Tianfu College of Economics Male Dormitory, Dormitory No. 202, Building 6.

Wu Wenbo is spraying heroes on the campus wall with just one click. He is indeed a spiritual Neon person. He also plans to go to Neon to join his uncle after graduating from college. His uncle is currently settled in Dongjing and has obtained Neon nationality.

Because of the influence of his uncle, Wu Wenbo learned Neon language since he was a child. Now he has obtained the N1 level, the highest level in the Neon language proficiency test, and has no language barriers.

After enrolling in school, Wu Wenbo discovered that the nuclear wastewater discharge plan formulated by the Neon Court had been criticized verbally and written on the Internet, so he posted"Craftsman Spirit: Eternal God!" on the campus wall! 》post, thereby clearing the ground for the nuclear contaminated wastewater discharge plan.

Such forced land washing naturally attracted attention to Wu Wenbo's posts. Wu Wenbo enjoyed such attention, even if it was negative attention, but Wu Wenbo was confident of changing other people's views on Neon.

After all, in Wu Wenbo's eyes, Neon is far better than Xia Guo!

When Wu Wenbo sprayed the heroes with one click on the campus wall, he naturally discovered the"Craftsman Spirit?" published by An Liang. The brain is sick! 》Post.

After Wu Wenbo quickly browsed the post, he frowned for a moment.

An Liang has no problem with Wu Wenbo's analysis. Wu Wenbo is a typical half-pot jingle, he only knows one but not the other.

Faced with the irrefutable evidence from An Liang, Wu Wenbo didn't think of how to refute it for the time being. He decided to read the comments first. What if there were comments that could be copied?


‘Wang Wen, Class 1 Finance Class 2019: Sofa! Look up to high-end players up close! The legendary life committee boss finally appears!’

‘Xu Heguang, Class 4, Finance and Taxation Class 2018: Looking up!’

‘Shen Fang, Class 1 Finance Class 2019: The real boss has appeared. I wonder how the boss will defeat the younger students?’

‘Yang Lei, Class 2 Economics Class 2018: The junior student has been hammered!’

‘Chen Le, Class 3 Finance Class 2019: The boss of the Life Committee is back, where is the 100,000-year-old boy?’

‘Lu Wenshan, Class 3 Finance Class of 2019: We welcome the return of the leader of the Life Committee!’

‘Ma Long, Class 3 Finance Class 2019: @Wu Wenbo, Class 1 International Trade Class 2020: The thief comes out to die!’

‘Dong Zeyi, Economic Class 1, 2018: Another fly provoking a boss is going to be busted!’

‘Liu Hao, Class 1 of the 2019 Guomao Class: Although I don’t like this guy, I don’t like this spirited neon person even more. I beg the two of them are a bit bloody, whoever is a coward is a dog!’

‘Zhou Song, Class 2 Finance Class of 2016: Are you guys upstairs watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously? Of course, I also support both of them not to be cowardly!’



Wu Wenbo looked at the replies to An Liang's post. He was surprised to find that all of them replied that they were not optimistic about his intentions. Is he that bad?

Wu Wenbo knew An Liang. After he signed up, his roommate learned about the legendary alumnus of Tianfu School of Economics, but Wu Wenbo didn't take it to heart.

As a result, he is now being targeted by a legendary alumnus?

Wu Wenbo was a little panicked. He didn't know how to refute An Liang, because what An Liang listed was indeed solid evidence, but Wu Wenbo was not willing to give in, let alone be insulted like this.

So Wu Wenbo posted another post to fight back!


《It makes sense if it exists! Trust the neon spirit! 》:

First of all, thank you to the boss of @2019 Finance Class Three Anliang Life Committee for your attention.

But from my own perspective, I don’t agree with An’s point of view.

An said that the courts of many countries opposed the nuclear wastewater discharge plan formulated by the Neon Court. I have also seen the news, but I think the reason for their opposition is more of a psychological and sensory level.

To put it simply, they did not like the Neon Court’s plan to discharge nuclear contaminated wastewater, so they expressed their opposition.

Just like classmate An doesn't like a celebrity and expresses his objections, it doesn't mean that there must be something wrong with this celebrity, right?

If it were said that the Neon Court's nuclear pollution wastewater discharge plan really might have major problems, wouldn't those opposing courts unite to target the Neon Court?

So I stuck to my guns.

As for the former Chief Minister of Neon publicly stating that there are problems with the nuclear contaminated wastewater discharge plan and using his own illness as an example, I think this is nonsense.

At first, former Chief Minister Neon supported the Fukushima region and promoted the issue of harmless nuclear pollution, but now he suddenly changed his mind. I think there is a huge fishy problem.

Although I don’t know what the trick is, there must be a reason that we don’t know.

Finally, welcome An to continue the discussion. After all, we are discussing freedom of speech, right?


When Wu Wenbo posted a new post, a large number of people who were not too concerned about the excitement posted @安梁 in Wu Wenbo's posts, hoping that An Liang would respond positively and stir up trouble again.

As for whether it will cause any conflicts or even further trouble, what does it matter?

Anyway, it’s all about watching the fun, so isn’t the more lively the better?

The guys watching the excitement hoped that it would be best for An Liang and Wu Wenbo to have a real-person contest. After all, what is the point of a key skill duel on the Internet?

Real men should duel with real people!

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