Northern Bear Nation Pacific Fleet, combat conference room.

Dmitri is thinking about how to select two qualified destroyer captains from the eight to participate in the operation assigned by Anliang.

"Koloff, Sergey, how do you think we should choose?"Dmitri asked the two destroyer captains who had participated in the operation to salvage the sunken treasure.

Faced with Dmitri's inquiry, neither Koloff nor Sergey answered. They are also smart people, how could they support it publicly? Which one?

If you publicly support one of the destroyer captains, it is equivalent to offending the other seven destroyer captains. If you remain silent, no one will be offended.

Faced with the silence of the two, Dmitri asked again,"What do you have? Any suggestions?

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Koloff coughed,"Actually, I still support myself!""

Sergey seconded,"I also support myself."

"You are not qualified!"Dmitri snorted softly.

"Just a moment!"Dmitri stood up and left the combat conference room.

After Dmitri left, the destroyer captains discussed one after another, mainly asking Koloff and Sergei about the last time they participated in the salvage operation of sunken treasure.

Kolov Love responded casually,"The operation was actually very smooth at that time. Only Neon came over to take a look tentatively, and the rest of the time was spent fishing in the sea.

Sergey agreed,"I competed with Koloff in sea fishing, and I even won him one hundred thousand rubles!""

Kolov sighed and said,"I really envy you for being qualified to participate in this operation. You have at least more than 17 million rubles in income."

According to a private agreement, 50% of the 30 million Xia Guoyuan's security expenses belong to the action team. Among them, the destroyer captain level can get 10% of the security expenses allocated by the action team, which is 1.5 million Xia Guoyuan, equivalent to more than Seventeen million rubles.

While the destroyer captains were discussing, Dmitri returned to the war conference room and brought back eight brand new decks of playing cards.

"For the sake of fairness, we will use playing cards to determine the quota this time."Dmitri summed it up first, indicating that the selection quota this time was absolutely fair.

"Still to ensure fairness, we conduct eight rounds of drawings. Everyone has a chance to be ranked first in drawing cards. In the end, the top two with the highest total points in the eight draws are qualified."Dmitri added.

After finishing speaking, Dmitri unpacked the first deck of playing cards on the spot. While unpacking, he added,"In playing cards, A to 10 represent 1 to 10 points respectively. Jack represents 11 points, Queen represents 12 points, King represents 13 points, and two Jokers represent 20 points."

"Ruslan, you are the first to draw a card. In the next round, Mikhailov on your right will be the first to draw a card. You will be the last to draw a card. In the third round, the right to draw the first card will continue to be transferred to the right. Understand the rules. Already?"Dmitri explained.

Ruslan responded affirmatively,"Understood!"

After Ruslan responded, Dmitri placed the playing cards on the conference table with their backs facing up, and spread the playing cards horizontally."Everyone takes one card. Draw it randomly. Go fast and don't wait. After drawing, immediately turn it over and put it in front of you to show it to everyone to prevent cheating."

Ruslan randomly drew a card and quickly turned the playing card over. It turned out to be the king of colors, getting the highest score of 20 points.

Mikhailov, who drew the second one, glanced at Ruslan with envy. Then he drew a card next to Ruslan, and when he turned it over, it turned out to be an Ace of Spades, with only a small 1 point.

It was a hellish start!

The card drawing process went on quickly, after all, the destroyer captains It was also impossible to cheat in front of colleagues and superiors, and there was no way to cheat.

In just over ten minutes, the card drawing ended.

In the end, the number one ranking was Ruslan, who scored a total of 113 points.

Of course, the number one ranking It was not Mikhailov, but the captain of the Strieberg, Dima Aralhe. He was also very lucky and got a score of 91 points, only one point higher than the third place.

When After the result was confirmed, Dmitri directly ordered,"Ruslan, Dima, you must gather the team immediately and prepare to set off. I have sent you the specific mission information and mission location separately."


"clear! Ruslan and Dima both said with excitement.

More than two hours later, Ruslan's Svarog guided missile destroyer, coupled with Dima's Stelliberg guided missile destroyer, brought the Four guided missile frigates set off from the headquarters of the Pacific Fleet.

They need to sail close to a thousand kilometers, which takes about twenty hours.

When this action team sets off from the headquarters of the Pacific Fleet in the North Bear Country, the Neon Country will The intelligence was received.

Yuki Kazama, the Minister of Intelligence of Neon Country, checked the intelligence information of the Pacific Fleet. He couldn't help but rubbed his brows,"Two destroyers and four frigates again?"

Such a situation reminded Kazama Yushu of the bad memories he had in the eastern waters of Xia Kingdom.

"Have you found out their destination?" Kazama Yuuki asked.

Assistant Minister of Intelligence Motokyo Kikai responded negatively,"It has not been confirmed yet, but according to the analysis of the intelligence department, this fleet set off from the Pacific Fleet headquarters and then sailed north, with a high probability of going to Kamchatka. peninsula branch"

"Keep a close eye on this fleet!"Minister of Intelligence Kazama Yuki frowned. He had a vague hunch that the movement of this fleet was definitely not that simple.

"Hi!"Chenghai Yuanjing responded respectfully.

An Liang also received the information about the departure of the Pacific Fleet of the North Bear Country. A smile appeared on his lips. The changes in the Pacific Fleet of the North Bear Country should attract the attention of the Neon Country, right?

The Neon Country is quite scared. In the North Bear Country, every change in the North Bear Country will give the Neon Country a headache, so it will pay special attention to the North Bear Country, which will naturally relax the attention of other places....


Update time: September 6, 2021 00:02:57, good night.

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