An Liang is not a stingy boss!

Although An Liang guessed that this was due to the winner of life system, An Liang still had no idea of ​​being stingy. If Chai Dehou was really good at imitating meat and vegetables, An Liang would not mind increasing his salary.

The second floor of Yuyue Main Store.

An Liang and Bai Yue chose a location near the window. From the window, they could see the back garden.

Bai Yue looked at the deserted Yuyue back garden through the floor-to-ceiling windows. She suddenly sighed,"Classmate An, let's go to the back garden later, okay?"

Bai Yue continued,"In the past, when there were many people and lively , I haven’t had a good look at the back garden. There are fewer people now, so I want to take a good look."

When Yuyue first opened, the back garden was a popular place for taking photos and checking in. Now the enthusiasm has faded, except for some couples who come here occasionally. Apart from taking photos, there is no such grand occasion as before.

An Liang heard the hidden meaning!

Yuyue's back garden is very similar to Anliang's. Anliang's side is also very lively. There are the two sisters from the Xia family, a small group of close friends in the imperial capital, a little vixen in Shengqing, and Bai Yueguang in Anliang's heart.

In addition, Yao Qi is gradually approaching the magic city, not to mention the overseas royal princesses.

This situation is very much like the bustling back garden back then.

When the back garden was busy, Bai Yue had no chance at all.

But what happens after the enthusiasm fades?

"In fact, it is understandable. After all, people instinctively like the new and dislike the old. Those who should visit the back garden have already visited it. Now there are fewer people and it is much cleaner."An Liang responded

"I haven't taken a good look at the back garden before. After dinner, we went for a walk to take a good look at Yuyue's back garden and see its changes. I also took some photos and took a look at it again next year, and so on. Go down."An Liang added

"Although it is indeed instinct to like the new and dislike the old, you can also choose not to be tired of the old."An Liang added.

It's instinct to like the new!

Not getting tired of the old is a choice!

Bai Yue also understood An Liang's pun. What An Liang meant was that he was a nostalgic person. He would miss the people around him and never lose his enthusiasm. When

An Liang and Bai Yue were playing riddles, Feng Jie personally served as a messenger and brought up the imitation meat and vegetable dishes cooked by Chai Dehou.

Due to time constraints, Chai Dehou only cooked four dishes, namely Yipin vegetarian abalone and Longjing vegetarian dishes. Shrimps, Kung Pao vegetarian chicken, and a vegetable bacon salad.

The bacon in the vegetable bacon salad is naturally bacon made using imitation meat dishes.

An Liang tasted the four imitation meat dishes one by one.

Yipin vegetarian abalone made It’s very good. Chai Dehou specially chose the chilled method to make the taste of the first-grade vegetarian abalone even better. The

Kung Pao vegetarian chicken almost perfectly simulates the taste of chicken. As for the taste, it’s not bad. Anyway, An Liang thinks he can’t tell whether it’s real or not. The Kung Pao Chicken is fake Kung Pao Vegetarian Chicken.

After all, most Kung Pao Chicken uses chicken breast, and the taste of chicken breast is very bland.

The Longjing Vegetarian Shrimp is a bit worse, without the Q-bomb of shrimp.

Thumbs up for the vegetable bacon salad at the end because the flavor and texture of the bacon was amazing, even better than real bacon

"Not bad, except for the vegetarian shrimp, the other three dishes are very good, especially the first-grade vegetarian abalone and vegetable bacon salad, which not only taste good, but can also be directly integrated into the Yuyue light food system."An Liang said with praise.

Chai Dehou explained,"Mr. An, regarding the shrimps, there is actually not enough time. If there is enough time, we can prepare a Q-bomb texture."

An Liang nodded slightly, and he casually tested,"I believe Chef Chai already knows that I plan to promote the concept of imitation meat and vegetarian dishes. Chef Chai's cooking skills are very good. I would like to ask Chef Chai's opinion. I wonder if you are willing. Want to take on a new challenge? Chai Dehou responded immediately,"

I do!""

"Don’t you ask what the challenge is?"An Liang teased with a smile.

"I believe in Mr. An and I follow Mr. An’s arrangements."Chai Dehou is obviously flattering.

An Liang naturally understands Chai Dehou's intention of flattering, but this is also human nature.

"I plan to open a private restaurant with imitation meat and vegetarian dishes to combat the concept of plant-based meat. Is Chef Chai willing to take charge of this? An Liang asked.

Chai Dehou quickly repeated his agreement,"Of course I will!""

A fool would not want to!

In Yuyue Zhong, Chai Dehou is just the chef of Yuyue Light Food, but in the imitation meat and vegetable private restaurant that is about to open, he is the person in charge. Is this the same? Sure enough, he got a promotion and a salary increase Good thing!

"That's good! An Liang responded with a smile,"This matter is completely left to Chef Chai, but I hope that Chef Chai will still be in charge of Yuyue Light Food Department and simultaneously develop meat-like vegetarian dishes that are in line with Yuyue Light Food. No problem, right?" ?"

Chai Dehou responded affirmatively,"No problem. The current rules and regulations of Yuyue Light Food Department can ensure its independent operation. In addition, the difficulty of cooking light food is not high. Even if I don't do it myself, there will be no problems..

An Liang said jokingly,"If you say this, doesn't that mean you are useless?" Chai

Dehou suddenly looked embarrassed.

An Liang responded with a smile,"Don't worry, I will not forget the contribution Chef Chai has made.""

Chai Dehou breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your next task is very heavy. I hope our high-end imitation meat and vegetarian private restaurant under Yuyue will open its doors before December. Can you do it?"An Liang gave a very short time limit.

After all, according to An Liang's guess, those global fast food chain companies will promote plant-based meat in Xia Kingdom within half a year at the latest.

So An Liang must hurry up!

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