Neon has local advantages!

For other countries, the search for thousand-year-old Astragalus needs to be carried out secretly, but for Neon, they can do it openly and expel operatives from other countries.

Although the Bald Eagle Country blocked Neon from mobilizing the Self-Defense Forces to participate, Neon mobilized the Metropolitan Police Department in all areas around Mount Fuji and ordered members of the Metropolitan Police Department to jointly search the mountain.

The idea of ​​​​Neon Court is very simple, that is, great efforts can produce miracles!

Since there is no specific coordinate location of the thousand-year-old Astragalus, they have to search every inch of land. Anyway, they have local advantages, and they are not short of manpower.

In order to accurately identify the thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus, the Neon Court also arranged for botanists to train the personnel of the Metropolitan Police Department to identify the appearance of Astragalus membranaceus. As long as Astragalus membranaceus is found, it will be marked for review by more professional personnel and cooperate with scientific instruments. Detection to determine the age of thousand-year-old Astragalus.

Although this search method is seamless, there is a drawback, that is, the search speed is too slow!

The environment of Mount Fuji is very good, with many plants. Searching every inch of land is a bit too slow in terms of speed.

This gives Anliang a chance!


Neon time, close to eleven o'clock in the evening.

The Neon Court's search operation on Mount Fuji was suspended, but patrols were arranged, infrared thermal radiation detectors were turned on, and motion sensors were even deployed.

Off the coast of Hakone Town, a transport plane from the North Bear Country dropped sixteen members of the Triglav Special Operations Team. All the special operations team members used their wingsuits to quickly glide toward the coastline in the night sky.

When there were still 40 kilometers away from the coastline, special operations captain Ralph ordered on the radio headset,"Everyone lowers the taxiing altitude. The effective detection range of Neon's shore defense radar is 22 to 25 kilometers. Prepare to start." Individual flying devices should try to fly within one meter of the sea level."

"receive."The special operations team members responded one after another.

Ralph chose the same breakthrough method as Renyi Security Company, using a single-soldier flying device to drive in.

In order to cooperate with the actions of the Pacific Fleet, Anliang continued to launch hacking operations, and the power supply in the Hakone Town area There are still supply problems.

The Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau still has not solved the problem of hacker intrusion.


To be precise, the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau has more important things to deal with, such as investigating other countries’ plans to enter Neon’s millennium. Astragalus's operators.

This is the top priority!

The Triglav Special Operations Team successfully landed in the Hakone Town area with the help of a single-soldier flying device, then connected to the satellite network of the Northern Bear Country, and turned on the tablet computer to receive information.

Ralph connected to the comprehensive intelligence communication channel through the tablet computer. This comprehensive intelligence communication channel was proposed to be established by Dmitri, and An Liang was also brought in, thereby integrating Renyi Security Company and even the Xia State National Security Investigation Bureau to obtain information

"We have successfully landed in Hakone Town."Ralph reported.

Anliang, who is proficient in Russian, responded directly,"According to the information we obtained in Hakone Town, all ground transportation from coastal areas to Mount Fuji is restricted, and there are inspections basically every five kilometers. Station, I don’t recommend you choose land transportation.

An Liang asked additionally,"How much power is left in the individual flying device?""

Ralph first asked the other team members, and then reported the situation,"The minimum is only 61%."

"That's totally enough! Anliang responded,"You can use the individual flying device directly to Mount Fuji.""

The straight-line distance from Hakone Town to Mount Fuji is less than 40 kilometers. According to the condition of the individual flying device, even if there is only 61% of the battery left, it is completely enough to fly there.

"I will give you a coordinate point first. You go directly to this coordinate point. If there are neon patrol personnel around this coordinate point, you can find a safe place around this coordinate point and then re-establish contact."An Liang ordered

"receive."Ralph responded affirmatively.

Anliang immediately sent the coordinate point. This coordinate point is located on the west side of Mount Fuji at an altitude of 1,800 meters.

Less than half an hour later, when the neon time was approaching early morning, Ralph reconnected Comprehensive intelligence communication channel, he reports information

"We have arrived at the coordinate point. There are no neon patrols near the coordinate point, but we have found a large number of patrols along the way and vehicle-mounted surface-to-air missiles in the woods."Ralph reports

"In addition, we also found helicopters and a large number of armed personnel in the parking lot at the foot of Mount Fuji. We suspect that Neon may mobilize the Self-Defense Forces."Ralph added.

An Liang said with certainty,"Be more confident, that's for sure!"

Although the Bald Eagle Kingdom blocked Neon from mobilizing the Self-Defense Forces, Neon also had his own little ideas!


Update time: September 15, 2021 00:02:05. I wish everyone a good mood and good night.

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