After Anliang thought about the actual investigation of the harmless treatment of nuclear contaminated wastewater arranged by Kyoto Electric Power Company, he suddenly discovered a blind spot!

According to Anliang's idea, Wu Wenbo accepted the invitation of Kyoto Electric Power Company to drink nuclear-contaminated wastewater, and then passed a medical examination to determine that there was a problem with the nuclear-contaminated wastewater.

An Liang knew very well that the harmless treatment of nuclear contaminated wastewater proposed by Kyoto Electric Power Company was nonsense!

If harmless treatment is really effective, why would the Neon Court plan to discharge nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea under the pressure of the world?

With this kind of logical analysis, everything seems to be fine.

After all, it was Anliang who controlled the situation behind the scenes. Anliang's side suppressed the former chief minister of Neon, and the former chief minister of Neon controlled the Kyoto Electric Power Company, and finally the Kyoto Electric Power Company solved the problem.

However, An Liang ignored one thing!

How much influence and deterrence does the former chief minister of Neon have over Kyoto Electric Power Company?

When the former chief minister of Neon publicly stated that he had suffered the effects of nuclear contamination, he was actually feuding with Kyoto Electric Power Company.

Under such circumstances, will Kyoto Electric Power Company really do its best?

Kyoto Electric Power Company also has its own demands!

Due to the impact of nuclear contaminated wastewater, Kyoto Electric Power Company is in a difficult situation. Without the support of the Neon Court, Kyoto Electric Power Company would have been in trouble long ago, right?

If this real investigation operation, under the live broadcast lens, once again proves that there are still problems with nuclear-contaminated wastewater after harmless treatment, wouldn't it be a heartbreaking blow to Kyoto Electric Power Company?

An Liang said before that interests and values ​​control everything behind the scenes.

If in this real investigation, Wu Wenbo, a Xia native, proves that there is no problem with nuclear contaminated wastewater after harmless treatment, then the nuclear contaminated wastewater discharge plan has won huge support from fishing boats.

Kyoto Electric Power Company will also benefit greatly from this.

The Neon Court will also relieve a lot of pressure due to such things.

Analyzing the above situation together, Kyoto Electric Power Company obeyed the orders of former Chief Minister Neon, and the benefits from Wu Wenbo's tragedy were far lower than the benefits they would have received from directing and acting on their own, and proving that harmlessly treated nuclear-contaminated wastewater is not a threat.

After all, the former can only gain the friendship of Neon's former chief minister.

The latter can gain the friendship of the Neon Court and save the Kyoto Electric Power Company.

How to choose and what else need to be considered?

‘A hundred secrets and a sparseness! What a secret! An Liang sighed secretly. He had made all the plans very well, and he had even thought about throwing the pot.

But a wise man will eventually make a mistake!

‘This lucky guy! ' An Liang sighed silently.

From the perspective of profit and value, he has determined that Kyoto Electric Power Company has already prepared a game within a game. The other party will use their game of Brave and then propose real investigation actions, thus bringing huge benefits to Kyoto Electric Power Company.

Anliang discovered the game-within-a-game of Kyoto Electric Power Company in time, and he still had a chance to save it.

The simplest solution now is to prevent the real investigation operation arranged by Kyoto Electric Power Company. Without real investigation operation, there will be no chance to show off. Naturally, it will not be possible to win good support for the harmless treatment of nuclear contaminated wastewater through Wu Wenbo..

However, it is also difficult to prevent Kyoto Electric Power Company from conducting a real investigation.

Because there is no reasonable reason!

If it is stopped forcibly, it will give Kyoto Electric Power Company an opportunity to speculate.

When Anliang was thinking about how to deal with this game within a game, the winner system of life issued a prompt


‘Special reward [An accident] is currently activated...’

‘【An accident】Activation successful, please wait for the unexpected arrival...’

An Liang looked at the prompt information of the winner system in life, and he smiled because he had already guessed the answer to the [an unexpected] reward.

It is indeed a winner system in life!

As soon as Anliang encountered a troublesome thing, the Winner in Life System began to solve the problem, allowing Anliang to maintain the attitude of a winner in life.

The winner system of life, the eternal God!

After Anliang secretly praised the winner system in life, he began to look forward to it. What accident would happen in the game of Kyoto Electric Power Company?

The next day.


At eight o'clock in the morning, Neon time, Kyoto Electric Power Company's real investigation operation team greeted Wu Wenbo at the hotel. The live broadcast team arranged by Anliang and the reality program team arranged by Neon Fuji TV were waiting for the live broadcast.

Kyoto Electric Power Company's representative Araki Kurishi looked at Anliang's live broadcast team. He smiled secretly in his heart because he thought Anliang had not seen through their scheme.

This fact makes Kyoto Electric Power Company representative Araki Kurishi very satisfied!

‘Mr. Anbei did not understand the situation clearly after all! Araki Cunshi sneered in his heart. He knew Anbei Jinshan's situation. In his opinion, Anbei Jinshan was in a hurry and sought medical treatment.

However, Araki Cunshi is very grateful to Anbei Jinshan. Because of Anbei Jinshan, they have this chance to win the game!

Once the bureau within a bureau proves that the harmless treatment of nuclear contaminated wastewater is effective, they will also publish the grievances between Wu Wenbo and An Liang to further prove that the harmless treatment of nuclear contaminated wastewater is effective, rather than directing and acting on their own..

However, an accident is happening quietly...


Update time: August 27, 2021 00:02:39, good night.

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