After An Liang communicated with Dmitri, he contacted Huang Guoxiang again. Because the Life Winner System gave another reward, An Liang naturally wanted to contact Huang Guoxiang to explain the situation.

After waiting for the call to connect, Huang Guoxiang asked first,"What does that mean?"

"Our partners said that everything would remain the same and they would not embarrass us."An Liang explained.

"this..."Huang Guoxiang is a little unbelievable

"Does the other party have any conspiracy?"Huang Guoxiang asked. In Huang Guoxiang's opinion, if such a valuable thousand-year-old astragalus passed through the Northern Bear Country, wouldn't those crazy poor Northern Bear people do anything like plucking the feathers of wild geese?

"There is no conspiracy, because I revealed a new piece of information to them!"An Liang replied with a smile.

"What information?"Huang Guoxiang was curious about what kind of information could make the North Bear people so generous?

"I told them that Mount Fuji has a second thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus."An Liang responded

"Damn it! Huang Guoxiang burst out laughing,"As expected of you!" Your tricks are really cool!"

"Those polar bears are really stupid to believe you!"Huang Guoxiang sighed.

An Liang responded calmly,"I didn't lie to them."

"ah?"Huang Guoxiang was stunned.

"What's the meaning? Huang Guoxiang asked back

"literal meaning. Anliang remained calm,"I told them, I didn't lie to them, because there really is a second thousand-year-old astragalus in Mount Fuji, but we didn't find the specific location, and our actions were discovered by Neon, so we can only give up."

Anliang continued,"The situation we are facing now is a bit bad. From Neon to India, from Bald Eagle to Europa, they are all targeting us now. In order to prevent the imperial court from being unable to bear the pressure, I decided to Announce this news at 1 o'clock"

"etc! Huang Guoxiang complained,"Who told you that the imperial court could not withstand the pressure?""

"Did you withstand it?"An Liang asked back.

"nonsense!"Huang Guoxiang complained,"Just like Neon's shameless plan to launch a nuclear pollution wastewater discharge plan, it is almost meaningless for other countries to argue with us. Anyway, if we ignore them, how can they come over to beat us?

Huang Guoxiang continued to complain,"Look at the way these countries operate this time, are they the same as before?""

"In the past, netizens always said that we in Xia State like to strongly condemn. In fact, countries all over the world are the same. Everyone likes to strongly condemn. Otherwise, what else can we do?"Huang Guoxiang said with a hum.

"Do I have to call him?"Huang Guoxiang said sarcastically,"Even the Bald Eagle Country doesn't like to bully the weak and fear the strong. It only chooses to beat small countries, and condemns big countries and imposes economic sanctions and so on. An

Liang responded calmly,"Actually, it doesn't matter. If this matter is revealed, won't it cause chaos within Neon?""

"It seems so! Huang Guoxiang responded affirmatively,"The value of a thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus is at least estimated at 10 billion. This kind of economic value is fatally attractive.""

"But you kid just gave up like that?"Huang Guoxiang asked strangely

"I already got one!"An Liang responded

"No! Huang Guoxiang said negatively,"You only got half a plant!""

"To be more precise, I account for 60% and you account for 40%."An Liang reminded Huang Guoxiang to prevent Huang Guoxiang from confusing the distribution ratio.

Huang Guoxiang secretly sighed in his heart, this An Liang is really cautious!

"Do you really not want the second thousand-year-old astragalus?"Huang Guoxiang tried again

"don't want!"An Liang refused and said,"The second thousand-year-old Astragalus involves too much. Once we release the news, rich people and desperadoes all over the world will pounce on Neon."

"You know, we prefer to rely on the leading edge of intelligence to complete actions quickly and accurately, rather than fighting against people head-on."An Liang said remindingly.

An Liang prefers to be the mastermind behind the scenes!

Isn't it bad to be calculating with your mind but not with your heart?

Why do you have to fight with other countries' courts and even desperadoes?

Beautiful jade touches tiles?

Match each other?

Thousand-year-old astragalus is indeed very precious. But for Anliang, the thousand-year-old astragalus is just a resource, and it is not a necessary resource.

"Since you don’t want it, then tell us the information in advance, we want it! Huang Guoxiang said tentatively.

"Lao Huang, this time the situation is very complicated and people will really die!"Anliang reminded.

After the intelligence is released this time, because it is Mount Fuji, Neon must have a home field advantage. There is no guarantee that Neon will directly dispatch the Self-Defense Force to block Mount Fuji.

What if Neon does this?

"Field missions are bound to be dangerous! Huang Guoxiang responded.

An Liang sighed,"What about Neon directly mobilizing the Self-Defense Forces to participate?""

Huang Guoxiang was silent

"I can tell you the information, which will be announced tomorrow anyway, and I can even give you some more detailed information, but I don’t think it’s really necessary."An Liang explained.

"As a friend, Lao Huang, I remind you that this operation is not easy to handle."An Liang added.

Huang Guoxiang hesitated,"How about I ask the Central Secretariat for instructions first and let the cabinet ministers decide?"

"no problem. An Liang responded,"Please ask for instructions first!""


Update time: September 13, 2021 00:01:54, good night.

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