The suggestions put forward by Anbei Jinshan were directly adopted by Kazama Yushu, because what Anbei Jinshan said was really very reasonable.

Neon at 8:15pm local time.

The Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau held a press conference through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

At the press conference, Intelligence Minister Kazama Yuki of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau personally served as the spokesperson

"Hello everyone, I am Yuki Kazama from the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau."Yuuki Kazama took the initiative to introduce himself.

News reporters from various TV stations asked questions at once. They all knew Yuuki Kazama and naturally knew that Yuuki Kazama was the Minister of Intelligence. Now the Minister of Intelligence personally serves as the spokesperson for the press conference. That means there is big news!

"Please be quiet!"Yuki Kazama reminded everyone to be quiet.

"We will provide time for everyone to speak, but now please be quiet and listen to us about an important matter."Yuki Kazama reminded.

News reporters from various TV stations quieted down.

"Our neon has lost a thousand-year-old national treasure!"Kazama Yuuki was thrown into disgrace as soon as he opened his mouth.

"The thief comes from Xia Kingdom!"Kazama Yuuki continued to make shocking remarks.

"On September 19th, Saturday, a team of four from the Xia Kingdom stole our neon millennium national treasure on Mount Fuji. For this operation, the Xia Kingdom even mobilized military satellite support!"Yushu Kazama added.

In fact, Yushu Kazama could not determine the identities of the four people, nor did he investigate the identities of the four people, nor could he determine whether the four people were from the Xia Kingdom, but the Xia Kingdom provided support from outer space, so What's the problem with defining the four people as Xia people?

Besides, if there is no evidence, there is no evidence. Whether they know it or not is another matter.

"The thousand-year-old national treasure stolen by our neon is called 'Millennium Astragalus'. It is a magical medicine that has a very powerful therapeutic effect, so it attracted the covetousness of the Xia Kingdom and eventually carried out the theft."Yuki Kazama explained.

"When we realized that the thousand-year-old astragalus had been stolen, we conducted a tracking operation, but in the end we failed to catch up with Xia Guo's action team. They fled the country with our thousand-year-old national treasure!" Kazama Yushu sighed.

"Here, on behalf of our Neon, I strongly condemn Xia Guo. We ask Xia Guo to stop such actions that undermine the friendship between Xia Guo and Neon. Our Neon and Xia Guo are separated by a narrow strip of water and have been friendly neighbors since ancient times. Xia Guo is like this This behavior will undoubtedly destroy our bilateral friendship." Kazama Yushu said in condemnation.

"We hope that Xia State will return our neon thousand-year national treasure as soon as possible. We hope that Xia State will not go further down the wrong path. We hope that Xia State can assume the responsibility of a great country!"Feng Jian Yushu expressed his hope for Xia Guo

"Finally, we at Neon look forward to an open dialogue with Xia Guo, and hope that Xia Guo can properly handle the theft of our Neon Millennium National Treasure!"Yuki Kazama said in summary.

The host of the press conference looked at Yuuki Kazama. After getting Yuuki Kazama's nod, the host announced that reporters were free to ask questions.

"Hello, Mr. Kazama, I am Junko Asao from Fuji TV."Fuji TV is a TV station that is pro-Neon, so it is naturally the first choice to ask questions.

Asakou Junko continued to ask,"Excuse me, Mr. Kazama, this time the Xia Kingdom stole our Neon's thousand-year-old national treasure, do you have any evidence?"

"Of course!"Kazama Yuuki said affirmatively,"Xia Guo provided full military satellite support for this operation, including satellite network communications, earth observation optical satellite intelligence assistance, etc., whether it is us or the Bald Eagle State, All have definite evidence."

This is actually nonsense!

Whether it is Bald Eagle Kingdom or Neon, they only discovered that Xia Kingdom's satellite was aimed at Neon. It is also nothing more. There is no more accurate discovery.

"Is the thousand-year-old national treasure stolen from the Xia Kingdom valuable?"Junko Asao from Fuji TV added a question.

Yuuki Kazama was silent for a moment before speaking,"As for the Thousand-Year Astragalus matter, in fact, the Xia Kingdom has already obtained the Thousand-Year Astragalus. Previously, in order to obtain the Thousand-Year Astragalus, the Xia Kingdom, they There were even very bloody massacres in India. Asana Junko's eyes lit up,"

Does India also have thousand-year-old astragalus?""

"There used to be a thousand-year-old astragalus in Sirapan, India, but in order to obtain the thousand-year-old astragalus, the Xia Kingdom massacred a large local family and killed more than two hundred people."Feng Jian Yushu smeared Xia Guo

"The medicinal effect of Millennium Astragalus is very miraculous. The nobles in the imperial capital of Xia Kingdom have monopolized the control of Millennium Astragalus. Although Millennium Astragalus is not traded externally, if it were actually traded, even if a copy sold for 100 million Xia Guoyuan, it would probably be Demand will exceed supply!"Yuki Kazama estimates the value of thousand-year-old astragalus.

"If calculated based on this value, we may have lost hundreds of billions of yen this time!"Yuki Kazama sighed.

A loss of hundreds of billions of yen?

Junko Asa's eyes lit up again. This is good news!

Reporters from other news TV stations were also shocked. After all, it was a loss of hundreds of billions of yen. , I think it’s scary when I think about it, but I also think it’s good news!

As for news, of course, the more shocking it is, the better!

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