The living room of Li Xiyan's home.

An Liang sat next to Liu Ling, who was pretending to check the loan application materials. Both of them were a little absent-minded.

Liu Ling suddenly asked,"It is also Xiyan's birthday during the national celebration. I have agreed with her that she will come back to celebrate her birthday. Will you come back too?"

Li Xiyan's birthday is October 5th, the little vixen's birthday. It's October 1st. An Liang will definitely return to Shengqing

"certainly!"An Liang replied with a smile.

"Then we will celebrate at home and I will cook it myself. Liu Ling responded.

An Liang replied slightly awkwardly,"This...I think on birthdays, we should celebrate outside to avoid trouble at home."

The main reason is that Liu Ling's cooking skills are too outrageous!

It's not like An Liang doesn't know what Liu Ling's cooking skills are like? Are you celebrating Li Xiyan's birthday at home?

Does this beautiful witch have any misunderstandings about her cooking skills? ?

Anyway, An’s conscience was full of rejection!

Liu Ling smiled secretly in her heart, and she responded casually,"If you are outside, you can choose a place first, and I will make a reservation in advance to avoid being left without a seat during the national celebration."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it."An Liang responded

"Um. Liu Ling responded. She stood up and said,"Do you want something to drink? There is juice and soda at home."

An Liang responded casually,"Soda water.""

After a while, Liu Ling brought An Liang a bottle of frozen soda water, and she prepared a cup of hot brown sugar water for herself. How could a guy like An Liang, who knows people well, not see what Liu Ling meant?

He smiled secretly in his heart, This beautiful witch is exposed!

Because this beautiful witch’s thoughts are only on the simple first level, and she doesn’t think deeply at all.

From the surface, Liu Ling uses the contrast between frozen soda water and hot brown sugar water, and from the details Even if the situation she disclosed was false, she expressed an attitude.

This attitude is that Liu Ling is thinking in that direction!

This is a typical psychological way of thinking.

If Liu Ling himself had not thought , why use hot brown sugar water as a hint?

This is the root of the problem!

Liu Ling was thinking about it herself!

So An Liang secretly laughed. After all, Liu Ling exposed her thoughts herself, and she refused this time. What about next time?

An Liang is actually very entangled, but now it seems that it may be more appropriate to leave this choice to Liu Ling?

After all, An Liang is a good man.

The policy of a good man: not to take the initiative, not to refuse, not to be responsible, not to remember!

An Liang He picked up the soda water and unscrewed the bottle cap. He took a sip first and then placed the soda water next to the hot brown sugar water, indicating that he had understood Liu Ling's hint.

He took the initiative to ask,"Auntie, these loans What is the status of the application materials?"

Liu Ling watched An Liang place the frozen soda water next to the hot brown sugar water. She breathed a sigh of relief, and then responded to An Liang's question,"There are more or less problems, mainly because the risk of bad debts is too high."

"Then let’s wait for our AXA project in Shiliwan."An Liang said casually

"By the way, Auntie, how far behind is your KPI? An Liang added and asked how much Liu Ling's task load was still missing.

Liu Ling said a little embarrassedly,"You, AXA, shouldn't be short of funds, right?""

"Theoretically speaking, there is indeed no shortage of funds."An Liang answered candidly.

Sometimes, a candid answer is a better choice.

"However, Auntie has KPI tasks, and our AXA funds are also obtained from other channels, so it is the same with your bank."An Liang added.

A warm current flowed through Liu Ling's heart.

"Auntie, how many tasks do you still have?"An Liang asked again.

Liu Ling didn't hide anything. She responded,"I am currently short of the workload of the standard loan rate. Your AXA loan interest rate is relatively low, so it is not of much use to me."

Previously, the loan interest rate provided by Beiyu Branch of Gongshang Bank to AXA Construction was even lower than the fixed deposit interest rate. It sounds like Gongshang Bank is losing money.

But in fact, Gongshang Bank is not losing money!

Because the bank has the ability to allocate funds. , they have a large number of demand deposits in their hands, and the interest rates on demand deposits are very low. If the accounts of demand deposits are used to benchmark the loan interest rates of AXA Construction, wouldn't it make money? The main reason is that AXA Construction's loans will definitely not have bad debts. , it must be a matter of making money, so Gongshang Bank is willing to use low interest rates to obtain the business of AXA Construction.

However, Gongshang Bank can indeed make money in this cooperation, but Liu Ling almost cannot, because the loan interest rate is too low, and her The task was assessed and could not be completed at all.

"What is the current standard loan interest rate of your bank?"An Liang asked

"For loans within one year, the current loan interest rate is 4.35%. For one to three years, and from three to five years, the loan interest rate is 4.75%. The two are just different in terms of review difficulty."Liu Ling explained

"If the term is more than five years, the loan interest rate starts at 4.9%, and the review will be particularly strict, as will the inspection and review of the collateral."Liu Ling added.

An Liang nodded slightly, and asked again,"If the standard loan interest rate is used, how much tasks does Auntie still need?"

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