Yunjing International Apartment, in the living room of Room 8806, Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang were having breakfast. An Liang joined them after finishing washing.

Facing Chen Siyu's inquiry, An Liang responded seriously,"I'm here to apologize to Shuangshuang."

Chen Siyu snorted,"You finally remembered?"

Ning Ruoshuang waved her hands quickly,"It's okay, Master An, You don't need to care"

"There have been too many things going on recently, so I forgot about Shuangshuang's birthday for a while."An Liang said apologetically.

"When I celebrated Siyu's birthday before, I had already planned to hold a grand birthday celebration for Shuangshuang. After all, you are all my girlfriends, and I won't favor one over the other."An Liang said sincerely

"However, things at work have been a bit complicated recently, plus the start of school, so I forgot about Shuangshuang's birthday for a while." An Liang looked at Ning Ruoshuang apologetically.

Ning Ruoshuang took the initiative to hold An Liang's hand. She looked into An Liang's eyes and said seriously and slightly shyly,"Husband, it's okay, I really don't care."

An Liang and Ning Ruoshuang intertwined their fingers, and he silently made a decision in his heart,"Yeah! Chen

Siyu added on the side,"Master An, I will prove to Shuangshuang that she is not unhappy. We have discussed this matter before, and Shuangshuang expressed her understanding." An

Liang looked at Chen Siyu and hummed,"Can't you imitate Shuangshuang and call me Master An every day?" Ning

Ruoshuang immediately changed her mind,"Master An, when will you go back to school?""

"..."An Liang looked at Ning Ruoshuang speechlessly.

"Ha ha ha ha!"Chen Siyu laughed loudly.

It was almost 7:30 in the morning.

Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang went out together, and An Liang didn't see them off because they both knew how to drive, and their driving skills surpassed Yun Haiyang's Eighteen Streets.

After they left, An Liang took the initiative to use National Security Bureau confidential communication software to contact Huang Guoxiang

"Have you arrived in the imperial capital?"Waiting for the voice communication to be answered, Huang Guoxiang asked straight to the point.

"Don't ask nonsense. An Liang complained bluntly,"What's the situation now?""

"Your plan is half successful! Huang Guoxiang responded,"The other party saw through your plan and sent people directly to negotiate.""

"Secret negotiations?"An Liang asked back.

"Yes and no. Huang Guoxiang explained,"The former chief minister of Neon arranged for his close assistant to come over, but he did not contact us directly. An Liang grasped the blind spot,"

Should we contact you or us?""

"Aren't we partners?"Huang Guoxiang asked knowingly

"Ah!"An Liang chuckled softly.

"Are you ready to burn bridges?"Huang Guoxiang tried to change the topic

"What exactly is going on? An Liang asked,"Old Huang, can we use less tricks?""

"Alright alright! Huang Guoxiang responded proactively,"To be precise, the other party hopes to contact you through us. The man behind the scenes saw through your plan, and he also knows that you have the largest number of thousand-year-old astragalus.""

"Your Renyi Security Company hid it so well that they couldn't find a contact person, so they contacted us."Huang Guoxiang added.


How can it still be like this?

An Liang couldn't complain

"Have you talked to each other?"An Liang asked casually

"of course not. Huang Guoxiang replied,"I have already said that the other party hopes to contact you again through us. Naturally, it is not to talk to us.""

"That’s why I sent you a message asking you to come to the Imperial Capital to handle this matter."Huang Guoxiang added

"Leave the other person’s contacts to us! An Liang replied,"We will handle the next matter ourselves.""

"We can't be a part of it? Huang Guoxiang asked.

Before An Liang answered, Huang Guoxiang added,"We are all partners. If there are any problems, of course we must face them together." An

Liang thought for a moment before agreeing,"Yes, we are partners. You can naturally participate in this negotiation.""

"Um? Huang Guoxiang responded in surprise,"What tricks do you have?""

"There are no tricks, we are partners, that’s all. An Liang responded,"According to our previous agreement, you can also use him after the plan is successful, so you can naturally participate in the negotiation.""

Huang Guoxiang suddenly realized

"You arrange the negotiation location and pay attention to safety and confidentiality. An Liang added,"Since there is no direct contact with the other party, it means that the other party also wants to keep it confidential.""

"no problem. Huang Guoxiang said in agreement,"We will communicate with the other party first, and we will contact you as soon as we have the result.""

After the two parties ended the call, An Liang contacted Chen Sansheng and asked about the decoration situation of Chenjia Cuisine.

"Mr. An, please rest assured that everything is going well here. The decoration company you found is very responsible and there is no cutting corners."Chen Sansheng reported

"That's good! An Liang responded,"As for the research and development of dishes, you must also hurry up.""

"no problem." Chen Sansheng responded,"I am currently trying various private restaurants in the imperial capital, and I am becoming more and more confident in developing Chen's cuisine."

Sure enough, Chen Sansheng is still as confident as ever.

The two exchanged some words and ended the call.

It was just a private restaurant, and An Liang didn't care too much about it. He paid attention to Chen's cuisine more because of the little vixen than what it could do. How much benefit is created.

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