This thousand-year-old Astragalus auction brought a large amount of cash to Zhao Wanxi's family. 90 pieces of it were priced at 400 million Xia Guoyuan, which is a full 36 billion.

The average price of the ten thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus sold in the third stage of public auction was as high as 485 million, which is a total revenue of 4.85 billion.

The final total revenue was 40.85 billion Xia Guoyuan.

It is naturally impossible for Zhao Wanxi's family to engage in any tax evasion, so the income from this auction is subject to 20% tax according to the [Property Transfer Income] tax item, and a total of 8.17 billion Xia Guoyuan needs to be paid.

In the end, Xia Guoyuan’s actual income of 32.68 billion was left

"This windfall should actually be yours."Zhao Wanxi looked at An Liang.

An Liang waved his hand,"Let's stop discussing this issue. I have said before that these thousand-year-old astragalus only represent my thoughts. How your family handles it is your family's business."

"But..."Just as Zhao Wanxi spoke, she was interrupted by An Liang

"There is no but."An Liang came close to Zhao Wanxi's ear, and he lowered his voice and said,"At present, Anxin is investing in the company.The profitability is very impressive. If there are no accidents, the profit this year may exceed your income from the auction."

"ah?"Zhao Wanxi looked at An Liang in surprise.

While An Liang and Zhao Wanxi were communicating quietly, Zhao Xingguo took the stage and announced that he would donate 2.68 billion Xia Guoyuan to establish a nationwide charity foundation for people with medical difficulties.

This decision made this decision The auction ended successfully.

The auction ended in the early morning.

An Liang and Zhao Wanxi were hiding in the corner. They were not in a hurry to leave. It was the peak time to leave, so they did not join in the fun.

"Will you go to my house later?"Zhao Wanxi took the initiative to extend the invitation.

An Liang refused and responded,"What are you thinking about?"

Zhao Wanxi's face turned red,"I didn't..."

"I mean it's quite late now, will you disturb them if you go back?"Zhao Wanxi added.

"Didn't they tell you?"An Liang asked back.

"Um?"Zhao Wanxi was confused.

An Liang smiled and explained,"If I go back late, I will sleep in the guest room."

"ah?"Zhao Wanxi looked at An Liang in surprise, and then she couldn't help but smile,"Do you also sleep in the guest room?"

"I suspect you are hacking me!"An Liang hummed deliberately.

Zhao Wanxi smiled and said nothing.

"By the way, what did you just say in Versailles? An Liang brought back the topic,"For this auction, you will pay taxes in accordance with the law, and you will also donate 2.68 billion to establish a charity fund. What else can cause trouble?" Zhao

Wanxi rolled her eyes at An Liang,"Are you pretending to be stupid on purpose, or are you asking questions knowingly?""

"I really do not know."An Liang scratched his head

"really do not know?"Zhao Wanxi looked at An Liang suspiciously.

"really do not know!"An Liang nodded affirmatively.

"The impact of your gift this time is very big. I'm worried about other people in the imperial circle...."Zhao Wanxi ordered half of it.

An Liang laughed,"Are you worried that other aristocratic families in the Imperial City may have thoughts about me?"

"Are you starting to get jealous now?"An Liang teased.

Zhao Wanxi hesitated for a moment before responding,"The situation in the imperial capital circle is more complicated. Yun Haiyang is an example."

"My father and brother both know about your situation, including Siyu and Shuangshuang, but they can pretend not to know."Zhao Wanxi whispered.

An Liang suddenly realized that Zhao Wanxi's subtext was that people inside the imperial capital circle were in trouble, but those outside the imperial capital circle turned a blind eye?

"You're thinking too much. I really didn't ask knowingly just now because there was an intelligence gap between the two of us. An Liang added,"I don't have that many thousand-year-old astragalus anymore!""

"How many more do you have? Zhao Wanxi asked curiously,"If it's not convenient for you to tell me, just keep it a secret." An Liang said without keeping it secret,"

There are still 97 pieces left.""

"There are so many!"Zhao Wanxi was surprised

"Actually not much anymore!"An Liang sighed,"Recent operations to search for thousand-year-old astragalus have failed. We investigated 119 areas, but there was no thousand-year-old astragalus in any of them."

"Thanks."Zhao Wanxi said gratefully. Since the thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus is so precious, An Liang gave her 130 tablets at a time in order to express his feelings for her. It was indeed a generous gift.

"Since your father is here, I won't send you back. See you tomorrow." An Liang reminded Zhao Wanxi.

When Zhao Xingguo came over, An Liang took the initiative to say hello,"Uncle Zhao!

Zhao Xingguo responded with a smile on his face,"Let's have supper together later?" An

Liang responded negatively,"It's getting late. Uncle Zhao should go to bed early and come to disturb Uncle Zhao later.""

"also! Even if he was rejected, Zhao Xingguo still smiled and replied,"When you have time, come here with Wanxi.""

"Okay, thank you, Uncle Zhao. An Liang responded, and then added,"Uncle Zhao, I won't see you off. I'm also going to go back and rest.""

Zhao Xingguo nodded,"No problem!"

After An Liang said goodbye to Zhao Wanxi's family, he ordered Qin Tianxiang to return to Yunjing International Apartment. At this time, of course he would sleep in the guest room!

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