Under normal circumstances, a country's court would not allow the Concern organization to be born.

After all, the influence of a Concern organization is too huge!

However, Anliang has its own advantages.

From the very beginning, when Anliang became successful, powerful interest groups gathered together, and as Anliang progressed, this interest group became larger and larger.

Today, the interest groups surrounding Anliang have become so large that it makes people look at them.

For example, the Tiantian Baiyujing Club already has the prototype of a Concern organization. Especially after Anliang endorsed the value of contribution, the cohesion of the Tiantian Baiyujing Club has been further enhanced.

Under such circumstances, Tiantian Bai Yujing Club has become an alternative Concern organization, but it does not have the tight structure of the formal Concern organization.

However, the Tiantian Baiyujing Club provided good support for Anliang to establish the Concern Organization, and these interest groups could at least tolerate Anliang's rise to a certain extent.

In addition, Anliang has a presence in multiple industries, including banking, finance, private security, medicine, life and health, energy, cutting-edge technology, media, etc. Anliang is even present in the food industry..

When these industries come together, and with the help provided by Tianshang Bai Yujing Club, isn’t it a Concern organization?

However, Anliang still needs time to coordinate the structure of the Concern organization and redistribute interest groups. At the same time, he needs stronger power and resources to be able to completely establish the Concern organization.

Otherwise, according to the current situation, if An Liang establishes the Kangcaien organization, even if the Xia court turns a blind eye, the courts of other countries will madly target him.

After all, the influence of a Concern organization cannot be limited to one country. Corea and Neon Concern organizations have very strong influence all over the world.

Therefore, no one in the world wants to see a new Concern organization appear!

The Concern organization belonging to Anliang still needs to lie dormant, accumulate strength, and finally reach its peak in order to fight against external threats!

An Liang sorted out the situation of his companies. Unknowingly, the time came to six o'clock in the evening. He picked up his mobile phone and was about to send a message to Qin Tianxiang to ask about Wu Wenbo. Then he found that Qin Tianxiang had already sent the message.

‘Suzaku VI: Everything is ready for Jumanji’

‘Suzaku Six: The target has arrived at the airport’

‘Suzaku VI: The target has boarded the plane at 17:50 and took off at 17:53. '

It's already a few minutes past six o'clock. According to the speed of the private plane, it has already left the scope of Tianfu, right?

‘Number Zero: Got it!’

‘No. 0: Act according to the plan and monitor the goals throughout the process’

‘Suzaku Six: Got it. '

After An Liang and Qin Tianxiang finished their exchange, he finally logged into the campus wall of Tianfu School of Economics. On the campus wall, Wu Wenbo actually posted a special post before boarding the plane in the afternoon.


《I have passion and I will live up to expectations!》

@An Liang, Class 3 Finance Class 2019: Are your classmates here?

The game of Brave is about to begin!

Sorry, classmate An, I disappoint you, but I live up to expectations!

Next, I will participate in a real investigation on the harmless treatment of nuclear contaminated wastewater from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant organized by Kyoto Electric Power Company, and I will prove that I am right.

Classmate An, wait for me to come back!


This post once again won the support of the majority of melon-eating people, and they all responded to @安梁, hoping that Anliang would come out and confront Wu Wenbo head-on.

How could Anliang have a head-on confrontation?

An Liang had already prepared to throw the blame away, so how could he care about the opinions of these melon-eaters?

Now that Wu Wenbo was already on the private plane and estimated to have left the scope of Tianfu, An Liang landed on the campus wall and started to throw the blame.


《Confused! 》

What the hell? what's the situation?

I am still preparing for the game of Brave that we have agreed upon!

What's the strange situation now?

Could it be that classmate Wu participated in a fake game of Brave?

Can anyone with knowledge of the matter tell me the specifics?


An Liang deliberately posted 'uninformed' information on the campus wall, thus throwing away half the pot.

After An Liang posted the post, Wu Wenbo’s roommate Liao Zhilin posted a post on the campus wall.


《Something about Jumanji! 》

Hello everyone, I am Liao Zhilin, classmate Wu Wenbo’s roommate.

Regarding @2019 class 3 finance classmate An Liang’s doubts, I learned some information from classmate Wu Wenbo.

The specific situation is shown in the figure below:

【Figure 1: Business invitation letter from Kyoto Electric Power Company】

【Figure 2: Real investigation plan for the harmless treatment of nuclear contaminated wastewater of Kyoto Electric Power Company】

【Figure 3: Real investigation action reality show plan】

【Figure 4: Agreement on the harmless treatment of nuclear-contaminated wastewater for drinking】

【Figure 5: Follow-up medical testing and observation protocol】

【Figure 6: Commission fee 25 million yen]

According to what I know, Wu Wenbo participated in a real investigation of the detoxification effect of nuclear-contaminated wastewater organized by Kyoto Electric Power Company, not a game of Jumanji.

In addition, I am already sore about the commission fee of 25 million yen!

Mathematics assistant: 25 million yen can be regarded as 1.5 million Xia Guoyuan through simple calculation.

Congratulations to Wu Wenbo!


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