The exchange between An Liang and Huang Guoxiang did not completely determine the cooperation plan. Huang Guoxiang still needs to report the situation to the Zhongshu Provincial Department before he can give the final answer.

But An Liang had predicted the answer in advance!

As for Operation Prometheus?

If Operation Prometheus is really going to use Tyrande, then Anliang will definitely give the elite combat personnel led by the Bald Eagle Nation a surprise.

An Liang didn't lie just now. The elite combat personnel of Bald Eagle Country must be difficult to deal with, but An Liang couldn't attract foreign aid?

For example, the Triglav Special Operations Team of the Pacific Fleet of the Bear Nation?

The relationship between Anliang and the Northern Bear Country is very stable.

After all, Anliang is now the benefactor of the Northern Bear Country. In addition to regular security tasks, Anliang plans to build a world-class nuclear wastewater treatment plant in the Northern Bear Country, which is a stable link of interest.

If Anliang needs the cooperation of the Triglav Special Operations Team, there will definitely be no problem, but he will need to pay a separate security fee.

In addition, the North Bear Country is willing to provide the most advanced equipment to Anliang, thereby enhancing the strength of the security personnel of Renyi Security Company and greatly increasing the strength of Renyi Security Company.

If there were advanced equipment provided by the Northern Bear Country and the strength of Renyi Security Company in Tyrande, they really would not be afraid of the elite combat personnel of the Bald Eagle Country.


Imperial capital.

After Huang Guoxiang and An Liang finished their exchange, they contacted Zhao Xingguo, the Zhongshu Ling of the Zhongshu Province. He reported An Liang's conditions and finally asked,"Old Zhao, do you think you can agree to this matter? ?"

"What do you think?" Zhao Xingguo asked back.

Huang Guoxiang fell silent, thinking secretly.

After almost a minute, Huang Guoxiang responded,"I think it's okay!"

"reason?" Zhao Xingguo asked

"He has always been with us. Our movement in Tyrande, and even in the entire Southeast Asia region, is much easier now, and I feel at ease with him."Huang Guoxiang explained

"What's more important is that this person is very measured. He knows what should be done, what should not be done, what can be said, and what cannot be said." Huang Guoxiang added.

"Regarding the matter of Dai Qiang on Weiming Island, I tested him before, but he refused to admit it at all."Huang Guoxiang sighed,"But when he wants to build a fourth-generation nuclear power plant later, he will give me a showdown."

Zhao Xingguo also sighed,"He really knows how to measure and does a very good job in determining the bottom line."

"There is another reason. He is right. Our progress is too slow. If we can move faster on the fourth-generation nuclear power plant and cooperate with graphene batteries, we will have a chance to bypass the petroleum energy system.."Huang Guoxiang added

"In this case, I will convene a meeting of the Zhongshu Provincial Committee to promote this decision."Zhao Xingguo responded

"We can just make a fortune from him!"Huang Guoxiang said with a smile,"What he said is, let us implement it according to the normal business cooperation model, then we will implement it according to the normal business cooperation model."

"I think it works!"Zhao Xingguo agreed


Evening, Magic City.

An Liang held Li Xiyan's hand and walked through the campus of Fudan University, like a young couple on campus.

"Are you leaving tomorrow?"Li Xiyan asked in a low voice.

"Can't bear to part with it?"An Liang asked back.

"Um!"Li Xiyan nodded.

"I have some things to deal with in the imperial capital. It is already October. When you come back during the winter vacation, we will still have a lot of time together."An Liang responded

"Want a winter vacation?"Li Xiyan is a little confused.

"I will also come over when I have time during the trip."An Liang added

"Uh-huh!"Li Xiyan said happily

"By the way, you should still try to learn to drive."An Liang said instructing,"If you can't even learn to drive, I will definitely not agree to your learning to drive a flying motorcycle."

"Know it!"Li Xiyan hummed in response.

Learning to drive?

That's too difficult, right!

It was close to twelve o'clock in the night, and An Liang and Li Xiyan's double queue in the canyon game ended. Li Xiyan snuggled in his arms and dozed off a little. , An Liang turned off the light and got ready to sleep.

A few minutes later, Li Xiyan fell asleep first, and An Liang's mobile phone screen lit up in the darkness.

An Liang picked up the phone to check, and it turned out to be a message from Yao Qi

‘Yao Qi: Are you leaving tomorrow? '

Anliang has no hidden reply information

‘An Liang: Yes’

‘Yao Qi: I will work hard’

‘An Liang:?’

‘Yao Qi: I will have a good relationship with Xiyan. I will not make it difficult for you. I will let everything go naturally.’

‘Yao Qi: If that's the case, you have no reason to reject me, right?’

‘An Liang:...’

‘An Liang: I like Xiyan very much. '

An Liang's subtext is to tell Yao Qi not to mess around

‘Yao Qi: Don’t worry!’

‘Yao Qi: I will pay attention’

‘Yao Qi: Sometimes I really envy Xiyan. Yuqing is right. She must have saved the galaxy in her previous life, so she came to enjoy the blessings in this life!’

‘An Liang: There are not so many reasons to like someone’

‘Yao Qi: Yes, there are not so many reasons to like someone. I like you so much. '

So Brother Liang shot himself in the foot again?

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