Araki Cunshi looked at the other party in surprise, because Araki Cunshi was indeed involved in formulating a plan to use ordinary seawater to replace nuclear contaminated wastewater for a show.

When former Neon Chief Minister Abe Shinzan approached Kyoto Electric Power Company, the top management of Kyoto Electric Power Company immediately thought of a game-within-a-game plan.

The former chief minister of Neon has his own life-saving plan, and Kyoto Electric Power Company also has its own interests.

So Kyoto Electric Power Company had a cheating plan in mind from the beginning.

Arranging for the live broadcast team to film the whole process, testing the nuclear radiation index, allowing Xia people to participate in real investigation operations, etc., are all just for show.

Kyoto Electric Power Company has designed a cheating plan at the very beginning!

Also because of the cheating scheme, Kyoto Electric Power Company tampered with the nuclear radiation index detector in the nuclear contaminated wastewater treatment workshop. Whether it is real nuclear contaminated wastewater or ordinary seawater, the nuclear radiation detector will give a normal value of nuclear pollution. index.

This small accident caused a chain reaction, causing real nuclear contaminated wastewater to be used in the cheating link that was supposed to use ordinary seawater, and no one discovered it in time.

Araki Cunshi knew the entire cheating plan, and Araki Cunshi also knew that You Canyong should not know such a thing, so when You Canyong asked the question, Araki Cunshi's expression changed!

"Yu Sang, what do you mean?"Araki Cunshi asked knowingly.

You Canyong responded with a smile,"Why would Mr. Araki ask knowingly?"

"Wait a moment, Mr. Araki, I will contact you first for an ambulance and the Metropolitan Police Department, and then we will continue our communication."You Canyong added.

You Canyong quickly contacted the ambulance and the Metropolitan Police Department. Fuji TV and Pair Video broadcasted You Canyong's behavior live.

Araki Cunshi did not stop You Canyong because Araki Cunshi was also aware of the problem.

The senior management of Kyoto Electric Power Company They were also watching the live broadcast and discovered such an unexpected situation. They tried to contact Araki Cunshi, but Araki Cunshi did not answer the phone immediately. In less than two minutes, You Canyong contacted the ambulance and police In the hall, he looked at Araki Cunshi and Wu Wenbo, and said straight to the point,"Your Kyoto Electric Power Company tried to cheat in this real investigation!"

You Canyong added,"You plan to use ordinary seawater instead of nuclear contaminated wastewater to perform so-called harmless treatment, and use classmate Wu to put on a show."

"However, I must remind you that there is a little accident now. Your operators mistook the real nuclear contaminated wastewater for ordinary sea water."You Canyong explained.

You Canyong continued to add,"Your operators think that Mr. Araki will not drink these treated nuclear contaminated wastewater. He is just a Xiaguo person drinking it. Even if there is a problem, it is the Xiaguo people's problem."

"Mr. Araki, are you panicking now? You Canyong joked with a smile,"What you just drank is real nuclear contaminated wastewater." I would like to ask if the harmless treatment of Kyoto Electric Power Company is really effective? If it is not effective, you should be miserable now!"

Araki Cunshi's face was extremely ugly!

Now he finally understood why he had a stomachache and why there was a burning feeling in his mouth. He originally thought it was because the sashimi was stale and there was something wrong with the mustard sauce. It turned out that the real reason was This is so!

"you are lying!"Araki Cunshi argued forcefully.

Wu Wenbo sat next to Araki Cunshi. His face was very ugly. He was more willing to believe You Canyong because what You Canyong said was very logical.

"Mr. Araki, I believe you should know very well whether I lied or not."You Canyong said calmly.

"How could I know these things if I didn't know the details of your plan? You Canyong asked back.

You Canyong added a joke,"I'm even more curious about one thing now. When the ambulance comes later, will your Kyoto Electric Power Company allow us to continue to follow the live broadcast?""

"If we are allowed to continue the live broadcast, the truth will inevitably come out. After all, after you went to the hospital for examination, it was found that you contained radioactive substances in your body, which means that the harmless treatment of nuclear contaminated wastewater touted by your Kyoto Electric Power Company is a scam."You Canyong said as he completely opened the lid.

"But if we are not allowed to continue the live broadcast, then you have a guilty conscience. You are afraid that the truth will be revealed. You know there is a problem, so you do not allow us to continue the live broadcast."You Canyong joked

"From the standpoint of your Kyoto Electric Power Company, I suggest that you ban us from continuing the live broadcast. After all, it is slightly better to just be suspected and suspicious than to directly tell the truth."You Canyong made a murderous suggestion.

If You Canyong didn't say such a subtext of considering on behalf of Kyoto Electric Power Company, then Kyoto Electric Power Company really could have made this choice. After all, as You Canyong explained, it is better to be suspected than to take action directly. ?

But You Canyong said the subtext, even if Kyoto Electric Power Company chooses this way, it will be equivalent to being directly hammered!

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