Now is the era of 2020. The security measures of the bank are very good. Coupled with the safe public security environment of Xia State, it is very difficult to steal items from the bank.

After all, in this era, whether it is news about bank robberies or bank thefts, they have almost disappeared, right?

Faced with An Liang's inquiry, Zhao Wanxi responded,"From the current situation, we suspect that it is a matter of internal and external cooperation."

Zhao Wanxi continued to explain the details,"The Liu family stored the thousand-year-old Astragalus slices at the Imperial Commercial Bank. Among the West 3rd Avenue branches, they have a cooperative relationship with the West 3rd Avenue branch."

"When Liu Neng's cousin tried to steal slices of thousand-year-old astragalus, Liu Neng's family went to the bank to check the slices of thousand-year-old astragalus, and it was confirmed at that time that there was no problem." Zhao Wanxi continued to add.

An Liang answered,"When did you discover that the thousand-year-old astragalus slices were stolen?"

"Less than half an hour ago."Zhao Wanxi responded,"Liu Neng's family will check the status of the Millennium Astragalus slices every three to five. When I went to check today, I found that there was a problem with the packaging of the Millennium Astragalus slices, so I checked carefully and determined that the Millennium Astragalus slices had been repackaged."

"The National Security Investigation Bureau has blocked the information and is currently investigating."Zhao Wanxi added

"Please wait a moment and let me ask about the situation."An Liang responded, then hung up the phone and contacted Wei Ziyang who was staying in the imperial capital.

An Liang used the voice call of Renyi Security Company's confidential communication software to contact Wei Ziyang. After waiting for the call to be connected, An Liang quickly explained the situation

"Have you received any news? An Liang asked.

Wei Ziyang responded negatively,"Sorry, Mr. An, we only know that the National Security Investigation Bureau has blocked the Xisandao Branch of Imperial Commercial Bank, but there are no further details.""

"We will investigate the specific situation immediately."Wei Ziyang added.

An Liang did not blame Wei Ziyang. After all, Renyi Security Company is not an omniscient and omnipotent God. In addition, Liu Neng is not a figure closely related to An Liang. Renyi Security Company naturally did not pay attention to him.

Renyi Security Company knew that the National Security Investigation Bureau blocked It is already a very good thing to visit the Xisandao Branch of Imperial Commercial Bank, because it means that Renyi Security Company is also paying attention to Huang Guoxiang's actions.

"Report any news immediately."An Liang ordered

"clear."Wei Ziyang responded.

An Liang hung up the call and called Zhao Wanxi again. After Zhao Wanxi got through, An Liang spoke first,"We don't have any information here at the moment."

"What is the current situation at the Xisandao Branch of Imperial Commercial Bank?" An Liang asked.

Zhao Wanxi responded,"Their lobby manager Ge Wankai is on leave today, but the bank cannot contact him, and Ge Wankai's family does not know his whereabouts."

"There is something wrong with this lobby manager!"An Liang responded

"Yes, there must be something wrong with him, that’s why we suspected that something was going on inside and outside!"Zhao Wanxi responded,"The National Security Investigation Bureau is currently investigating his whereabouts."

"According to the density of cameras in the Imperial City, using big data, and human facial feature recognition programs, the National Security Investigation Agency should soon discover his location."Zhao Wanxi's optimistic analysis.

An Liang responded negatively,"I think it's difficult!"

For ordinary people, the security monitoring system is simply a dragnet, and it is almost impossible to escape.

But for organized and premeditated criminal activities, the security monitoring system is powerless.

Taking Renyi Security Company as an example, Renyi The security company is operating in the Imperial Capital, but it has methods and technologies to avoid cameras or interfere with cameras.

According to the importance of thousand-year-old Astragalus slices, An Liang can be very sure that the personnel involved in this operation may have prepared counter-security measures in advance. Means of monitoring the system

"Since the other party dares to slice the thousand-year-old astragalus, it means that the other party is fully prepared."An Liang explained

"You remind Lao Huang and ask him to check the lobby manager's situation, including his health, financial situation, relationship status, and family status."An Liang said remindingly.

Zhao Wanxi understood what An Liang meant,"Okay, I'll tell Uncle Huang right away.

At this point, Zhao Wanxi asked additionally,"Do you want to come to the Imperial Capital to investigate in person?"

An Liang thought for a few seconds before refusing to respond,"I believe Lao Huang can investigate clearly!""

Actually, An Liang wants to take the two sisters of the Xia family to travel to Jiuxian Valley. How can such a 'little thing' make An Liang change his mind?

Thousand-year-old astragalus slices are really a small thing to An Liang now!

After all, the golden age has already passed It has been unearthed and is currently being transported to Shili Bay for research. Once Sun Shizhong 'researches' the effect of Golden Tai Sui, what will happen to the thousand-year-old astragalus slices?

"So how should Liu Neng deal with it?"Zhao Wanxi asked again.

"Of course he deserves it! An Liang responded with a smile,"We have reminded all members to pay attention to the safety of slices of thousand-year-old astragalus. Now that they have not kept it well, our club will not be responsible, let alone compensate them for a piece of thousand-year-old astragalus.""

Zhao Wanxi snorted softly,"You know what I said!"

Of course An Liang understands what Zhao Wanxi means. An Liang has told the members of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club to be careful to avoid accidents when slicing the thousand-year-old astragalus.

Now Liu Neng's family has lost a piece of thousand-year-old astragalus. What Zhao Wanxi means is, Will An Liang be angry?

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