After An Liang's reminder, Huang Guoxiang realized the problem

‘Huang Guoxiang: How are you going to deal with this problem?’

‘An Liang: The military's individual aircraft has a endurance of one hour and a maximum flight speed of 100 kilometers per hour. We can use this to arrange smuggling by sea.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Smuggling by sea?’

‘An Liang: Yes!’

‘Anliang: Our target is the Mount Fuji area, not the Winter Kyoto area, so we don’t need to enter Winter Kyoto Bay, and the difficulty of smuggling by sea will plummet.’

‘Yasura: If we choose the sea transport mode, we can choose Hakone Town, Numazu, Fujikawa, Atami, or even Shizuoka’

‘Yasura: I personally recommend choosing Hakone Town or Atami.’

‘Anliang: Both places are on the southeast side of Mount Fuji, and they are only about 40 kilometers away from Mount Fuji in a straight line. Our target is on the east side of Mount Fuji.’

‘An Liang: If I choose two places as the destination for maritime smuggling, I will make corresponding arrangements there, including preparing vehicles, authentic neon local driver’s licenses, and excavation equipment.’

‘An Liang: By the way, Lao Huang, are the people you selected proficient in neon language?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: No’

‘An Liang: Are there any candidates? It is best to be a candidate who is proficient in neon language’

‘An Liang: Once an accident occurs, if the operators are proficient in neon language, a lot of trouble will be saved.’

‘An Liang: The operators we arranged are all proficient in neon language’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Then I will screen again.’

‘An Liang: How about leaving the specific actions to us?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: That is impossible!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: What if you monopolize thousands of years of astragalus?’

‘An Liang: What kind of person am I like?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: I am a villain, I just don’t believe you’

‘An Liang:...’

Huang Guoxiang's beep is poisonous. He has already said so. What else can An Liang do?

‘An Liang: Re-select the operatives as soon as possible and try to send them over today to avoid long nights and dreams!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: OK!’

‘An Liang: You select the operatives first, and I’ll contact the Northern Bear Country.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Why are you contacting the North Bear Country?’

‘An Liang: Of course, design a backup evacuation plan’

‘An Liang: If the operation fails and our operators are discovered, the shipping channel for smuggling will definitely be blocked, and it will be impossible to leave Neon through conventional channels, so we need a backup retreat plan. '

Neon is an island nation.

The only way to leave Neon is by plane or by sea.

When both methods of retreat are blocked, you can't leave Neon by swimming, right?

Even if you have good physical strength and the ability to swim across the sea, can your swimming speed be as fast as the Neon Sea Defense Force?

In order to avoid extreme situations, Anliang needs to contact the Northern Bear Country to make an evacuation plan.

The Northern Bear Kingdom occupies the four northern islands of Neon. In the event of an extreme situation, operators can go to Hokkaido, and then use individual aircraft from Hokkaido to the territory of the Northern Bear Kingdom.

Of course, this is the worst case scenario!

However, Anliang planned a backup retreat plan in advance, so that if the worst happened, there would still be a backup plan to choose from.

An Liang and Huang Guoxiang ended their exchange, and he sent a message to the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator, asking the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator to contact Dmitry Delovy of the Pacific Fleet of the North Bear Country.

During the previous operation to salvage sunken treasures, Anliang established contact with the Pacific Fleet of the Northern Bear Country, and the relevant contact person was Dmitri Drovi.

In less than two minutes, the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator established contact with An Liang.

The Life Winner System had previously rewarded Anliang for his proficiency in Russian. He spoke first,"Dmitri, my friend, I need your help with something!"

"Hahaha, my friend, I am very willing to help you. What is it?"Dmitri asked immediately

"I have a few subordinates working in Neon, and I am worried that they will get into trouble, so I prepare in advance. If they run into trouble, I hope their journey from Hokkaido to South Curil Island goes smoothly and that you bring them back to Xia Country safely."Anliang explained.

Dmitri immediately agreed,"Of course no problem! My friend, I can arrange for you two guided missile destroyers and four guided missile frigates. I can deploy them to the middle of the strait between South Curiel Island and Hokkaido to avoid the trouble caused by neon lights."

"..."An Liang was a little speechless.

Is this beeping a reward from the last shipwreck treasure salvage operation?

The basic price for leasing two guided missile destroyers and four guided missile frigates is 20 million Xia Guoyuan, and each renewal day is 5 million Xia Guoyuan. Once a battle occurs, there will be additional costs.

This price is actually very cheap for Anliang.

But for the Northern Bear Country, that is a sky-high price!

Because the economic situation of the North Bear Country is so bad, the Great Court of the North Bear Country turns a blind eye to things like this to generate additional income.

"Although this kind of security force is a bit too sufficient, in order to ensure safety, I accept this security configuration."An Liang said with something in mind.

Logically speaking, even if there is only one guided missile frigate, Neon Country would not dare to act rashly.

But An Liang does not care about the other party arranging more security forces. After all, the other party wants to make money, and An Liang can Understand, and willing to spend money to deepen ties with the Pacific Fleet of the Bear Nation.

"Hahaha, thank you, my friend, when do you need it? Dmitri asked with gratitude.

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