At a quarter past twelve noon, Zhao Wanxi's home was in the courtyard on West Second Road.

An Liang and Zhao Wanxi's family came to the dining room, where Zhao Wanxi's mother Liang Yudie was busy.

In fact, Zhao Wanxi has a nanny at home, but Liang Yudie is still busy in person. This shows that she values ​​Anliang. Just like Anliang invited her to a family dinner before, family dinners often represent a close attitude.

In the dining room, everyone took their seats.

Zhao Zhuangkang naturally sat in the main seat, Zhao Xingguo sat in the second seat to the left of Zhao Zhuangkang, An Liang sat in the third seat to the right of Zhao Zhuangkang, and to the right of An Liang was Zhao Dongliang, Zhao Wanxi and her mother, sister-in-law Jiang Wanying and niece Zhao Yin sat Together.

Zhao Yin was looking at An Liang curiously.

An Liang took the initiative to say hello,"Little guy, do you still remember me?"

"Remember. Zhao Yin responded in a coquettish voice,"You are the uncle who can fly a plane.""

"..."An Liang showed a helpless smile, this little guy used to call him brother, why is he called uncle now?

Seeing An Liang's helpless expression, Zhao Wanxi laughed on the side

"An, boy, what do you want to drink?"Zhao Zhuangkang asked An Liang,"In my wine cellar, except for those bottles of Maotai, I can just pick the rest."

It's not that Zhao Zhuangkang is reluctant to part with those bottles of Maotai, but those bottles of Maotai are the souvenirs left to him by his late wife. They have transcended the concept of drinks and are now objects of longing.

An Liang scratched his head and explained the matter of Maotao wine again. , then added,"Next year, we will brew more peach wine.

Zhao Zhuangkang quickly answered,"Then next year, I will ask for more.""

Zhao Zhuangkang looked at Zhao Wanxi again,"Wanxi, you should pay more attention next year, lest other old guys take the lead."

Zhao Zhuangkang's true performance made An Liang full of affection.

Because Zhao Zhuangkang regarded him as one of his own

"Don't worry, Grandpa Zhao, even if Wanxi doesn't remind me, I will reserve enough peach wine for grandpa. After An Liang said that, he added,"Uncle Zhao, how is the old man's physical condition after the examination now?""

Zhao Xingguo answered,"It's pretty good, but the doctor doesn't recommend that the old man drinks."

"So, Grandpa Zhao, how about you don’t drink today? An Liang suggested.

Zhao Xingguo seconded,"That's right!""

Zhao Dongliang responded,"I also second the proposal."

Zhao Zhuangkang said hummingly,"I'll just have a drink!"

Zhao Wanxi immediately brought Zhao Zhuangkang a five-cent small cup.

Zhao Zhuangkang sighed helplessly,"Okay, okay, I'll just stop drinking. I'll drink juice with the little guy today!"

However, when Zhao Xingguo and Zhao Dongliang drank with An Liang, Zhao Zhuangkang couldn't help but get involved. Zhao Xingguo and Zhao Dongliang couldn't stop it at all, they could only ask Zhao Zhuangkang to drink less.

"Brother Dongliang, let’s have another drink! An Liang took the initiative to respect Zhao Dongliang.

Zhao Dongliang responded with a red face,"Come on, drink again!""

Zhao Dongliang had to admit secretly that he underestimated An Liang's drinking capacity. He was already a little drunk now, but An Liang seemed to be able to handle it with ease?

Zhao Zhuangkang and Zhao Xingguo were both drunk.

At nearly 2:30 in the afternoon, Zhao Dongliang was basically drunk. An Liang was still awake, and even in a one-on-three situation, he once again won easily.

In the guest room of Zhao Wanxi's house, she helped An Liang lie down on the lazy sofa,"You take a rest first, I'll get you a glass of water"

"Um."An Liang responded.

After drinking too much, he really needs to drink more water.

Whoever drinks too much knows about this kind of thing.

After a while, Zhao Wanxi brought a glass of water to An Liang. She sat down next to An Liang and said casually He said,"My brother is miserable and is being scolded by his sister-in-law. An Liang responded with a smile,"

Because you drank too much?""

"Um."Zhao Wanxi replied affirmatively,"My brother has a good drinking capacity and he basically doesn't get drunk."

"Brother Dongliang’s drinking capacity is indeed very good. Today, that’s me, but if it were Brother Yuan or Brother Gangzi, they wouldn’t be able to do it!"An Liang responded.

As for Yun Haiyang?

This one is a wine table actor!

"Today's gift is actually not necessary."Zhao Wanxi brought the topic back to the door-to-door gifts.

An Liang stood up and sat up straight. He put his arms around Zhao Wanxi's waist and yawned,"I think it's necessary."

Before Zhao Wanxi answered, An Liang continued,"I said, those gifts only express my feelings and have no other meaning."

"But..."Just as Zhao Wanxi spoke, she was interrupted by An Liang

"According to the theory of relativity, that gift fits your situation. An Liang said seriously,"Thank you very much for your favor, and also thank you for your kindness in forgiving me. You are so tolerant to me, how can I not cherish it?""

"You have said before that I am very good to them, so I will be very good to you too."An Liang added.

In fact, she understood what An Liang meant. According to the theory of relativity, the door-to-door gift from An Liang really matched Zhao Wanxi.

Zhao Wanxi snorted,"I will not simply forgive you. Playful!"

"ah?"An Liang was stunned for a moment, what does this Zhao Wanxi mean?

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