The security department of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is under the responsibility of the National Security Investigation Agency, and a considerable number of security personnel have been field personnel of the National Security Investigation Agency.

One of the four security personnel who came this time was a field officer from the National Security Investigation Agency, and he was wearing a weapon in accordance with the standards of the National Security Investigation Agency's field missions.

"Captain Yue is this person!"After the middle-aged man wearing glasses saw the four security team members, he immediately pointed at An Liang.

Yue Fengyang is the security captain of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and is also a field staff member of the National Security Investigation Bureau. He naturally knows An Liang.

Yue Fengyang has already met An Liang this year. Forty-six years old, because of his age, he was transferred from the field department of the National Security Investigation Agency to the security department of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group

"Director Lei, you misunderstood. This person is the senior executive of our group, Mr. An. Yue Fengyang first explained that it was a misunderstanding, and then looked at An Liang,"Mr. An, what can I do for you?" An

Liang did not answer Yue Fengyang. He looked at the middle-aged man wearing glasses and said,"Hello, my name is An Liang.""

The middle-aged man wearing glasses responded awkwardly,"Hello, Mr. An, I am a technician in the image recognition technology of the lighthouse project. My name is Lei Song."

"I'm curious, why did you contact security?"An Liang asked

"Your behavior is too strange. Lei Song responded,"The treatment in our group is very good. Under normal circumstances, if you are lucky enough to join our group, you should read the entry instructions completely.""

"In addition, our group has an entrance examination. If you fail the entrance examination, you may even be fired. So Mr. An’s performance just now..."Lei Song didn't finish speaking, but the meaning was very clear.

Simply put, Anliang is too unprofessional!

An Liang wanted to have a private visit incognito, but the employees of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group were very vigilant and contacted the security personnel if they had any questions.

"I see!"An Liang nodded.

"Now that my identity has been exposed, I will show off my cards. My action this time was originally to understand the situation of the grassroots employees."An Liang Showdown Explanation

"So whether it is life or work, do you have any problems that need to be solved urgently?"An Liang added again.

When An Liang asked, the Life Winner System sounded a prompt.



‘Random mission: A great company deserves the love of its employees!’

‘Task content: Try to help employees solve problems they encounter in work and life, so that employees can work harder to contribute to the company.’

‘Task rewards: determined based on task completion’


Actually triggered the mission?

An Liang was originally just concerned about the situation of the grassroots employees of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. He was deeply influenced by An Shengyu and preferred the people-oriented corporate philosophy of Ansheng Construction.

As a result, the task is now triggered, which is an unexpected surprise!

Facing An Liang's inquiry, Lei Song was a little hesitant. Instead, the young man sitting next to An Liang took the initiative and said,"Hello, Mr. An. I am Fei Mingxuan. I am currently the technical assistant for the kinetic energy recovery technology of the Titan project."

"Hello. An Liang responded,"Do you have any questions that you need feedback on?""

Fei Mingxuan nodded repeatedly,"Yes, Mr. An, I want to say something about technical work. I previously proposed an innovative plan in the kinetic energy recovery technology working group of the Titan project, but it was not adopted on the surface..

Fei Mingxuan continued,"However, a week later, my boss changed my plan and proposed it again, thus turning it into his own plan and taking the credit for himself.""

"So I hope that our group can protect the rights and interests of newcomers in this aspect. After all, in the long run, the technologies proposed by newcomers will always be taken away by their superiors. So what motivation do newcomers have to innovate? Fei Mingxuan explained.

An Liang raised his eyebrows,"Does our group still have such a thing?""

Yue Fengyang responded slightly awkwardly,"The Titan project comes from Apple's team. They have a lot of freedom in management, so there may be such a situation."

"Then strengthen management! If there is a problem, give a warning first. If you don't listen to the warning, then you will be dealt with according to the rules. An Liang said loudly,"I'll leave this matter to you. Is there any problem?"

Yue Fengyang quickly replied with assurance,"Absolutely no problem!" An

Liang looked at Fei Mingxuan and responded apologetically,"Sorry, this is a management loophole of the group. Thank you for your valuable advice." By the way, what level are you at now?"

Fei Mingxuan's face lit up, and he quickly responded,"I have just joined the job less than three months ago, and I am currently a technical assistant at the first level of the technical position."

"Then move up one level to the level of a second-level technician in a technical post."An Liang said casually

"Thank you, Mr. An!"Fei Mingxuan said gratefully.

When he was promoted from the first level to the second level of technical position, his salary was increased by 20% first, and the year-end bonus was increased from one month's salary to two months' salary, and there are more Meal subsidy, transportation subsidy, and living subsidy.

Under normal circumstances, it takes at least a year to be promoted from the first level to the second level of a technical position. As a result, Fei Mingxuan has only been employed for less than three months!

Lei! When Song saw An Liang rewarding Fei Mingxuan heavily, he hesitated whether to raise his own question?


Update time: August 18, 2021 00:02:31, good night.

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