Dark web.

Thousand-year-old Astragalus was publicly auctioned for the first time without restrictions, and the price of the first piece was as high as 299 million Xia Guoyuan.

Although this price is already very high, An Liang is not satisfied.

Because 299 million Xia Guoyuan was converted into US dollars, which was less than 50 million, so An Liang was indeed dissatisfied.

As the auction of the first piece of thousand-year-old astragalus came to an end, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan announced through the voice changer that the second piece of thousand-year-old astragalus had begun to be auctioned, and all the rules remained unchanged.

This time the price increase was faster. In just half a minute, the highest price reached 280 million. All the bidders skipped the previous meaningless test.

When the price reached a height of 280 million Xia Guoyuan, the price increase was reduced, because the final transaction price of the first thousand-year-old Astragalus was 299 million Xia Guoyuan.

The value of the second piece of thousand-year-old Astragalus has been basically anchored

‘Heart-Breaker: 285,000,000XGY. '

Heart-Breaker, who successfully took the first film, once again bids for the second piece of Millennium Astragalus, obviously intending to compete for the second piece of Millennium Astragalus.

After Heart-Breaker occupied the first bidding information in the auction applet, other bidders secretly considered how to bid.

‘Wan Gu Fang: 299,000,000XGY'

An account written in Xia Mandarin directly occupied the highest bid display position, and the bid was equal to the transaction price of the first thousand-year-old astragalus.

This price is a shackles!

Because the first Millennium Astragalus has initially anchored the value of Millennium Astragalus.

However, this price was not maintained for even ten seconds before it was broken again. The record was broken by Heart-Breaker again.

‘Heart-Breaker: 310,000,000XGY'

This guy not only broke the high price record he created, but also directly raised the price by a full eleven million, thereby demonstrating his determination to compete for the Millennium Astragalus.

‘Phoenix: 320,000,000XGY'Another spoiler appears!

The new disruptor once again directly invested 10 million, thus showing its determination to compete.

Most of the bidders have become spectators. After all, the price is quite high.

‘Heart-Breaker: 330,000,000XGY'

The winner of the first Millennium Astragalus set a new price, raising the price of Millennium Astragalus by 31 million.

However, in less than five seconds, Wan Gu Fang refreshed its price again.

‘Wan Gu Fang:

This price of 366,000,000

Through this"zero and full" price, Wangufang revealed an attitude that this is their final bid. Once the price exceeds, they will withdraw directly.

Faced with a one-time increase of 36 million Xia Guoyuan, both Heart-Breaker and Phoenix chose to give up. After all, there was still a third Millennium Astragalus.

The second piece of thousand-year-old astragalus was finally successfully acquired by Wangufang for 366 million Xia Guoyuan, which was a full 67 million more expensive than the price of the first piece of thousand-year-old astragalus.

Many bidders are patiently waiting for the follow-up situation. Although Wangufang has bought the Millennium Astragalus at a high price of 366 million Xia Guoyuan, will it fulfill the contract?

If Wan Gu Fang fails to fulfill its contract, the value of the thousand-year-old Astragalus will be reduced.

After all, a breach of contract will result in a $10 million deposit being deducted.

If you would rather have a deposit of US$10 million deducted than default, the value of Millennium Astragalus will indeed be cast a shadow.

But in less than three minutes, Wangufang successfully fulfilled the contract and paid the balance to the designated account.

"The transaction of the second piece of Millennium Astragalus was successful. Congratulations to Wangufang for acquiring the second piece of Millennium Astragalus. We are about to start filming the third piece of Millennium Astragalus."The No. 4 Tianji Shensuan announced in the temporary auction channel.

The second piece of Millennium Astragalus re-anchored the value, causing the price of the third piece of Millennium Astragalus to directly reach the height of 350 million Xia Guoyuan when the auction just started.

The auction had just started. Enter the finals directly!

As for missing out?

It doesn’t exist!

How can a bidder who is willing to pay a deposit of 10 million US dollars possibly miss out?

‘Heart-Breaker: 366,000,000XGY'

The winner of the first piece of Millennium Astragalus bid again, and the price was raised above the transaction price of the second piece of Millennium Astragalus, a price-forcing strategy.

This time Wan Gu Fang did not take action again. It seemed that the second round of auction had exhausted the funds.

However, second-round competitor Phoenix jumped in and raised prices.

‘Phoenix: 399,000,000XGY'

This guy took Heart-Breaker's price forcing and forced it back.

The price of 399 million Xia Guoyuan is very subtle!

According to the auction rules, the price will be increased by at least 1 million each time.

If one million more are added, the price of Millennium Astragalus will exceed 400 million Xia Guoyuan. Once it enters this price range, the war will start again in the price range of 400 million to 500 million.

That’s why this price is so subtle. It blocks Heart-Breaker’s bidding space.

Faced with this delicate price, Heart-Breaker ultimately made no bid and 'gave' the third piece of Millennium Astragalus to Phoenix.

Phoenix did not run away and directly transferred the corresponding funds to the designated account according to the auction rules.

"This thousand-year-old Astragalus auction has ended successfully, and we will immediately refund everyone’s corresponding deposits."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator announced.

Then he gave the corresponding contact information to the three winners to discuss the delivery location, delivery time, and corresponding delivery method.

An Liang did not care about these details. , he only cares that the price of thousand-year-old Astragalus slices has been anchored at a height of 399 million Xia Guoyuan!

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