The total number of people in Tianfu School of Economics is only more than 5,500. With this numerical base,"Craftsman Spirit: Eternal God!" 》This post has more than 50,000 views and nearly 5,000 comments. Isn’t that an exaggeration?

This kind of data is equivalent to an average of more than nine clicks per student at Tianfu University of Economics, and almost every student replies to an average of one message.

Although certainly not everyone views this post repeatedly, such data is enough to illustrate the popularity of this post.

Faced with such a hot post, An Liang naturally wanted to check it out


《Craftsman Spirit: Eternal God! 》

Speaking of neon, what first comes to mind?


Refined and elegant? advanced technology?

My answer is: craftsmanship!

Neon's craftsmanship spirit of excellence is the eternal god!

With the support of the spirit of neon craftsmanship, neon has created miracles one after another. Especially in terms of technology, neon is among the best in the world.

Recently, neon hasIt was announced that nuclear contaminated wastewater from the Fukushima area would be harmlessly treated and determined to be non-threatening before being discharged into the sea.

In the face of the Neon Court's announcement, some undercover people maliciously spread rumors, deliberately turned a blind eye and discredited the Neon Court, describing the harmlessly treated nuclear-contaminated wastewater as monsters and monsters, thereby achieving ulterior motives.

For these young people, I just want to say that their remarks are pure nonsense!

With the rigor of Neon people and their craftsmanship passed down from generation to generation, they will surely thoroughly verify whether there is any harm in the nuclear-contaminated wastewater after treatment.

If there is really a problem with the harmlessly treated nuclear contaminated wastewater, then why did the Neon Court discharge the nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea?

After all, if there is a problem with the nuclear-contaminated wastewater after harmless treatment, the sea area near Neon will bear the brunt of the pollution. Wouldn't it be like shooting yourself in the foot?

Is the Neon Court so stupid?

Furthermore, even if the Neon court is willing to sacrifice Neon's own interests, can the courts of other countries allow Neon to do this?

No one is a fool in this era!

Everyone can think!

So please think more carefully, so that the young people who hide their heads and show their tails will not have any opportunities!


After An Liang read this post, he couldn't help but sneer, another Luo Taijun?

An Liang checked the poster's information. The campus wall is a real-name system. An Liang directly confirmed the identity of the poster. The other party was Wu Wenbo, a freshman in the 2020 class of the Department of International Trade.

After confirming the other party's identity information, An Liang checked the replies from other people.

Nearly ten minutes later, An Liang breathed a sigh of relief, because most of the replies were criticizing this guy and mocking Wu Wenbo for being a spiritual neon person.

Only a handful of people supported Wu Wenbo and expressed their belief in Wu Wenbo's judgment.

Wu Wenbo jumped up and down to exchange words with the"trolls", obviously trying to convince them.

An Liang first sent a message to dormitory group 307

‘An Liang: Dog boys, have you seen this post?’

‘An Liang: [Link:"Craftsman Spirit: Eternal God!"》】’

‘Lu Wenshan: Of course I have!’

‘Lu Wenshan: This is the most popular post on the campus wall’

‘Malone: ​​If this bitch wasn't worried about being punished with a demerit, I would have beaten him up!’

‘Shen Shizhong: I asked someone to investigate this person’s information. This year’s freshman is proficient in neon language. I heard that there are neon relatives at home.’

‘Shen Shizhong: When this bitch goes out...’

‘Shen Shizhong: I’m going to teach this bitch a lesson! '

Shen Shizhong is from Jinling. He hates neon very much. Except for Xia Guo's friendly exchange of learning materials, he hates neon in all aspects.

‘An Liang: Gentleman, don’t cause trouble.’

‘Shen Shizhong: Don’t worry, Brother Liang, I know what I’m going to do. I’m going to hit him with my car. It will be treated as a traffic accident. I’ll just pay the money.’

‘An Liang: Do you know the law?’

‘An Liang: But you are breaking the law now!’

‘An Liang: According to the law, only accidents can lead to compensation. You are committing an organized and premeditated crime, which is an absolute crime.’

‘Lu Wenshan: So gentlemen, please remember that there are some things you cannot say!’

‘An Liang:...’


‘An Liang: Wenshan, don’t you add fuel to the fire?’

‘An Liang: Leave this matter to me’

‘Shen Shizhong: Brother Liang, how are you going to deal with it?’

‘An Liang: I am a good student who abides by the law. Of course I cannot commit crimes like you.’

‘An Liang: But, we can analyze it through psychology and find ways to target him.’

‘Lu Wenshan:...’

‘Lu Wenshan: I vomited!’

‘Lu Wenshan: I suspect you are messing with me!"

Once upon a time, Lu Wenshan and An Liang had a psychological analysis operation, and then An Liang turned him into a fool. An Liang did hint at Lu Wenshan.

As a result, this veteran driver responded so quickly?


Update time: August 22, 2021 00:03:07, good night


An Liang: If people who like me are still spiritual neon people, please reflect on it.

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