Jingang International Circuit, waiting area.

An Liang, Zhao Wanxi, and Hu Xiaoyu came over. Other members of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club were already discussing the lap time results.

Qian Xiaogang was doubting his life. Before the game, he made a high-profile statement that he would win first place, but after the game, he didn't even enter the top ten.

Li Cunyuan even finished seventh!

An Liang walked to Qian Xiaogang and said casually,"Brother Gangzi, what's going on?"

Qian Xiaogang shook his head,"I don't know either."

Yun Haiyang revealed the truth at the side,"He was with Xia Shihan yesterday, and Huang Beilei, Landlord, sent me a message to eat supper at around four o'clock in the morning. I thought he was gone today!"

An Liang gave Qian Xiaogang a thumbs up, did this guy bring it upon himself?

Hu Xiaoyu answered on the side,"Brother Liang just said that he is going to give Xiao Nengzi an extra special reward."

Hu Xiaoyu said the discount quota for redeeming thousand-year-old astragalus slices, and everyone looked at Liu with envy. able.

Liu Neng expressed his thanks with excitement,"Thank you, Brother Liang! Thank you, Brother Liang!"

An Liang patted Liu Neng's shoulder,"You should thank Brother Gangzi. If he performed normally, could you get the first place? Really Not necessarily."

Qian Xiaogang answered distressedly on the side,"Don't kill, don't kill, I really feel uncomfortable."

Liu Neng responded sensibly,"I will be the host tonight, invite the elder brothers and sisters to dinner, and then go dancing Jump."

An Liang naturally did not refuse, but he only ate and did not participate in any subsequent activities.

He, An Liang, is a good man!


At nearly six o'clock in the afternoon, Xia Guo time, a group of people from Tianshang Bai Yujing Club drove to Luqiao Furious Roast Mutton Restaurant in a mighty car.

Facing the neon lights across the sea, former Chief Minister Abe Shinzan was checking the medical records compiled by his personal doctor Taro Kawamura, as well as his physical condition at the corresponding time point.

When Anbei Jinshan finished reading the information, his face looked a little ugly,"Dr. Kawamura, are you sure there is nothing wrong with this information?"

"I am sure! Taro Kawamura responded,"If Mr. Anbei has any questions, we can contact the Cancer Research Institute and the Akira Hospital for joint research. Mr. Anbei will go to them for review every week and leave medical records.""

Cancer Research Huimei Hospital is the first in the field of cancer treatment and is among the best in the world.

Abe Jinshan sighed, and he waved his hand to signal Kawamura Taro to go down.

After Kawamura Taro left, Abe Jinshan looked at Takeda Kenta,"Are you ready for the press conference?"

"Preparations have been completed, and NHK TV station has been specially contacted, and NHK TV station has confirmed the live broadcast." Kenta Takeda responded.

NHK TV is a well-known pro-Xia TV station. It praises Xia in the news every day and criticizes various neon issues.

This time Abe Shinzan is ready to take action on the nuclear pollution issue of neon. NHK TV Of course he won't be absent

"At eight o'clock in the evening, a press conference was held on time."Anbei Jinshan ordered to go down.

"Hi!"Kenta Takeda responded.

Neon's time zone is one hour ahead of Xiaguo. When Neon time was eight o'clock in the evening, Neon's former chief minister Abe Shinzan arrived at the press conference on time.

NHK TV station had already done this Prepared for the live broadcast, and arranged the corresponding news broadcast room.

At the press conference, Anbei Jinshan walked to the podium, then stood on the podium, picked up the press release and read it, then put down the news directly draft

"This press release is so boring!"Abe Jinshan said without concealment.

Whether it was NHK TV, Fuji TV, or TBS TV, everyone realized at this moment that the former Chief Minister of Neon was probably going to make big news!

"Mr. Anbei, what kind of press release is boring?" NHK TV station's super rookie reporter Mabe Akei asked directly.

Mabe Akei is the best journalist of the younger generation of NHK TV. He has previously asked fierce questions on the issue of nuclear contaminated wastewater, and in an interview with the Minister of Intelligence Sometimes, they use provocation to stimulate the other party to drink nuclear-contaminated tritium water.

Faced with Mabe Akei’s inquiry, Takeda Kenta acted as the on-site host. He blocked it and said,"Please wait a moment, we will arrange a question session. Now please Quiet."

Mabe Meirei did not continue to ask questions. He asked the cameraman to focus more and locked the camera on Abe Shinzan. He had a hunch that Abe Shinzan might say something shocking at this press conference.

On the podium , Anbei Jinshan greeted into the microphone,"Good evening everyone."

"First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Anbei Jinshan. I am the former chief minister of the Neon Court. I am currently idle."Anbei Jinshan introduced himself first.

In fact, there are probably not many people in Neon who don't know him, right?

"Regarding today's press conference, I just want to say one thing, that is, the nuclear wastewater discharge plan is a complete scam!"Abe Shinzan pointed the finger directly at the nuclear contaminated wastewater discharge plan!

Mabu Akira's face showed joy. Abe Shinzan really made big news with his shocking words!


Update time: August 12, 2021 00:03:33, Xiaoyu, the eternal god! Thank you all for your support, good night~

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