Summer time, it’s close to ten o’clock in the evening.

In a large conference room of the National Hotel, the Millennium Astragalus Auction is about to begin.

In the large conference room, in addition to members of the Imperial Capital Circle, there are also a large number of representatives from other city circles, as well as ambassadors from overseas courts. The latter two types of people can participate in the public auction.

A high-definition camera has been set up in this large conference room to prepare for live streaming of the auction.

The live broadcast room is set up based on the confidential communication software of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club, and only invited people are allowed to watch.

Hu Xiaoyu is still the host. She is already familiar with everything, so naturally she doesn’t bother the two hosts.

"Good evening everyone, my name is Hu Xiaoyu. Regarding the rules of this auction, I believe everyone is already clear about it. If you are not clear, I will not explain it. You can read the details of the auction rules yourself."Hu Xiaoyu took the initiative right from the start.

"The first is the first round of auction. According to the rules, only members of the Tianshang Baiyujing Club are allowed to participate. The total number is 30 pieces of Millennium Astragalus, and a quota is determined each time."Hu Xiaoyu said as he introduced

"Members of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club, please click to register, and I will immediately start the first round of dice throwing."Hu Xiaoyu explained.

The members of Tiantian Baiyujing Club quickly completed the first round of registration.

After all, this kind of auction filtered by luck is the traditional performance of Tiantian Baiyujing Club, and they have long understood the rules.

Hu Xiaoyu watched Glancing at the phone,"Registration has ended. A total of 47 members have signed up. Except for the founding member An Liang, everyone else has signed up.""

"The first round of auction begins."Hu Xiaoyu said casually, and then threw a dice into the transparent glass jar. The final result was 3 o'clock.

"All personnel with even serial numbers are eliminated! Hu Xiaoyu announced,"The remaining members will be automatically filled and reordered.""

The so-called automatic filling reordering means that '13579' becomes '12345', and so on to complete the sorting.

"The second roll of the dice begins!"Hu Xiaoyu threw the dice casually again, and the final result was 6 o'clock.

"All personnel with odd serial numbers are eliminated!"Hu Xiaoyu announced, and the 24 members who originally won were immediately dropped to 12, and the positions were automatically filled again.

"The third round of dice rolling begins!"Hu Xiaoyu continued to throw it away casually, and the result was 1 o'clock.

"All people with even serial numbers are eliminated, and since there are six people left, the final round starts, and the serial number corresponding to the dice number will win."Hu Xiaoyu announced, and then threw out the investment.

The final result was four points!

The winner was immediately displayed on the large LED screen in the large conference room, and it was actually Hu Xiaoyu!

Hu Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, Then they cheered,"I win!"

In the large conference room, when representatives from other cities and ambassadors from overseas courts faced this result, many people frowned and discussed in low voices. Because it was Hu Xiaoyu who was throwing the dice, and In the end, Hu Xiaoyu won, which made them feel that Hu Xiaoyu was cheating.

However, all the members of the Bai Yujing Club in the Sky were calm.

Because they had experienced Hu Xiaoyu's good luck long ago, and according to Hu Xiaoyu's Yu's luck is against the sky, so isn't it easy to win?

An ambassador from an overseas court raised his hand to express doubts.

Hu Xiaoyu directly named him,"Hello, what can I do for you?""

"Hello, Ms. Hu, I am Anthony Reno, the ambassador of the Kingdom of France. I have a question. Will you still throw the dice in the subsequent auction?"Anthony Reno asked in very standard Xia Mandarin.

How could Hu Xiaoyu not understand what the other party meant?

"Ambassador Anthony is worried about me cheating when I throw the dice, right?"Hu Xiaoyu asked bluntly.

Anthony did have such suspicions!

In fact, quite a few people had such suspicions!

But how could he admit such a thing?

"I'm very sorry, I have no such suspicion, just a little doubt."Anthony responded.

Hu Xiaoyu responded with a smile,"I believe Ambassador Anthony is not the only one who has such doubts. There should be many people who are suspicious, so I need to trouble Ambassador Anthony. Ambassador Anthony will be responsible for the next four rounds of auctions. dice throwing job"

"Ambassador Anthony, I believe you have no problem with this little thing?"Hu Xiaoyu looked at Anthony.

Anthony stood up,"No problem!"

So in the next four rounds of auctions, in the last round, Hu Xiaoyu was actually selected again.

Faced with this result, Hu Xiaoyu directly began to joke,"Thank you Ambassador Anthony for your cooperation, thank you Ambassador Anthony for deliberately cheating, Helped me get another spot"

"In order to ensure fairness on the surface, we will select an outsider to participate in the next five rounds of auction dice throwing."Hu Xiaoyu specifically named the 'outsiders'.

This round of auction is exclusive to the Sky Bai Yujing Club. Why do outsiders need to worry about cheating?

Didn't you see that no one from the Sky Bai Yujing Club objected?


Update time: November 10, 2021 00:02:07, good night.

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