2020 is the Internet age. In this Internet age, Internet-based publicity is very important.

When Weiming Island was first blocked, Lei Tianlong, an online anchor from Weiming Island, broadcast live broadcasts of the local situation on Weiming Island many times, such as various price increases, labor conflicts, and even protest marches.

However, as the blockade of Weiming Island became more and more serious, and the local situation on Weiming Island became worse and worse, Lei Tianlong's online live broadcast account was banned by the local court of Weiming Island, thus preventing the Weiming Island from having any influence on Weiming Island. adverse effects on the island.

In view of this situation, Lei Tianlong converted the live broadcast into a form of online posting to introduce the terrible local situation on Weiming Island.

However, Lei Tianlong's post was once again targeted by the local court on Weiming Island.

Although the local court on Weiming Island cannot ban Lei Tianlong's posts in the mainland, it can target Lei Tianlong through navy and hacker means to confuse the public and make Lei Tianlong's posts meaningless.

However, Lei Tianlong also ushered in a turning point!

Someone secretly provided Lei Tianlong with anonymous network access, provided Lei Tianlong with a live broadcast room on Pair Video, and even conducted traffic diversion operations.

This situation was quickly discovered by the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator, and he immediately reported it to An Liang.

‘No. 4: BOSS, we discovered an abnormal situation’

‘No. 4: Someone opened a live broadcast of the local situation on Weiming Island in our Peer Video, and conducted a traffic diversion operation.’

‘No. 4: Currently, the Weiming Island local court has very strict control over this piece of information. If we did not restrict this live broadcast room, the Weiming Island local court would probably attack our Pair Video server through hacking methods.’

‘Number 4: Based on this situation, I suspect that someone is deliberately trying to harm us!’

‘Number Zero: Send me the address of the live broadcast room and I’ll check the situation.’

‘No. 4: [Live broadcast room address]'

An Liang directly clicked on the live broadcast room address and checked the content of the live broadcast.

In the live broadcast room, the anchor wore a V for Vendetta mask and gave an explanation in the public area of ​​the live broadcast room screen.

‘Regarding the reason why the anchor wears a mask: The anchor is broadcasting live in the Weiming Island area. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, the anchor will wear a mask to prevent accidents. '

At this moment, the anchor wearing a V for Vendetta mask is broadcasting indoors, but even for indoor broadcasts, the background wall is replaced by a green screen to avoid exposing the real environment.

"Hello everyone, welcome to the live broadcast of [Weiming Island Live], don’t ask who the anchor is, the anchor is also afraid of checking the water meter!"The anchor wearing the V for Vendetta mask explained.

Judging from the sound alone, An Liang had already identified that the other party was Lei Tianlong.

The remote query of the interpersonal relationship scanning system also confirmed this. The anchor wearing the V for Vendetta mask The anchor is Lei Tianlong

"Regarding the current situation of our Weiming Island, I can only use four words to describe it, that is"like hell"】!"Lei Tianlong raised his volume

"Do you think the anchor is exaggerating?"Lei Tianlong, who was wearing a V for Vendetta mask, asked back.

Thick barrages were sending messages. Most of the barrages were asking for specific reasons, but there were also a small number of barrages that were refuting Lei Tianlong.

No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator sent another message to An Liang.

‘No. 4: BOSS, Pair Video’s server was attacked’

‘No. 4: There is another situation. More than a thousand people suddenly flooded into the live broadcast room of [Weiming Island Live]. These people are sending a large number of barrages to refute the anchor's remarks. I suspect that the navy is acting.’

‘Zero: What is the actual number of people in the live broadcast room currently?’

‘No. 4: Please wait a moment. I will push the data stream right away. '

In less than five seconds, Number Zero pushed the data stream from the [Weiming Island Live] live broadcast room. An Liang checked Qi Lai and found that the real number of people in the live broadcast room actually exceeded 100,000, and was still increasing rapidly.

This data has set a record high for Pell Video!

Even the live broadcast of Little Fox on Pair Video does not have such a real number of people. After all, Little Fox no longer engages in live broadcasts of lucky fox draws. It only does some charity live broadcasts, which is not particularly attractive.

An Liang looked at the data in the [Weiming Island Live] live broadcast room, and he laughed. Although Lei Tianlong's live broadcast on Peer Video this time will indeed attract the firepower of the local court on Weiming Island, it will also attract a large amount of traffic. real.

As long as there is traffic entering Peer Video, it is likely to stay in Peer Video and eventually convert into Peer Video users.

Should this be considered an unintentional intervention, or a blessing in disguise?

Maybe someone really has ulterior motives for Lei Tianlong's live broadcast on Peer Video this time, but as long as Peer Video blocks the attack of the local court on Weiming Island, then for Peer Video, it can gain good benefits.

‘Number Zero: We will do our best to ensure the security of the Pair video server and the security of the [Weiming Island Live] live broadcast room. I want to prevent any accidents from happening in this live broadcast room and let this anchor live broadcast well.’

‘No. 4: Received. '

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