An Liang thought about the real reason why Apple and Tesla participated in the Guardian Prosthetic Frame agent recruitment meeting.

These two companies basically have nothing to do with the medical field, so why bother joining in the fun?

Since they are here to join in the fun, they must have their own demands!

‘Tesla's true intentions...It should be by obtaining the agency rights of the Guardian prosthetic framework, thereby deepening the relationship with us and further collaborating on the graphene battery project. ' An Liang guessed.

Although Tesla has been punched and kicked on the ground, its strength in the field of new energy vehicles still cannot be underestimated.

At present, except for Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, other new energy vehicles still have a certain gap with Tesla in terms of soft power.

Once Tesla obtains the supply of graphene batteries, Tesla's situation can change, and it can even regain its top position in the new energy vehicle industry.

As for Apple’s intentions...

An Liang guessed that Apple hopes to obtain more supplies of graphene batteries, because Apple has already tasted the benefits. Apple products equipped with graphene batteries have gained more profits and have a better reputation.

For example, the iPhone series mobile phones equipped with graphene batteries all have a very good experience in terms of battery life and charging speed.

The iPhone series has always been criticized for its battery life problem. This problem is easily solved by graphene batteries, which also solves the problem of charging speed.

Apple naturally wants to get more supplies of graphene batteries

‘An Liang: What do you think it means for Tesla and Apple to participate in our agent recruitment?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: It should be to build relationships and seek cooperation in graphene batteries.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Dong Dayu from Huaban Mobile has been very diligent recently. He has a very high emotional intelligence and his relationship with Mr. Wu is handled very well. If there are no accidents, the supply of graphene batteries for Huaban Mobile will increase in Q4. Improve some’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Apple also knows about such things, so Apple is worried’

‘Zhao Wanxi: As for Tesla, they are currently in a bit of a difficult situation.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Tesla’s only chance for a comeback is if we provide them with graphene batteries. Otherwise, Tesla may only be able to focus on mid- to low-end products in the field of new energy vehicles.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: After all, consumers will definitely not be satisfied with high-end products without the ultra-long battery life and ultra-fast charging of graphene batteries. '

An Liang looked at the message that Zhao Wanxi replied, and he couldn't help but sigh, because Zhao Wanxi's analysis was almost consistent with his. Such a smart Zhao Wanxi was quite attractive.

‘An Liang: I guess so too’

‘An Liang: Tesla, a big catfish, is in the fight for agency rights in the Bald Eagle region, and other companies should be unlucky.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Do you have time at noon?’

‘An Liang: Let me ask Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang first.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: They are all in school’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Chen Siyu has been practicing the piano very hard recently. She hopes to get a good result in the International Piano Competition next year, so she practices the piano hard every day. I admire her persistence!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Ning Ruoshuang is also practicing dance at school’

‘Zhao Wanxi: This time, she is only two places short of the big stage of the National Celebration Party. If you help her, she will definitely be able to get on.’

‘An Liang: I actually know’

‘An Liang: But I won’t help her’

‘An Liang: Because if I help her, I am insulting her dream.’

‘An Liang: Shuangshuang said before that she wants to get on the big stage through her own efforts, not through connections.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: That’s really difficult’

‘Zhao Wanxi: She is a solo dancer’

‘Zhao Wanxi: It is far more difficult for solo dancers to get on the big stage than for group dances’

‘An Liang: I have confidence in her’

‘An Liang: I also believe she can do it’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Well, I will pay attention. Since she wants to rely on her strength, then I will say hello. Others are not allowed to take shortcuts. Everything should be based on strength!’

‘An Liang: Thank you’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Just a little effort’

‘Zhao Wanxi: In addition, they and I are like sisters. I would have helped them with such a matter.’

‘An Liang:....’

What a loving sister!

This Zhao Wanxi is really constantly disintegrating An Liang's alliance. From the current point of view, Zhao Wanxi and Ning Ruoshuang should have fallen, and even Song Qian has not escaped.

As for the young actor Liang Xue?

An Liang felt that she should be the first to fall!

After all, in Anliang's alliance front, although Anliang tried his best to achieve a bowl of water, Anliang really couldn't do it.

For example, An Liang prefers Li Xiyan.

Another example is that the young actor Liang Xue really has the lowest status in Anliang's alliance.

That's why An Liang guessed that Liang Xue might be the first to fall. How could she resist Zhao Wanxi's attempts to win over her?


Update time: November 6, 2021 00:02:56, good night.

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