An Liang listened to Shimizu Makoto's response with a smile. He said at the beginning that the other party was just meat on the chopping board and there was no room for resistance at all.

"Since you trust us, then follow our cooperation plan. Your boss will first complete the two things we proposed. Once completed, we will pay you."An Liang explained.

"However, we must remind you that when you complete your mission, we will pay you. We are only responsible for your safety in Xia Kingdom. Once you get on the plane, you will be responsible for subsequent safety issues yourself."An Liang said remindingly.

"I recommend that after you finish your work, arrange for more people to pick up the goods. We will be responsible for sending you safely to the flight. If you also arrange for people to pick up the goods at Neon, there should be no problem."Anliang added.

Anliang used small words again. On the surface, he was reminding the other party to pay attention to safety, but in fact, he acquiesced that the other party had accepted the cooperation plan and completed the task.

Qingshui Cheng hesitated secretly. He did not realize Anliang's words. Question, is he guessing whether Anliang will arrange for someone to do it on the plane?

In fact, Qingshui Cheng is thinking too much!

Thousand-year-old Astragalus is indeed very precious, and its medicinal effects are also very good, but for Anliang, Thousand-year-old Astragalus is really valuable Dispensable.

Golden Tai Sui perfectly replaces Millennium Astragalus.

However, Golden Tai Sui has not been completely 'researched' yet.

"Please wait a moment, I need to report the cooperation content."Shimizu Makoto could not decide to cooperate independently. He took out his hardware-encrypted mobile phone and sent the negotiation contents to Takeda Kenta, assistant to the former chief minister of Neon. Takeda Kenta had arrived in the imperial capital according to Abe Shinzan's instructions. He controlled Shimizu remotely. It was just a negotiation with Makoto. After all, Takeda Kenta's identity was not suitable for meeting with Yasura in public. When Kenta Takeda read the message sent by Makoto Shimizu, he felt helpless in his heart, because the strength of the other party was completely expected. After all, their weaknesses were exposed. The other party is in control, and they do not have the other party's weaknesses.

When they cannot achieve a balance of weaknesses, do they have any other way besides agreeing to the other party's request?

Kenta Takeda has not thought of creating weaknesses, such as targeting Anliang's relatives, and Anliang girlfriend, but Kenta Takeda gave up such a plan directly.

Because Anliang does things within the rules, if they want to go beyond the rules, the other party will definitely go beyond the rules.

In view of this situation, Kenta Takeda can only do things within the rules. , he honestly negotiated with Yasuyoshi through Makoto Shimizu.

Kenta Takeda contacted the former chief minister of Neon through confidential channels and reported the status of the negotiations. He was also unable to decide whether to cooperate. After all, the conditions given by the other party were a bit excessive.

In fact, Takeda Kenta guessed Abe Shinzan's choice, but he could guess. He couldn't make a decision on his own behalf, so he chose to report it to Abe Shinzan.

"Mr. Anbei, what should we do now?"Kenta Takeda waited for instructions.

Shinzan Abe said calmly,"Agree to the other party's request! We have no choice!"

Anbei Jinshan understood that the other party gave him no choice at all. Apart from taking a gamble, did he have any other choice?

Only Thousand-year-old Astragalus can save him now!

"Hi!"Kenta Takeda expressed his understanding.

"There is one more thing. After I have taken care of it, you must pay attention to safety when transporting things."An Bei Jinshan reminded.

An Bei Jinshan added again,"I suspect that the other party may reveal that we have obtained the information about the Millennium Astragalus, and it will be after the Millennium Astragalus arrives in Neon."

Anyway, if it were An Bei Jinshan, he would definitely do this!

Because the other party has fulfilled his promise and fulfilled the reward that should be fulfilled. If there is a problem with the Millennium Astragalus in Neon territory, it should be An Bei Jinshan. Is one party responsible?

"Please rest assured, I will guarantee its safety with my life!"Kenta Takeda said solemnly

"be safe."Anbei Jinshan reminded.

After ending the call, Anbei Jinshan called Dr. Kawamura Taro. He asked first,"Is there any relationship between my colorectal cancer and the nuclear pollution in the Fukushima area?"

"this..."Taro Kawamura hesitated, he didn’t know how to answer

"Answer truthfully!"Anbei Jinshan reminded,"If it is there, it is relevant. If it is not, it is not relevant. I just want an answer."

Kawamura Taro lowered his head and responded,"There should be a certain relationship. You originally had colitis. After suffering the damage from nuclear pollution, your colitis developed into colorectal cancer."

"I need relevant theoretical supporting evidence, and I am ready to disclose this matter to make the people aware of the threat of nuclear contamination!"Ambei Jinshan said righteously, as if he was the savior of the people.

I have to say, this attitude is really ironic, huh?

When Anbe Jinshan was in the position of chief minister, in order to get more He even personally tasted the agricultural and sideline fishery products from nuclear-contaminated areas due to public support.

Now for his own safety, he is ready to publicly oppose nuclear pollution.

It can only be said that Abe Jinshan is a master of face-changing!

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