In the living room of the hotel suite, Wu Wenbo imagined that he would start with this real investigation and become an Internet celebrity in Neon, and then further apply for Neon citizenship.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

There was a knock on the door.

Araki Cuishi reminded,"Musan, the live broadcast teams of Fuji TV and Pere Video are here, please be prepared.

Wu Wenbo took a deep breath and spoke in neon language,"Please come in!""

Araki Cunshi heard Wu Wenbo respond in neon language, and a look of contempt flashed in his eyes again.

After Wu Wenbo responded, the door of the hotel suite opened, and Fuji TV's live broadcast team entered the living room first.

Fuji TV and NHK TV stations did not Similarly, NHK TV is a standard teammate of Xia Guo, while Fuji TV likes to discredit Xia Guo.

This time Fuji TV used dual camera shooting. The live TV broadcast was from the main camera, and the online live broadcast had both the main camera and the secondary camera..The same is true for Pair videos, which are shot with two cameras.

"Sorry to bother you, we are the filming team of Fuji TV. My name is Asami Yokotani. Please give me your advice. Asami Yokotani introduced herself in neon language.

Wu Wenbo also responded in neon language,"Hello, Ms. Yokotani, nice to meet you." The team leader of Pair

Video introduced himself in Xia Mandarin in a calm tone,"Hello, classmate Wu, I am You Canyong, one of the directors of the live broadcast department of Pair Video. I am responsible for the entire live broadcast. If you have any questions, you are welcome to ask." come out."

Wu Wenbo nodded calmly and still responded in neon language,"I understand!"

Given that the real investigation was conducted in Neon, the live broadcast team arranged by Pair Video naturally took into account the language barrier. Therefore, You Canyong is also proficient in Neon. He naturally understood Wu Wenbo's response, but he didn't like the other party's use of it. It was just a response in neon language.

You Canyong nodded his head indifferently, which was regarded as a response to Wu Wenbo.

Araki Cunshi could see that You Canyong had opinions about Wu Wenbo, so he mediated and said in neon language,"Wu Sang, We have arranged the vehicle, please leave as soon as possible."

Wu Wenbo nodded,"Thank you!"

The vehicle arranged by Araki Cunseki was very neon-like. It was a Toyota Coaster minibus. After all, the live broadcast team of Fuji TV and Pere Video exceeded ten people.

Everyone boarded the Coaster minibus. Fuji TV's live broadcast team occupied a better shooting position, and Pell Video was pushed to the periphery.

Faced with this situation, You Canyong didn't care.

Anyway, their mission was to shoot the classic scene of Wu Wenbo drinking nuclear-contaminated wastewater. As for the journey, there shouldn’t be anything to take pictures of, right?

After Wu Wenbo got on the bus, he sat in the core C seat, and Araki Cunshi sat next to Wu Wenbo, so as to avoid that when Wu Wenbo said something wrong, Araki Cunshi can also save the day.

As Toyota Coaster progresses, everyone's chat content gradually turns from topics such as the different customs of Xia Guo and Neon to the issue of harmless treatment of nuclear contaminated wastewater.

Araki Cunshi secretly gave Yokotani Asami After receiving the signal, Yokotani Asami took the initiative to ask,"Musan, I am actually very curious. As a Xiaguo native, why did you come to Neon to participate in the real investigation operation on the effectiveness of the harmless treatment of nuclear contaminated wastewater from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant? Woolen cloth? Wu

Wenbo was silent for two or three seconds and then responded,"The original cause was the nuclear contaminated wastewater discharge plan.""

Wu Wenbo continued to add,"There are a lot of discussions on the Xiaguo Internet about the nuclear wastewater discharge plan, and some of the remarks are very unfriendly and ridiculous."

"In response to those unfriendly and ridiculous remarks, I issued some counter-arguments and showed my tendency to support the nuclear-contaminated wastewater discharge plan."Wu Wenbo added that

"Under such circumstances, a heated argument broke out between me and some people."Speaking of this, Wu Wenbo paused.

"Have you ever had an argument with someone on the Internet?"After Wu Wenbo asked, he explained to himself,"When both parties cannot convince the other party, either party will give in or find other solutions. Araki

Cunshi continued,"What Wu Sang means is that in order to prove his remarks, Wu Sang decided to personally participate in the real investigation operation, right?""

"Yes! Wu Wenbo responded affirmatively,"I want to prove that the harmless treatment of nuclear contaminated wastewater is real and effective, and I want to shut up those who mock me!""

Araki Cunshi sneered again in his heart, but on the surface, he said with praise,"If everyone was like Wu Sang, then our nuclear wastewater discharge plan would not cause so much controversy!"

Araki Cunshi continued to add,"After all, our harmless treatment technology is indeed effective. After treatment, the nuclear contaminated wastewater is indeed no longer harmful."

When Araki's words fell, Asami Yokotani expressed doubts,"Araki-kun, I have a question. This question is also a question from people in all countries around the world."

"Speaking."Araki Kunishi made an invitation gesture.

Asami Yokotani questioned,"If the nuclear contaminated wastewater is really harmless after harmless treatment and meets drinking standards, then why should it be discharged into the sea? Woolen cloth? Asami Yokotani continued,"

Since the nuclear contaminated wastewater has reached drinking standards after harmless treatment, why can't we use it for drinking or irrigation, or as industrial water? Isn't that a better solution? ?"

Wu Wenbo was listening to Asami Yokotani's inquiry. He secretly wondered, is this a quarrel?

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