Facing Huang Guoxiang's inquiry, An An smiled secretly.

"The good news is, I don’t think you need to arrange for people to go there. After all, they will be cannon fodder. It is very likely that Neon and Bald Eagle will join forces."The corners of Anliang's mouth turned up. This should be considered good news, right?

Even if Anliang has clear coordinates, Neon should have completely blocked Mount Fuji by now. Even if the National Security Investigation Bureau arranges for personnel to go there, it is basically impossible to solve the problem.

Unless you are not afraid of death and use your life to fill it!

Although the thousand-year-old astragalus is very precious, in An Liang's eyes, it is still not as precious as human life, so An Liang is not prepared to tell Huang Guoxiang the detailed coordinate points.

After all, once told to Huang Guoxiang, some people will definitely decide Using the lives of National Security Investigation Bureau field personnel in exchange for thousand-year-old Astragalus.

This is a situation that An Liang does not allow!

Whether it is the National Security Investigation Bureau field personnel or the security personnel of Renyi Security Company, An Liang does not want them to participate in the fight for the second place. In the competition for thousand-year-old astragalus.

After all, if you participate, you may die!

In such a matter where you may lose your life, Anliang has a better choice.

For example, let the Northern Bear Country rush in front?

"Any other good news?"Huang Guoxiang was unable to complain.

"We need control of the Earth Observation Optical Satellite. We need to observe the situation of Mount Fuji. You will give us control of the Earth Observation Optical Satellite. We will use it to find the second Millennium Astragalus. If the second Millennium Astragalus is found, position, we have a little chance. An Liang made a request.

Huang Guoxiang complained,"Do you know that it is illegal to peek into other countries' territories through Earth observation optical satellites?""

"I have no idea. An Liang said doubtfully,"The Guge Company of Bald Eagle Country, didn't the Guge Map they produced observe the situation of the entire earth?""

"That's done with permission."Huang Guoxiang responded

"Haven't we observed this before?"An Liang asked again

"That was what Neon didn't know before. Under current circumstances, Neon will definitely pay special attention to satellites in outer space."Huang Guoxiang explained.

Before, it was a calculated calculation without any intention. Xia Guo's satellite secretly looked at Neon, so there was no problem.

Now Neon has obtained the information about the second thousand-year-old Astragalus, plus the previous information about Xia Guo's secret use of satellites to observe Mount Fuji. behavior, Neon will definitely pay special attention to the situation in outer space.

"I think Neon is powerless to resist, because the current situation may be that the Bald Eagle Country, the Polar Bear Country, and the leading big brothers of Europa have all aimed their satellites at Neon. You can let people take a look at the situation."An Liang said remindingly.

"Wait a minute, I'll let someone take a look. Huang Guoxiang responded.

Huang Guoxiang cut off contact with An Liang, and he immediately asked people to check the situation in outer space. The result was exactly as An Liang said. In outer space, a lot of satellites were aiming at neon.

What good is neon? What's the way?

Of course there is no way!

In the world, the only countries with anti-satellite weapons are the Bald Eagle Country, the North Bear Country, and the Xia Country. The defense of other countries against satellites is almost equal to zero.

If only the Xia Country A family's satellite is peeking at the neon, and the neon can be criticized in various ways. If it sprays Xia Guo, Xia Guo will definitely quibble. It's just an accident that the satellite passed by and took a look.

But the big brothers who are taking the lead all over the world are together A group came to see Neon. What else can Neon do?

Pretend not to notice!

Anyway, the information that Mount Fuji has a second thousand-year-old astragalus has been completely exposed. Neon has local advantages. They are considering whether to mobilize the Self-Defense Forces..

Huang Guoxiang contacted An Liang again, and he took the initiative to explain,"You guessed it right, there are indeed many satellites peeking at the neon lights."

"So give us control of Earth observation optical satellites?"An Liang asked back.

"I can only give you half of the authority. When you are detecting and observing, we must also watch together."Huang Guoxiang made a request

"OK!"An Liang agreed.

An Liang has specific coordinates. He wants control of the Earth Observation Optical Satellite. This is nothing more than an excuse to make the information more reasonable.

"You hand over authority to Number Four."Anliang added.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Tianji Shensuan No. 4 took over half of the authority of the Earth Observation Optical Satellite. Following Anliang's instructions, he controlled the Earth Observation Optical Satellite to scan the area on the west side of Mount Fuji with an altitude of 1,500 meters to 2,500 meters..

In fact, satellites from other countries are also scanning this area.

Given that Mount Fuji is very large, the area that needs to be scanned is also very large, but Anliang is scanning selectively. After about half an hour, Anliang will scan the four areas Marked

"On the 4th, release control of the satellite and return the satellite to them."An Liang reminded

"receive."Tianji Divine Calculator No. 4 did not ask any questions at all, and directly carried out An Liang's order.

As soon as Tianji Divine Calculator No. 4 released control, Huang Guoxiang contacted An Liang, and he took the initiative to ask,"Have you found it?"

An Liang didn't hide it," he discovered four suspicious areas."

"Where?"Huang Guoxiang immediately asked excitedly

"What are you excited about? An Liang asked back.

Huang Guoxiang asked sarcastically,"Are you going to leave us and go it alone?""

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