Winter Kyoto, Asa Hotel conference room.

NHK TV station's super newcomer Mabe Akira led the team to prepare for the press conference. Mabe Akira and Yu Canyong were discussing the process of the press conference.

In less than two minutes, You Canyong and Mabe Akira discussed the press conference. Mabe Akira ordered the NHK TV team he brought to prepare for the press conference.

"Five seconds countdown!"News photographer Ikeda Mizuaki of NHK TV station reminded.

Mabe Akei made a‘OK’gesture to show that you are ready.

The five-second countdown ends and the press conference begins

"Dear viewers, welcome to the emergency news of NHK TV station. I am Akira Mabe, and the person next to me is Supervisor You Canyong from Xia Guopeer's video live broadcast team."Mabe Mingrei first introduced.

You Canyong greeted in neon language,"Hello everyone, I am You Canyong from Xia Kingdom."

"Before the press conference begins, we are going to play an abnormally recorded video."Mabe Meirei reminded me.

The next moment, the video shot by Wen Zhenxing was played on the news channel of NHK TV station.

Nearly three minutes later, the video shot by Wen Zhenxing ended, and Mabe Meirei explained,"Through just now video, we can get a lot of information"

"First of all, this video was shot at the Nuclear Pollution Research and Processing Center affiliated with the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant owned by Kyoto Electric Power Company. The shooting time was during the live broadcast of the real investigation operation."Mabe Akei explained.

"Second, through this video, we understand how the accident in the real investigation operation of Kyoto Electric Power Company occurred. The initial cause was just an accident."Mabe Meirei added

"Third, after we objected to the sound comparison, we determined that the voices in the video were those of Teraichi Yamauchi and Natsuki Imamura of the Nuclear Pollution Research and Treatment Center under Kyoto Electric Power Company."Mabe Akei continued.

"Finally, Yu Sang is preparing to sue Yamauchi Teraichi and Imamura Natsuki because the two of them falsely accused Peer's video of threatening the lives of their families. This is a very serious accusation."Mabe Mingrei added that Yu Canyong wanted to hold Yamauchi Teraichi and Imamura Natsuki accountable.

You Canyong continued,"We have a proverb in the Xia Kingdom. If something is true, it will definitely not be false. ; if something is false, it must not be true"

"Back when they were in the harmless treatment workshop of nuclear contaminated wastewater, Kyoto Electric Power Company exposed a problem: you did not have rigorous calculation data!"You Canyong continued.

"Our Peer Video has retained the live video of the real investigation operation. In the harmless treatment workshop of nuclear contaminated wastewater, the data explained by Director Arashi at the time was that the workshop for the harmless treatment of nuclear contaminated wastewater had a single-day processing capacity of ten tons."You Canyong recounted the original situation.

"We calculated and analyzed based on what Director Arashi Yamamoto said, every day has 24 hours, a total of 1440 minutes and 86,400 seconds."You Canyong explained the data.

"I looked back at the previous situation in the harmless treatment workshop of nuclear contaminated wastewater. The total time from the beginning to the removal of the harmless treatment wastewater was 1 minute and 47 seconds, that is, 107 seconds."You Canyong came up with accurate data.

"From the video, we can see that in 107 seconds, a total of about 600 ml of harmlessly treated nuclear contaminated wastewater was collected."You Canyong continued to list the data.

"Although we do not know the specific density of nuclear contaminated wastewater, its density cannot be too exaggerated. We assume that the density of nuclear contaminated wastewater is almost the same as that of ordinary water. After simple calculation, it should process more than 115 ml per second and 107 seconds. That would require processing 12,384 ml."You Canyong added calculations

"But during the live broadcast, we only got about 600 ml of capacity. Is the density of nuclear contaminated wastewater twenty times that of ordinary water?"You Canyong said mockingly

"Through these data calculations, we can find that Kyoto Electric Power Company has problems in the harmless treatment of nuclear contaminated wastewater. Even if they can quibble, combined with the accident of this real investigation operation, we can confirm that they did not deal with nuclear wastewater. The ability to pollute wastewater!"You Canyong gave a summary.

If it is just a matter of processing volume, you can still quibble, but combined with the accident of the real investigation operation, the two together form a knot that is very difficult to defend.

Even if Kyoto Electric Power Company forces a rebuttal , if you refuse to admit it directly, then Mabe Akei will laugh to death!

Because Mabe Akei is already prepared. Once Kyoto Electric Power Company refutes and refuses to admit it, he will apply for another real investigation operation while the iron is hot.

And in order to let Real investigation operations are more credible. Mabe Akira plans to invite a third party to participate, such as inviting a team from Xia Guo?

Once a third-party investigation team is invited to participate, the hidden tricks and problems of Kyoto Electric Power Company will be directly exposed.

As the proverb You Canyong said before, what is true cannot be false, and what is false cannot be true!

Kyoto Electric Power Company was disrupted by an accident in the game. They were a little sick and rushed to seek medical treatment, so they are now absolutely passive!

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