An Liang looked at the detailed introduction of the Teacher's Day concert activities.

First of all, in terms of registration, it has been decided that university teachers within Datianfu, including counselors and teaching assistants, can also participate in the Teachers' Day concert.

Secondly, in terms of voting, only Yue Yue members can vote. Yue Yue members have a free registration system, so this does not pose a problem, and it also increases the intensity of Yue Yue's publicity.

However, ordinary members only have one vote per day, premium members have three votes per day, and exclusive members have ten votes per day. This increases the distance and ensures the superiority of exclusive membership.

There are two restrictions for selecting the top thirty-two in the preliminary round. The first is the total number of votes in the college, and the second is the highest number of votes within the college.

For example, if twenty teachers from Tianfu School of Economics sign up for the competition, and the total number of votes cast by Tianfu School of Economics is 100,000, and it ranks tenth, it will naturally get one of the top thirty-two spots.

However, the top thirty-two colleges can only arrange for one person to participate, so among the twenty contestants within the college, the one with the highest number of votes is selected as the representative.

In the finals, it becomes a scoring system, and only scores between 6 and 9 are allowed, such as 6.1 or 9.9. After all, participating teachers who have passed the preliminary round cannot score below six, right?

Secondly, there is also a limit on the number of ratings. Starting from 6 points to 9 points, plus the middle 7 points and 8 points, there are a total of four integers. Each integer is only allowed to be used 8 times, which corresponds to thirty-two contestants.

At the same time, modifications are allowed to make score corrections based on real-time concert conditions.

Such scoring restrictions, as well as frequency limits, will better prevent the exchange of votes and avoid reasonable measures to remove the highest and lowest scores.

The introduction of decimal point scoring is to avoid the situation of identical scores.

The awards are listed in great detail.

The first place is naturally 100 million points worth 1 million Yuan; the second place is dropped to 500,000, the third is dropped to 200,000, the fourth is dropped to 100,000, and the fifth is dropped to 50,000.

The sixth to tenth place will receive only 20,000 Feather Moon Points; the eleventh to thirty-second place will receive 10,000 Feather Moon Points.

It is equivalent to entering the top 32, and you can get Yuyue Points worth 10,000 yuan as a guarantee.

This is quite attractive to college teachers at the counselor and teaching assistant level.

"Take a look at the Yuyue app or mini program. The Teacher's Day concert activities have been updated. Are you all Yuyue members?"An Liang asked.

Xu Nuo nodded,"Of course we have to support the life committee boss, but I am an ordinary member."

Kang Yujia seconded,"I am also an ordinary member."

Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin are exclusive members, but they did not become exclusive members through consumption, but were directly locked in the exclusive membership level by Anliang. The four of them checked the Teacher's Day concert in Yuyue Mini Program After they finished reading, Xia Ruyi spoke first.

"I declare that the Academy of Fine Arts is over!"Xia Ruyi said jokingly

"Um? An Liang looked at Xia Ruyi in confusion,"Why is the Academy of Fine Arts finished?" Xia

Hexin continued,"The number of students in the Academy of Fine Arts is relatively small. According to this voting method, they may not be able to pass the preliminary round." Xia

Ruyi said affirmatively,"Yes, the total number of people in the Academy of Fine Arts seems to be only more than 3,500. Our school has more than 16,000 people. We can easily kill the Academy of Fine Arts in an instant." An

Liang responded with a wry smile,"Oh no, our school is also going to be poor. There are only more than 5,500 people in our school, which is not even a fraction of yours!""

"Then change the rules? Xia Ruyi tried.

An Liang shook his head,"It's not necessary. It's just a small matter. I believe our school can solve it.""

This Teacher's Day concert has restrictions on contestants, but there are no restrictions on voters. In addition, Yuyue's membership is a free registration system, which means that other people can also help vote. An

Liang estimates that some schools should Will it cause trouble?

Of course, since the highest reward is only equivalent to 1 million Yue Yue Points, professional vote-swiping should not happen. After all, vote-swiping costs money, right?

The most you can do is to win over relatives and friends to vote. ?

"Huh?"Xu Nuo let out a light sigh,"The beautiful counselor from Class 4 next door to our school has entered the competition!"

Kang Yujia took a look at the voting rankings for the Teacher's Day Concert. Ji Xiaoyu, their counselor from Class 4 of the Education Department of Tianfu Normal University, was at the top of the list, and the number of votes had exceeded a thousand.

An Liang secretly used the interpersonal scanning system to determine Ji Xiaoyu's information


Ji Xiaoyu:

Age: 25

Height: 168cm

Weight: 46kg

Appearance: 88 Figure

: 90

Friendliness: 60

Purity: 100 Character and morality: 90

Physical health: 90


This Ji Xiaoyu is one of the best in terms of appearance, close to one in a thousand. His height is also the standard of a goddess, and his figure is also decent.

What’s more important is that it’s 100% pure!

So she is a real goddess?

Xia Ruyi explained to An Liang on the side,"The counselor in the fourth class next to us is a graduate student of our school and is currently working as a counselor. She is very beautiful and has a good reputation. I guess it is the teachers and students who pursue her who are promoting and voting for her."

"I think you are more beautiful!"An Liang tapped the screen of his mobile phone to indicate that he had watched the singing video released by Ji Xiaoyu.

"snort!"Xia Ruyi snorted.

Kang Yujia teased,"Are you really not hiding it at all?"

"We covered it up, do you believe it?"An Liang asked back.

"Do not believe!" Kang Yujia denied without hesitation.

Xu Nuo seconded,"I can't believe it even if I think about it with my toes!"

An Liang said calmly,"Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway!"

If you don’t believe it yourself, how can you expect others to believe it?


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