In the TWG tea shop in SKP shopping mall, An Liang took out the top quality pink diamond and placed it on the tea table for Hu Xiaoyu and the others to admire.

Facing Pang Zhaoxia's sigh, Hu Xiaoyu reminded him,"Be confident, this pink diamond is priceless!"

Hu Xiaoyu looked at An Liang again,"Which brand is Brother Liang going to find to design it?"

An Liang He replied with a smile,"Of course it's Van Cleef & Arpels!"

Hu Xiaoyu seconded,"VCA is indeed the most suitable choice."

Van Cleef & Arpels has its own unique skill in the field of high-end customized jewelry, and that is Van Cleef & Arpels Bao is proud of its 'hidden inlay technology', also known as 'traceless inlay technology'.

The so-called seamless inlay technology refers to the inlay technology in which no metal bracket or base is completely visible on the front of the jewelry.

This technique is Van Cleef & Arpels’ unique skill!

The vast majority of jewelry brands cannot achieve seamless inlays. Even if some high-end luxury brands can achieve seamless inlays, they cannot compete with Van Cleef & Arpels.

Take diamond rings as an example. The diamond ring inlays of mid- to low-end brands use four metal prongs to hold the diamonds. A slightly better one is to use a base to frame the diamonds. However, Van Cleef & Arpels’ seamless inlays do not have such craftsmanship. There is a A natural feeling.

So An Liang’s first choice must be Van Cleef & Arpels.

An Liang and the others stayed at the TWG tea shop for less than a quarter of an hour before heading to the Van Cleef & Arpels store in the SKP shopping mall.

When An Liang brought Ning Ruoshuang, Hu Xiaoyu and others into the store, Lin Ni recognized An Liang immediately. When An Liang brought Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang to buy jewelry worth nearly five million, let Lin Ni was impressed.

"Mr. An, good afternoon, welcome to Van Cleef & Arpels." Lin Ni greeted politely.

An Liang nodded slightly, and then said what he wanted,"I need to customize a piece of jewelry."

"Of course, no problem. We at Van Cleef & Arpels provide customized services and have a good reputation, which will definitely satisfy Mr. An." Lin Ni responded

"What kind of jewelry does Mr. An need to customize? Lin Ni asked.

An Liang took out the brocade box containing the best pink diamond and placed it on the counter. Then he opened the brocade box and said,"I need you to design a pendant based on this pink diamond." Lin

Ni glanced at the top-quality pink diamond, then her face changed slightly, and she immediately responded,"Mr. An, please come this way, please wait in the VIP room, I will contact the store manager immediately." Lin

Ni added,"Ms. Le Xiaoyun, the design director of Van Cleef & Arpels China, happens to be here at SKP. Our store manager is accompanying Ms. Le Xiaoyun to visit colleagues. I will contact them immediately.""

An Liang nodded in agreement, and then entered the VIP room.

In the VIP room, Hu Xiaoyu said happily,"These high-end jewelry brands are really good at playing. The design director of Van Cleef & Arpels China is visiting his colleagues. It is definitely to spy on the enemy. , see if your peers have any outstanding designs, and then learn from them.

Ning Ruoshuang asked curiously,"Are these high-end luxury brands also copied?" Hu

Xiaoyu shook his head in denial,"If it's Van Cleef & Arpels, it should really be a reference. Their family is usually the victim.""

In the jewelry industry, there are always people who like to plagiarize jewelry brands, but in fact high-end luxury brands also like to plagiarize.

For example, the famous Tiffany & Co., although this brand has its own classics and high brand positioning, but Is it an old copycat?

Tiffany's victims range from Piaget to Cartier, as well as Van Cleef & Arpels and Bulgari. All of them have been 'borrowed' by Tiffany, and they all borrowed from classics.

For example Cartier's most classic LOVE series has been almost perfectly reproduced by Tiffany, and it has a sense of being able to tell whether I am male or female.

Another example is the four-leaf clover element of Van Cleef & Arpels, which was also borrowed by Tiffany. Buying a Picasso 18K gold and diamond necklace is simply eye-catching.

In view of Tiffany's arrogance, other brands will naturally not bear it, so designers from various brands visit their colleagues, which has become a common thing.

Even if it is not blatant. But can we at least get some inspiration?

Hu Xiaoyu added,"In fact, Van Cleef & Arpels has a special advantage. Their seamless inlays are very good. If other companies copy their styles, they can probably only imitate them." The four-leaf clover element, but they want to copy the styles of other companies. With the blessing of traceless inlay technology, that is the situation of Chaoyuan original work."

"Fortunately, Van Cleef & Arpels does not like to borrow design elements from other brands, but only absorbs design inspiration from other brands."Hu Xiaoyu is obviously a fan of Van Cleef & Arpels.

Everyone was chatting and waiting for Van Cleef & Arpels' summer design director.

Almost ten minutes later, Lin Ni left with two women who looked to be in their thirties. Entering the VIP room, she took the initiative to introduce An Liang. One of them was Pei Min, the store manager, and the other was, of course, Le Xiaoyun, the design director of Van Cleef & Arpels China.

Pei Min knew An Liang because An Liang was a high-roller who spent a lot of money. How could you not know An Liang?

After the two sides exchanged pleasantries, An Liang once again showed the top pink diamond,"Director Le, I need you to design a pendant around this pink diamond. How long will it take you?""

Le Xiaoyun did not answer An Liang immediately. She first picked up the pink diamond to check the situation, and also used the flashlight of her mobile phone to shine on the pink diamond to check carefully.

After almost a minute, Le Xiaoyun answered,"Mr. An, we can This pink diamond is designed for free, but we need you to agree to a condition"

"What conditions?"An Liang asked back.


Update time: August 19, 2021 00:01:52, good night.

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