Ba's analysis, the expressions of both Ron and Richard changed. Apparently, they finally understood what An Liang had done!

"you..."Ron didn't know what to say for a moment because he was frightened by An Liang!


Update time: July 16, 2021 00:01:50, good night, treasure.

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