North Bear Country high-level video conference.

The information revealed by Waiters completely shocked the entire top management of the North Bear Country. They had only one thought in their minds: If you have money, you can really do whatever you want!

"We have done analysis on how to plan the operation if that person is our enemy and we want to carry out a beheading operation."Vitus continued.

Emperor Push asked curiously,"What are the results of the analysis?"

"The analysis concluded that the decapitation operation could not be carried out. Waiters explained,"Because according to our investigation, there are a lot of security forces around the other party, including the other party's relatives and girlfriend."

"In addition, the Xia court was very tolerant of him, and his security forces carried over-the-limit weapons."Vitess added.

Vasilevich interjected on the side,"The other party has become more and more powerful in the commercial field. Although our previous cooperation in oil did not reach an agreement, there is now an opportunity to restart."

Emperor Pushi was silentAfter a while, he responded,"If we ask the other party to buy thousand-year-old astragalus, what is the probability that the other party will agree?"

Vitus thought about it for a while, then responded,"Can't be sure."

Dmitri answered He said,"If the emperor contacted the other party personally, I believe that the other party would be willing to sell or even give it as a gift. That person is very interesting. He has always been very happy to cooperate with our Pacific Fleet and is very generous."

Dmitri detailed Explained the cooperation between the two parties.

For example, the evacuation of South Curil Island this time obviously only required one day, but the other party insisted on giving three days, just to deepen the cooperative relationship with the Pacific Fleet.

Emperor Push suddenly laughed

"Dmitry, if you take the initiative to contact the other party, we will not cause trouble for him."Emperor Pushi ordered

"OK"Dmitri responded.

The high-level video conference of the North Bear Country was suspended.

When Dmitri was about to contact An Liang, An Liang had already taken the initiative to contact Dmitri and was waiting for the communication to be answered. Dmitri spoke first,"I also Just ready to contact you!

An Liang asked calmly,"What do you want?""

"The four of you who retreated to South Curil Island stole the thousand-year-old astragalus from the Neon Kingdom, right?"Dmitri asked.

An Liang did not expect that Dmitri would not be able to discover the matter of the thousand-year-old Astragalus. He responded frankly,"Yes."

"Hahaha, Boss An, you are very honest!"Dmitri laughed loudly, and then added,"You don't have to worry, our Northern Bear Country has no intention of robbery. We just held a high-level video conference, and the emperor personally said that we are friends."

The image of the great emperor emerged in An Liang's mind, and he secretly sighed in his heart that he was indeed that great emperor.

Obviously for so many years, the great emperor has not brought the Northern Bear Country out of its predicament, and the economic situation of the Northern Bear Country has even worsened. It's a bit worse, but the great emperor is still deeply supported and loved by the polar bear people. As expected, he has two brushes.

"Thank you, Emperor! An Liang said politely,"Since we are friends, I will prepare a gift for the emperor later.""

Dmitri naturally understood what An Liang meant, and he said gratefully,"Thank you, Boss An."


‘Congratulations to the host for successfully resolving a crisis with his personal charm and the intimidation of affiliated forces and receiving a special reward!’

‘Special reward: a mountain thousand-year-old astragalus’

‘Location information: 2100 altitude location on the west side of Neon Fuji Mountain’

‘【Specific coordinates]'

An Liang raised his eyebrows secretly, is it another thousand-year-old astragalus?

It’s really sleepy and meets pillow!

An Liang looked at the special reward and immediately thought about it

"By the way, Dmitri, is our line secure? An Liang asked casually.

Dmitri affirmed,"Absolutely safe!""

"One hundred percent there won't be any problems?"An Liang asked again

"Yes, absolutely no problem."Dmitri said with certainty.

"Since it is absolutely safe, I will reveal a piece of information to you in advance. As for whether you can benefit from it, it depends on your own ability. An Liang said casually.

Dmitri immediately asked,"What information?""

"Millennium Astragalus!"An Liang said with a smile.

"Millennium Astragalus?"Dmitri asked in surprise.

"Yes. Anliang said with certainty,"There is more than one thousand-year-old astragalus in Mount Fuji. Our action team was discovered by the Bald Eagle Country. They were too nosy. They revealed our actions to Neon, so we had no choice but to give up the action." Anliang continued,"We only got one thousand-year-old astragalus, but there is a second thousand-year-old astragalus in Mount Fuji!""

"Where?"Dmitri asked tentatively.

After Dmitri asked, his heart beat violently. He knew the value of the thousand-year-old astragalus. If he got a thousand-year-old astragalus, he would be promoted and made rich!

"According to the intelligence analysis we have obtained, this thousand-year-old astragalus plant is on the west side of Mount Fuji, probably between 1,500 meters and 2,500 meters above sea level. The specific location has not yet been determined."An Liang explained.

"It is precisely because of this that we gave up this thousand-year-old astragalus."An Liang added.

This reason is reasonable!

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