Facing An Liang's complaints and ridicule, Dmitri felt extremely embarrassed. He himself also felt that their Intelligence and Investigation Bureau in the Northern Bear Country was a piece of shit.

"Dmitry, I am very satisfied with my cooperation with your Pacific Fleet, so I hope to cooperate with your Pacific Fleet alone this time."An Liang suggested

"I know that your Pacific Fleet has a special operations team named [Triglav]. How about arranging them to perform a mission this time?"An Liang said casually.

Dmitri was secretly shocked. Their Pacific Fleet was infiltrated by An Liang?

"Don't worry, I only know the name. An Liang replied predicatively,"I did not infiltrate your Pacific Fleet. This piece of information was obtained from the dark web." Dmitri breathed a sigh of relief,"We can arrange for Triglav to carry out the mission, but when will your individual flying device be delivered?""

Dmitri continued,"You're right, we don't have much time, we have to speed up."

"This requires the cooperation of Xia Guo. They will arrange for four supersonic fighter jets to fly to your side, and then airdrop the equipment to you. After you get the equipment, I also suggest that you airdrop your operational personnel into the Neon territory and use individual soldiers to The aircraft landed accurately."An Liang said remindingly.

"There's no way we're entering neon airspace!"Dmitri directly rebutted

"Of course, it is not to enter Neon's airspace. Each operator carries two sets of individual aircraft. You can airdrop outside the airspace and then use the individual aircraft to enter Neon."An Liang said remindingly.

Dmitri immediately understood what An Liang meant,"Did you use the individual flying device for your previous actions?"

An Liang smiled and said nothing.

"But how do you solve the battery life problem?"Dmitri asked back.

An Liang said without any concealment,"The other party didn't know we were doing our previous actions, so we prepared a specially modified charging car."

"I see!"Dmitri responded.

"Okay, Dmitri, are you willing to participate in this cooperation?"An Liang asked

"certainly!"Dmitri responded immediately

"You select your personnel first, and I will immediately contact Xia Guo to airdrop equipment to you. After your people enter the west side of Mount Fuji, I will send you the specific location of the suspicious area."Anliang deliberately behaved cautiously.

Dmitri didn't say anything. Instead, he felt that Anliang was very cautious, thus avoiding the problem of intelligence being leaked again.

After communicating with Dmitri, Anliang contacted Huang Guoxiang again and explained something. The specific situation.

Huang Guoxiang did not reject An Liang's proposal. After all, he only provided 32 sets of individual aircraft and could get 10% of the profits. What's wrong?

But Huang Guoxiang met his opponent!

Huang Guoxiang was contacting the military When Fang represented Zhu Yi, half of the interests were taken away by Zhu Yi, and the National Security Investigation Bureau and the military each took 5% of the interests.

An Liang even received a message from Zhu Yi, saying that if he returns next time, With such cooperation, An Liang can directly contact Zhu Yi, thereby skipping Huang Guoxiang and allowing the military to directly get 10% of the benefits.

It has to be said that there is a struggle for interests everywhere?


Pacific Fleet Headquarters, Vladivostok.

Dmitry cooperated with Ralph, the captain of the Triglav Special Operations Team, and carefully selected sixteen members before explaining the invasion of Neon to the sixteen members.

Originally, Ralph, the captain of the Triglav Special Operations Team, did not agree with this operation at all, because in Ralph's view, this operation must be a dead end.

But after Dmitri showed that there was a single-soldier flying device, Ralph changed his attention. But it was only a change of mind. He still needed to test the single-soldier flying device before he could make a decision.

More than an hour later, the airdrop arranged by An Liang was in place, and thirty-two sets of individual flying devices were airdropped to the Pacific Fleet headquarters.

Ralph of the Triglav Special Operations Team first tested the individual aircraft and found that the individual aircraft provided by Xia Guo was very easy to control and even had a fool-proof control system. Only then did he decide to take on this mission.

"Dmitri, we can take on this mission, but you also know the dangers of this mission. I am responsible for my brothers!"Ralph stared at Dmitri. He wanted a promise of compensation.

Dmitri laughed and said,"Don't worry, this action was not initiated by us, but someone was behind the scenes. Once you succeed, , the bonus will be huge!"

"What if it fails?"Ralph asked back.

Although Ralph also has full confidence in the Triglav special operations team, Ralph understands one thing, that is, you must always consider the worst case scenario.

In case the worst case scenario occurs What?

So Ralph needs to ask clearly what the result will be if the worst case scenario occurs, so that they can make further choices.

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