At nearly nine o'clock in the morning, An Liang arrived at the Imperial Capital International Airport. Li Yang drove An Liang to the tarmac runway inside the airport in an Audi A8L. The Yushuang was already ready to take off.

After An Liang got off the plane and boarded the plane, the Yushuang communicated with the control tower of the Imperial Capital International Airport and directly obtained the permission to take off. An Liang did not waste a single minute at the airport.

Such convenience is the benefit of private jets!

For such convenience, Anliang booked two more private jets.


Anliang booked two private jets at once.

One of them is Gulfstream's latest G700 series private jet. This private jet is still in the test flight verification stage, but it has already accepted customer reservations, so Anliang naturally wanted to book one.

The second private jet is also a product of Gulfstream. It is the flagship G650 series of the previous generation. An Liang chose the G650ER model.

The G650ER is a luxury version of the G650, with a higher price. The corresponding price is 460 million Xia Guoyuan, and the tax is borne by the buyer.

According to the tax rate of Xia State, after entering Xia State, Anliang had to pay a tax of 85.8 million Xia Guoyuan for this Gulfstream G650ER, with a total cost of more than 545 million Xia Guoyuan.

The latest model of Gulfstream G700 does not have a specific quotation. It is currently only in reservation status. After the test flight verification is completely passed, Anliang will communicate with Gulfstream for private customization.

Anyway, the final price will definitely exceed the G650ER, this is completely certain information.

After all, this is Gulfstream's product pricing strategy.

In the sky, the Yushuang was flying smoothly. Because it was equipped with the ATG satellite data network, Anliang could still browse Internet content. He was sending messages to the 307 dormitory group.

‘An Liang: Dog sons, your father is coming back!’

‘Lu Wenshan:?’

‘Lu Wenshan: A missing person actually appeared?’

‘Lu Wenshan: I thought you sold too much gold, so everyone was gone!’

‘An Liang: Are you engaging in color again?’

‘Ma Long: This bitch is doing all sorts of things during the summer vacation, and he shows it off to us every day lately!’

‘Shen Shizhong: Yes, Brother Liang, come back quickly and collect this piece of shit!’

‘An Liang: Can a senior high school girl do it?’

‘Lu Wenshan: She should be an adult school girl who graduated from high school!’

‘Lu Wenshan: Brother Liang, we are familiar with each other. If you want to slander me, I will also sue you for slander!’

‘An Liang: Okay!’

‘An Liang: You are really tough!’

‘Lu Wenshan: I have a girlfriend, so of course I am tough!’

‘Lu Wenshan: @马龙: @深世中: I don’t think you have a partner, right?’


‘Shen Shizhong:...’

An Liang couldn't help but shook his head. This Bilü Wenshan, after not seeing him for two months, was still as slutty as ever. He hadn't changed at all!

‘Shen Shizhong: I am convinced by Wenshan!’

‘Malone: ​​I’m beginning to understand the meaning of what is said online:"The most humble person is invincible."’

‘Lu Wenshan: Thank you for your compliment!’

‘Lu Wenshan: Brother Liang, I have some bad news for you.’

‘An Liang:?’

‘Lu Wenshan: After a few days of observation and visits to the school, we found that the new generation of cabbages are not suitable for pig feed.’

‘An Liang:? ? ?’

‘An Liang: Secretly hinting at me again?’

‘Lu Wenshan: Ahem!’

‘Lu Wenshan: I mean, this class of junior girls in our school is not good!’

‘Shen Shizhong: I agree with Wenshan on this point’

‘Shen Shizhong: I worked as a freshman volunteer for three days in vain’

‘Ma Long: This class of junior high school students is indeed a bit inferior.’

‘Lu Wenshan: Does it taste like seafood?’


‘Lu Wenshan: There is another bad news!’

‘Lu Wenshan: Brother Liang, your private land is full of crooked melons and cracked dates.’

‘An Liang: What is my private land?’

‘Lu Wenshan: Isn’t it your private land across from our college? '

Opposite the Tianfu School of Economics is the Normal College. An Liang's public girlfriends in Tianfu are Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi...

Wait a minute!

Anliang only has Xia Hexin as his girlfriend. This is in line with public order and good customs.

‘An Liang: How did you know?’

‘Lu Wenshan: We have seen it in the past’

‘Shen Shizhong: We formed an exchange alliance with some people from the opposite college, and we exchanged resources.’

‘An Liang: As expected of you!’

‘Shen Shizhong: After all, I don’t have a girlfriend. '

Shen Shizhong learned An Liang's way of being a good man and overturned his car. Even though An Liang taught him step by step, he overturned his car. Can he only say that his driving skills are too poor?

In less than two hours, the Yushuang landed smoothly at Tianfu International Airport. After Anliang got off the plane, it would return to the Imperial Capital because Anliang had entrusted it to the Imperial Capital International Airport.

The annual parking fee reaches 3.6 million!


It is only the parking fee and does not include any other service fees.

Other inspections and maintenance, etc., will require additional costs.

If the Yushuang had to berth at Tianfu International Airport, the cost per twenty-four hours might be as high as 100,000 yuan, so the Yushuang would return directly to the Didu International Airport.

"Boss, where should we go now?"Li Yang asked An Liang


Update time: July 21, 2021 00:02:29. Bless Shangdu and hope everything is safe.

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