Tianfu School of Economics, downstairs of the sixth building of the boys' dormitory.

After Wu Wenbo listened to Xie Mingda's explanation, he directly asked,"Why was the invitation issued by Kyoto Electric Power Company?"

Xie Mingda was stunned for a moment,"Why?"

Xie Mingda didn't know the specific situation. Their Qingbai Law Firm The commission received was just legal support related to Kyoto Electric Power Company’s invitation to take part in the true investigation of nuclear contaminated wastewater from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.

Wu Wenbo looked at Xie Mingda's confused look, and he suddenly panicked!

Because of Wu Wenbo's keen discovery, An Liang seemed to hide behind the scenes in an instant after proposing the game of Brave.

‘Has the other party taken care of Kyoto Electric Power Company? 'Wu Wenbo secretly guessed.

Xie Mingda looked at the silent Wu Wenbo, and he secretly made a sound in his heart. Could it be that Ding Jun's crow's mouth was really right?

"Classmate Wu?"Xie Mingda greeted tentatively.

Wu Wenbo asked rhetorically,"What are the specific circumstances of the investigation by Kyoto Electric Power Company, and what are you doing to help Kyoto Electric Power Company?"

Xie Mingda quickly answered,"Kyoto Electric Power Company is the operating company of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. This real investigation is that Kyoto Electric Power Company invited Wu to investigate whether there is any harm after the nuclear contaminated wastewater has been treated harmlessly."

‘Sure enough! 'Wu Wenbo knew as soon as he heard that the so-called real investigation was actually a game of Jumanji.

"We mainly provide legal aid services to Kyoto Electric Power Company, such as signing relevant legal exemption clauses with Mr. Wu on behalf of Kyoto Electric Power Company."Xie Mingda added

"What legal disclaimers?"Wu Wenbo immediately asked

"In view of the fact that there may be certain dangers in the actual investigation of the harmless treatment of nuclear-contaminated wastewater, including but not limited to Wu’s violation of regulations during the investigation by not wearing protective clothing and privately tasting agricultural and sideline fishery products from nuclear-contaminated areas. , Unauthorized contact with nuclear contaminated items, etc."Xie Mingda gave an example

"Once situations including but not limited to the above occur, Kyoto Electric Power Company will not assume any responsibility, and any consequences will be borne by Wu. Xie Mingda added the consequences.

When Wu Wenbo heard Xie Mingda's examples, he couldn't help complaining,"You wouldn't do these stupid things, right?""

Xie Mingda nodded in agreement,"But the legal disclaimer that should be signed still needs to be signed, unless Mr. Wu gives up the plan of this real investigation."

"Can I still give up? Wu Wenbo was surprised.

Xie Mingda answered affirmatively,"Of course." However, if Takeshi gives up the real investigation, Kyoto Electric Power Company will disclose this matter to the public, saying that it is not that Kyoto Electric Power Company is unwilling to conduct a real investigation, but that Takeshi himself gave up."

Wu Wenbo was speechless. Wouldn't that mean that he would die in society?

"Have you brought the corresponding legal documents? Wu Wenbo asked.

Xie Mingda nodded affirmatively,"Of course!" Xiao Ding, give the corresponding file to Wu."

Ding Jun handed Wu Wenbo a large stack of legal documents bound on A4 printing paper and motioned for Wu Wenbo to check it himself.

Wu Wenbo took the corresponding legal documents and complained,"So many?"

Ding Jun responded,"There are 181 pages in total, including various exemptions and prohibitions. But to put it simply, Kyoto Electric Power Company will arrange for someone to accompany Wu to conduct a real investigation. If they don't allow it, you can't. If you do it, it will be fine."

But is it really okay?

"I need to see these legal documents first."Wu Wenbo responded.

Xie Mingda immediately took out a business card and handed it to Wu Wenbo,"Student Wu, take your time and look at it. My phone is on 24 hours a day. You are welcome to contact me, classmate Wu."

"According to Wu's agreement, we hope that Wu can make a decision before five o'clock in the afternoon. Xie Mingda added.

Wu Wenbo snorted,"I know!""

"Looking forward to contacting Mr. Wu. After Xie Mingda responded, he left with the members of Qingbai Law Firm.

Wu Wenbo was hesitant with a thick stack of legal documents, but considering the consequences of social death, he took a deep breath and chose to skip class. He took these legal documents to another law firm.

After a morning of consultation, Wu Wenbo confirmed one thing. The legal support provided by Qingbai Law Firm to Kyoto Electric Power Company was very sufficient and provided a lot of exemption clauses.

Simple To sum up, this time Wu Wenbo participated in the actual investigation of nuclear contaminated wastewater from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant organized by Kyoto Electric Power Company. He was only allowed to do one thing, and that was to taste the harmlessly treated nuclear contaminated wastewater and then undergo a medical examination to prove that there was no nuclear pollution. There is no problem with the nuclear-contaminated wastewater after chemical treatment!

If he just tasted the harmlessly treated nuclear-contaminated wastewater, Wu Wenbo would be a little panicked, but the legal document stipulates that Wu Wenbo must also undergo medical examination in Neon, thus proving There are no problems with the harmlessly treated nuclear-contaminated wastewater, which reassures Wu Wenbo.

In Wu Wenbo's view, since a medical examination has been arranged, it means that there is indeed no problem with the harmlessly treated nuclear-contaminated wastewater.

Otherwise, wouldn’t Kyoto Electric Power Company be shooting itself in the foot?

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