The gossip released by Anliang caused a huge reaction in the US stock investment market. He directly named four large investment companies including Berkshire Hathaway as having unshirkable responsibility for the gold mine in the North District of Sunset Canyon.

This is also true!

Even the North District gold mine incident was spread through gossip and was not actively promoted by Berkshire Hathaway and other four large investment companies. However, Anliang guided the fishing boat and threw the blame on Berkshire Hathaway. Wei and four other large investment companies said they had proactively released the gossip.

Under An Liang's constant guidance, Anxin Investment, which was supposed to be a target, actually didn't have much targeted discussion.

Even if there is a small amount of targeted discussion, An Liang will immediately lead others to suppress it.

Regarding the discussion of safe investment, Anliang has a set of myths.

According to the myth, Anxin Investment is Xia Guo's investment company, which is the enemy's power. Since it is an enemy, it is natural to be careful.

However, Berkshire Hathaway and other four large investment companies are their own people. They actually unite with Anxin Investment, an enemy, to harvest their own people. Isn't that even more outrageous than Anxin Investment?

This contradiction transfer plan has successfully transferred the pressure on Anxin Investment from the investment market in Bald Eagle Country.

Even if someone with eyesight can see that there is something wrong with this, so what?

Four large investment companies including Berkshire Hathaway did indeed make money, and the geologists they arranged did make a final contribution in this operation.

Almost an hour later, An Liang nodded with satisfaction. Almost all the fishing trends in the Bald Eagle Country were targeting four large investment companies including Berkshire Hathaway. An An Liang successfully passed the test!

At nearly 1:30 in the afternoon, An Liang received a call from Huang Guoxiang, and he answered it casually.

"What's up?"An Liang asked

"When will our dividends arrive? Huang Guoxiang asked bluntly,"You have made a lot of money in the US stock market, and you have also cheated people. We should have our share of dividends, right?""

In fact, the National Security Bureau has been paying attention to the situation in the U.S. stock market. He knows very well what An Liang did. An Liang obviously got the most benefits, but he still left the trouble in the Bald Eagle Country.

Huang Guoxiang admired such a cool operation!

"No problem at all!"An Liang said in agreement.

"How much can we split?"Huang Guoxiang asked tentatively.

An Liang was ambiguous before, jumping twice between 100 billion and 200 billion. Although the final agreement may be 100 billion, Huang Guoxiang also has extravagant hopes. How could An Liang not understand Huang Guoxiang's extravagant hopes ? ?

This time, Anxin Investment Company’s total revenue was US$144.65 billion. All costs, including acquiring stocks, arranging human resources, forging gold mines, etc., combined, the total cost did not exceed US$650 million. Therefore, the comprehensive profit of Anxin Investment Company exceeded An Liang had no plans to transfer this money to Xia Guo and put it all in tax havens.

That means a 20% reduction in income tax expenses, which is equivalent to a reduction of US$28.8 billion. According to US dollars Calculated at an exchange rate of 1 to 6.4 with Xia Guoyuan, this reduces Xia Guoyuan’s taxes by 184.32 billion.

This tax is very huge!

The reason why Anliang is willing to share the benefits with the National Security Investigation Bureau is that in addition to the support of the National Security Investigation Bureau, they also provide Apart from the equipment, the biggest reason is tax.

Although you don’t have to pay taxes in a tax haven, you can clearly distinguish the pros and cons in your conscience.

"I can give you 200 billion Xia Guoyuan. An Liang gave Huang Guoxiang a direct surprise.

But Huang Guoxiang asked,"What do you want?""

"How do you know I have a request?"An Liang asked back.

"You must have requirements! Huang Guoxiang hummed,"I don't know you yet?"

Huang Guoxiang continued to add,"If you have any requirements, you should speak up first and we need to consider them." An

Liang said calmly,"Do you still remember that I once told you that if conditions permit in the future, we hope to actually control some areas?""

"Do you want our support?"Huang Guoxiang hesitated

"certainly! An Liang responded affirmatively,"We definitely need your support. After all, our operation is also a different kind of territory expansion, right?"

An Liang continued to add,"If we really achieve such a situation in the future, we can guarantee that in these areas, it will be equivalent to the same situation within our country.""

"Isn't this kind of thing nice?"An Liang replied with a smile.

"Such a thing is extremely illegal!"Huang Guoxiang responded

"If it is through illegal means, there will naturally be huge problems, but if it is through legal means, there will be no problem at all."An Liang said calmly.

"Are you sure you want to do these things?"Huang Guoxiang asked solemnly

"Who can tell clearly what will happen in the future? An Liang replied with a smile.

Huang Guoxiang suddenly had an idea,"So, you transferred funds to tax havens on a large scale. Are you targeting tax havens?""

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