It's around eight o'clock in the evening, Nanwu Road, the imperial capital.

Li Yang drove a black bulletproof version of the Audi A8L. He wore a Bluetooth headset and conveyed An Liang's instructions while driving, thus mobilizing a thousand-year-old astragalus.

Less than two minutes later, Li Yang reported,"Mr. An, the matter of Millennium Astragalus has been arranged."

"Let's go to the Imperial Capital International Airport, pay attention to the security there, and choose a location in the underground parking garage as the transaction location."An Liang ordered

"OK"After Li Yang responded, he gave An Liang's order.

An Liang contacted Qing Shui Cheng from the back row through the channels of the National Security Investigation Bureau.

‘AAA: Things are ready, Xia Guo time, 9:30 pm, Imperial Capital International Airport’

‘AAA: Specific location, I will contact you later.’

‘QQQ: Received. '

Twenty past nine in the evening.

An Liang arrived at the underground parking garage of the Imperial Capital International Airport in advance.

Li Yang reported,"The entire security monitoring system of the Imperial Capital International Airport has been controlled by us, and our security monitoring records have been cleared in real time."

"Has the other party arrived?"An Liang asked

"The other party has not yet entered the imperial capital's security monitoring system."Li Yang responded

"What parking space are we in?"An Liang asked again

"We are in parking space No. 129 in Area C. Li Yang replied,"The entire security monitoring system in Area C has been set up with intelligent loop playback, and there are no traces of us.""

"Send the thousand-year-old astragalus."Anliang ordered while sending a message to Qingshui Cheng.

‘AAA: The specific transaction location is Parking Space No. 129, Area C, Underground Parking Lot, Imperial Capital International Airport’

‘AAA: You only have ten minutes’

‘QQQ: received’

‘QQQ: Please wait a moment. We are also in the underground parking lot of the Imperial Capital International Airport. An

Liang looked at the message replied by Qingshui Cheng, and he was not too surprised. Although Li Yang said that Qingshui Cheng had not entered the security monitoring area of ​​the Imperial Capital International Airport, there were too many ways to bypass the security monitoring system.

For example, dark window tint, vans, and car trunks can all be used to easily bypass security monitoring systems.

In less than five minutes, a Neon Alfa van drove over, but when it approached parking space 129, it was blocked by two Audi Q7 off-road vehicles.

The co-pilot of one of the Audi Q7 off-road vehicles lowered the window, and a masked security guard from Renyi Security Company spoke in neon words,"Only one person is allowed to pass!" The rear door of the Alpha van opened, and a man wearing a peaked cap Qingshui Cheng got out of the car, glanced at the masked security personnel of Renyi Security Company, and finally walked to parking space 129.

But he was immediately stopped again. Two security personnel from Renyi Security Company searched him. Cheng Qingshui was at the mercy of the other party without any resistance.

After careful inspection, Shimizu Makoto was released. He quickly came to parking space No. 129, and then saw Anliang sitting in the back seat.

Shimizu Makoto quickly took a look at the other empty seat in the back seat and the co-pilot. He didn't find any suitcases, and he couldn't help but feel worried secretly.

"Your Excellency, our boss has completed his task."Qingshui Cheng reminded me.

"I know. An Liang responded,"Are your security personnel ready?" Qingshui Cheng responded politely,"

Thank you for your concern. We have prepared security forces." An

Liang took out the vacuum-sealed thousand-year-old Astragalus slices from his pocket and handed them to Shimizu Makoto directly from the car window,"Pay attention to safety on the road, especially after the neon landing.""

Shimizu Makoto took the thousand-year-old astragalus slices in a daze. Was such a precious life-saving medicine handed to him so casually?

Shouldn't it be protected by some kind of bulletproof suitcase or even a constant temperature device?

Shimizu Makoto was thinking in his mind I made up a lot of pictures in my mind

"Thank you again Your Excellency."Qingshui Cheng bowed respectfully

"I'm leaving first. We will delete the security monitoring records here. Just check it again."After An Liang responded, he raised the window.

Li Yang started the bulletproof version of the Audi A8L and drove away calmly.

The two Audi Q7 off-road vehicles that blocked the Neon Alpha van also left.

Three people quickly got out of the Neon Alpha van. They trotted up to Shimizu Makoto and asked,"Did you get it?"

Shimizu Makoto showed the vacuum-sealed bag in his hand,"Of course, the other party has kept its promise, let's leave quickly."

Qingshui Cheng and his party also quickly left Area C of the underground parking lot.

On the other side, on the way back to Yunjing International Apartment, An Liang was communicating with the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator.

‘Zero: Have you found the other party’s flight information?’

‘No. 4: Already found’

‘No. 4: Neon United Airlines flight JP04078 at 10 o'clock tonight’

‘Zero: After they take off, sell this piece of information on the dark web’

‘No. 4: Received. '

Just as Neon's former chief minister Anbe Jinshan guessed, Anliang is preparing to reveal the information about the thousand-year-old Astragalus slices to create some trouble for them.

As for whether it is effective?

An Liang doesn't care at all!

An Liang revealed his attitude in this way and vaccinated the former chief minister of Neon....

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