When he was a freshman, Ma Long liked to go to the library, but he went to the library not to study, but to pass on the great cause of human civilization. However, the champion brother repeatedly failed.

Shen Shizhong added on the side,"Brother Champion has set his sights on a freshman girl again. He goes to the library every day to have chance encounters. In fact, the method is so clumsy that I feel so embarrassed that I clench my toes!"

"I feel sorry for the champion!"An Liang sighed silently.

Why does a slutty onmyoji like Lu Wenshan have a girlfriend, but he is also tall, strong and handsome?...Cross out the last attribute. Even if the champion brother is not handsome, at least he is tall and strong, but he can't find a girlfriend.

All I can say is that this is life!

Are there surprises everywhere?

"Brother Liang, please bring me to the welcome party today."Shen Shizhong changed the topic on the side.

Lu Wenshan immediately followed,"I'm going too, brother Liang, take me with you!"

"You have a girlfriend, what are you going to do? Shen Shizhong complained.

An Liang seconded,"You are so coquettish, does your girlfriend know?""

"She knows!"Lu Wenshan nodded.



An Liang and Shen Shizhong were both speechless. This Lu Wenshan is really cool!

"Wait a minute, I'll ask the counselor if I can take someone there."An Liang responded.

Shen Shizhong explained on the side,"There are a lot of freshmen this year, and Brother Liang is the student representative who will give the welcome speech, so the college has changed the location of the welcome party from the multi-purpose hall to the playground."

"Since we are in the big playground, you can go by yourself!"An Liang was confused.

Shen Shizhong replied,"If we go by ourselves, we can only sit outside. Freshmen, school staff, and invited guests can sit in the front."

"Okay, let me ask."An Liang responded, and then sent a message to Wan Yunfei to ask about the situation.

After Wan Yunfei received An Liang's message, he immediately replied to An Liang

‘Wan Yunfei: No problem, Mr. An, how many guest seats do you want? '

An Liang thought about it and sent a message to Bai Yue first.

‘An Liang: Classmate Bai Yue, do you have time in the evening? Bai

Yue was analyzing the development plan of the Animal Star Rescue Foundation in the dormitory. When she received An Liang's message, her face turned slightly red, but the next moment she knew that she was thinking too much.

Because Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin are also in Tianfu, it can't be her anyway, right?

‘Bai Yue: I have time. Is there anything going on with An?’

‘An Liang: Regarding the New Year Party, I can get a guest seat. Do you want to go to the New Year Party?’

‘An Liang: All three guys in our dormitory will participate, and I will be the student representative delivering the welcome speech. Bai

Yue looked at the message An Liang sent. She actually wanted to go to the orientation party because An Liang was a student representative and she just wanted to see An Liang.

However, Bai Yue knew that the guest seats were in the front row, so she refused An Liang's kindness.

‘Bai Yue: [Picture: Animal Star Rescue Foundation Development Plan]’

‘Bai Yue: Checking and filling in the gaps’

‘Bai Yue: Classmate An, I still need to communicate with Sister Zijin, so I won’t attend the welcome party.’

‘An Liang: OK. An

Liang looked at Bai Yue's reply and was a little surprised. Did Zhang Zijin move so fast?


It was close to seven o'clock in the evening, in the playground of Tianfu University of Economics.

The welcome party officially started at seven o'clock. All the freshmen were already seated. Shen Shizhong, Lu Wenshan, and Ma Long were sitting in the second row. They were whispering about the situation of this new class of students..

An Liang was preparing a welcome speech backstage. He was the second one to take the stage. Naturally, Qin Daorong was the first one to take the stage. There is no such thing as the finale of the New Year party, so An Liang was the second one to take the stage to give a speech.

At seven o'clock in the evening, two students, a boy and a girl, took the stage to host the welcome party. Qin Daorong's speech was very simple. He just welcomed the new students and wished them to study hard. He did not mean to make a long speech at all. The whole process only took a minute..

After Qin Daorong left the stage, An Liang naturally appeared. In the backstage passage, Qin Daorong said encouragingly,"Classmate An, it's up to you next!"

An Liang said jokingly,"Dean Qin is really lazy!"

Qin Daorong also said He responded jokingly,"After all, everyone likes this!"

An Liang took the microphone and came to the stage. He first introduced himself,"Good evening everyone, I am An Liang from the third class of finance in 2019. I am very happy to welcome my junior students on behalf of the seniors. Girls choose our college!"

"When I just took notes backstage, it only took Dean Qin 1 minute and 18 seconds to speak. Logically speaking, I should control it within this time, but my speed is not that fast."An Liang teased Qin Daorong.

The students present, whether they were freshmen or old students, burst into laughter. Apparently they understood An Liang's teasing.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else."An Liang added that there is no three hundred taels of silver here.

This time, the laughter was even louder, especially among the freshmen. They had heard the legend of An Liang before, and now An Liang openly ridiculed the dean of his college at the welcome party. These freshmen are quite shocked!

Is An Liang such a fierce person?

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