Berkshire Hathaway was forced into a trap by Anliang, forcing Berkshire Hathaway to become a 'partner' in Anliang's investment.

After Anliang completed the exchange with Berkshire Hathaway, he once again contacted Rhodes & Albert Investment Company, Merrill Lynch, and Roper Partners, and directly repeated the same trick.

When the three large investment companies faced the choice, they didn't think about it at all, because Berkshire Hathaway had already retreated. If they had acted slower, there might have been a stock market crash, right?

Once a stock market crash occurs...

The senior investment vice presidents of three large investment companies shuddered!

Because Anliang notified the senior investment vice presidents of three large investment companies at the same time and clearly told them the situation, the three large investment companies cooperated with each other to sell the shares of Golden Garden Mining Company.

It is daylight saving time in Bald Eagle Country. The U.S. stock market opens at 9:30 in the morning. Berkshire Hathaway sold off Golden Garden Mining Company in less than an hour, and the other three large investment companies spent more than three days. Hours later, the sell-off of Golden Garden Mining Company’s shares was completely completed.

Even though the sell-off was prolonged, the stock price of Golden Garden Mining Company still fell from a high of nearly $2,900 to $2,320.

There have been some objections to Golden Garden Mining Company in the U.S. stock investment market because the trading volume of Golden Garden Mining Company in the past two trading days has been too large.

In addition, the total share capital of Golden Garden Mining Company is relatively small. According to the transaction volume, there should be information about placards and shareholder changes, but there is no information about placards and shareholder changes.

Some investment companies and U.S. stock market veterans are also aware that there may be a problem, but there have long been rumors in the U.S. stock investment market indicating that there is a certain possibility of armed conflict in the Sunset Canyon North Gold Mine.

In view of such gossip, the U.S. stock investment market thought that the North District Gold Mine was just in trouble, not that there was a problem with the North District Gold Mine itself.

As long as there is no problem with the North District Gold Mine itself, other problems are not a problem!

It’s nearly two o’clock in the morning on September 3rd, Xia Kingdom time.

An Liang received feedback from the senior investment vice presidents of three large investment companies, including Rod Albert Investment Company, indicating that they had completely withdrawn.

Under such circumstances, An Liang ordered No. 9 Variety Enchantress and Anxin Investment Company to start a preparatory plan, and through No. 9 Variety Enchantress, he directly filled in the 19 million shares of Golden Garden Mining Company that Anxin Investment Company had shorted.

When Variety Girl No. 9 sold the shares of Golden Garden Mining Company, the shareholder information of Golden Garden Mining Company changed, indicating that the original first shareholder Joey Noyce's shareholding ratio decreased and he withdrew from the ranks of shareholders of Golden Garden Mining Company.

After this piece of information broke out, it swept through the U.S. stock market like a landslide and tsunami!

The boss of Golden Garden Mining Company ran away?

Originally, the trading volume of Golden Garden Mining Company's stock was a bit strange, but now it is even suspected that the boss of Golden Garden Mining Company has run away, and the stock price of Golden Garden Mining Company has fallen accordingly.

Before the U.S. stock market closed, the share price of Golden Garden Mining Company had fallen below the $2,000 mark.

An Liang naturally did not pay attention to the situation in the US stock market. He was making aftermath plans to put an end to the fake gold mine incident in the North District of Sunset Canyon.

The first is the follow-up treatment plan of Golden Garden Mining Company. Now the chess piece of Golden Garden Mining Company has no great value, and An Liang is ready to abandon it.

After all, the Golden Garden Mining Company was almost an empty shell in the first place, with no great value at all. Anliang did not need the Golden Garden Mining Company, so it would naturally be discarded when it was used up.

According to An Liang's plan, Joey Noyce disguised as the enchantress No. 9 will disappear in Pallas City, thus forming an unsolvable case.

After all, the bosses of Golden Garden Mining Company have disappeared, and before disappearing, they sold all the shares of Golden Garden Mining Company. This situation is full of speculation.

In addition to targeting the Golden Garden Mining Company, An Liang also wants to target four large investment companies in the Bald Eagle Country. An Liang has already forced them into a trap through an aboveboard conspiracy, so how can he let them go?

In Anliang’s plan, four large investment companies including Berkshire Hathaway are the scapegoats of Anliang Investment.

In order to make the four large investment companies willing to be the scapegoats, An Liang was even willing to let the four of them make a lot of money. After all, only if they made money could they not be able to quibble.

If Berkshire Hathaway and other four large investment companies lost money in the Golden Garden Mining Company project, and Anliang wanted to frame them, it would hardly make sense, right?

Berkshire Hathaway and other four large investment companies also knew that Anliang had dug a trap and even had more insidious plans waiting for them, but they really had no choice.

Not only because he wants to make money, but also because if he doesn't follow An Liang's script, he will suffer a loss, a loss of tens of billions of dollars.

Who wants to lose tens of billions of dollars before their eyes?

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