It was nearly nine o'clock in the evening.

Xia Ruyi followed An Liang's instructions and drove to the International Financial Center. Of course, An Liang did not actually go to Anxin Investment Company, but opened two suites at the Nina Hotel.

An Liang had a suite by himself, and the two sisters from the Xia family lived in a suite.

In An Liang's suite, Xia Ruyi took care of An Liang's washing, mainly because An Liang was in a drunken state, and Xia Hexin needed to deal with things at work, so Xia Ruyi naturally took care of An Liang.

In order to repay Xia Ruyi for taking care of him, An Liang naturally took Xia Ruyi to join the canyon game to play double queue together.

The dual-talent warriors and the influence of alcohol made this double row game last longer. Waiting for the battle to end, Xia Ruyi had already collapsed in An Liang's arms.

An Liang gently stroked Xia Ruyi's back and said casually,"I'm afraid Teacher Ji from your college will lose, and that Ye Qiangwei may get the first place."

Xia Ruyi agreed,"Well, I have such a hunch too."

Xia Ruyi added,"I even think she might get first place in the final."

An Liang denied Xia Ruyi's view,"The preliminary round is different from the final. The preliminary round is a video model, and there are too many additional factors, such as The song chosen by Ye Qiangwei matches her name very well. In addition, she also draws roses and dresses in a certain way, so she can collect votes."

An Liang continued to add,"As you know, the finals will be sung live at Tianfu Sports Center , and will invite students from various colleges to participate. Under the atmosphere of the scene, if there is abnormal performance, coupled with the scoring system of the finals, she will not be able to win first place!"

"Uh-huh!"Xia Ruyi agreed.

"I'll go over and get the charger first, you wait a moment."



_ As the shooter in the output position, Xia Ruyi naturally chose to assist. The two sides cooperated closely. Even though the battle was fierce, it took almost an hour in the end. An Liang still led Xia Ruyi to win! The next day,


At more than 11 noon, An Liang got up lazily, mainly because in the morning, An Liang took Xia Ruyi for two more qualifying matches.

"What do you want to eat for lunch?"An Liang asked the two sisters of the Xia family.

Today's temperature in Tianfu is very high, exceeding 35 degrees Celsius. Under such high temperature, neither the two sisters of the Xia family nor An Liang have a good appetite.

"I don't know, the weather is a bit hot and I don't want to eat hot food."Xia Ruyi responded.

Ace power leveling coach Xia Hexin seconded the response,"I don't want to eat hot things either. An

Liang thought about it for a moment before suggesting,"Then let's go to the place where you used to live. The Bobo Chicken there is pretty good. What do you think?"

Xia Ruyi nodded,"Yeah!" Xia

Hexin responded in agreement,"I haven't eaten Bobo Chicken from my hometown for a long time, and I still miss it a bit.""

"Then let’s go!"An Liang led the two of them out of the suite, took the elevator to the underground parking garage, and then An Liang drove to the old story Bobo Chicken on Cultural Street.

There are high-priced temporary parking spaces on the roadside of Cultural Street. This kind of temporary parking space is poisonous. Every It’s five yuan an hour, unlimited cumulative calculation fees, but the only advantage is that there is a spot most of the time.

An Liang parked the Maisha Rui version of the Audi RSQ8 in a temporary parking space on the roadside, and then followed the two Xia sisters into the old story bowl Boji Shop.

The owner of this shop knows the two Xia sisters, as well as Cai Yushan and Xia Xiaodong, so An Liang behaves well and just follows them to avoid being accused. There are some things that must be tacitly understood and pretend to understand. Being confused is the best choice

"It's you!"When Zhou Kang saw Xia Ruyi, Xia Hexin, and An Liang, he took the initiative to say hello.

"You can choose what you want to eat. I'm a bit busy here."Zhou Kang added.

Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin were already familiar with each other and picked out their favorite dishes with trays. An Liang was sitting at the long table like the uncle, waiting for the two Xia sisters to finish these things..

Anyway, the two Xia sisters knew what he liked to eat, so he didn’t need to choose the dishes by himself.

After a while, Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin chose the dishes, and they sat down opposite An Liang honestly, because this Bobo Chicken The owner of the store has Xia Xiaodong's WeChat account. If he is not honest, he will definitely be sued!

Although Xia Xiaodong always likes to call An Liang brothers when he is drunk, and asks An Liang to take care of the two Xia sisters, but what happens when he is drunk counts?

"Brother-in-law, we brought you tender beef, mushrooms, and baby cabbage. Xia Ruyi took the initiative to report to An Liang.

Xia Hexin added,"There are also dried tofu and boneless chicken feet that you like.""

Speaking of this, Xia Hexin lowered her voice,"The boneless chicken feet at Uncle Zhou's house are really deboned manually with a knife."

Previously, the news media broke the news that many boneless chicken feet from unscrupulous merchants were actually chewed out by hand!

That's right!

It was literally 'gnawed'!

That's why Xia Hexin specifically told An Liang about the situation, Otherwise, Anliang would not normally eat boneless chicken feet from outside.

About seven or eight minutes later, Zhou Jiakang brought up the Bobo Chicken that the two sisters of the Xia family had selected. He then started to talk about family matters,"Your family moved to Nanhu, and you also have I haven’t been here for a while. How does it taste? Compared with other Bobo chickens, is ours better?"

An Liang has eaten this Bobo Chicken before, and he thinks it's pretty good!

Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin tasted it, and Xia Hexin responded first,"I've eaten a lot of Bobo Chicken, but I still think Uncle Zhou's is the best."

"Uh-huh! My sister is right! Xia Ruyi responded.

Zhou Jiakang smiled and said,"That's good. I'm going to apply for the Fox Fairy Food Evaluation. I hope I can pass it!""

"Fox Fairy Food Review?"Xia Ruyi was confused.

An Liang was a little speechless on the side. What kind of flying knife is this?

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