An Liang was deeply moved by Chen Siyu's tenderness and thoughtfulness.

Facing a good woman like Chen Siyu, what more could An Liang ask for?

It can only be said that when a good man meets a good woman, it is the happiest thing in the world!

"Master An, you are not allowed to bully me in the future."Chen Siyu snuggled into An Liang's arms, and she looked at An Liang deliberately.

This big imperial cat was the best at being coquettish, and An Liang also liked being coquettishly acted upon by her.

Facing the coquettish behavior of the big imperial cat, An Liang hugged her tightly and said,"Don't worry. , I won't let you be bullied.

The two of them cuddled together. Almost five minutes later, Ning Ruoshuang came to the door and reminded her,"Get up quickly. Breakfast has been delivered." Chen

Siyu immediately blushed and struggled to get up.

An Liang waved to Ning Ruoshuang,"Shuangshuang, come here.""

How could Ning Ruoshuang not see through An Liang's tricks?

"No!"Ning Ruoshuang snorted and rolled her eyes at An Liang,"I have to go to school too. I've been a little busy practicing dance recently."

"Okay, I'll wash up first and you guys have breakfast first."An Liang responded. An Liang washed up quickly. He was a boy after all.

When An Liang finished washing and came to the living room, Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang were peeling and boiling quail eggs for him.

If it was something like shrimps and crabs, naturally It was An Liang who was responsible for peeling the shells, but for things that were easy to peel, such as eggs, they were the ones who peeled the shells for An Liang.

While drinking freshly ground soy milk and eating braised quail eggs, An Liang asked casually,"Siyu, have you practiced recently?" How about Qin?

Chen Siyu responded proudly,"Of course it's good!""

"Teacher Sun always praises me recently. Teacher Sun said that if my current level were compared to previous international piano competitions, I might be able to break into the top ten."Chen Siyu happily added

"So are you confident next year?"An Liang continued to ask

"Um!"Chen Siyu said confidently,"I will definitely make it to the top eight next year. As long as you enter the top eight, you can enter the tour exhibition. As for whether I can get the first place in the end, I am not sure."

According to the competition format of the International Piano Competition, the top eight will need to go on tour, and the final result will be determined based on the vote share of the tour, so there are many variables.

"Where is Shuangshuang? An Liang was concerned about Ning Ruoshuang again,"How have you been practicing recently?""

Ning Ruoshuang sighed,"I actually feel pretty good, but the situation in our dance field is different, especially when it comes to solo dancing."

Ning Ruoshuang continued,"Generally speaking, in large parties, there are more backup dancers or group dances. There is usually only one solo dance program, so the competition for solo dances is very fierce. You must be the best of the best to have a chance to succeed.."

Actually, Ning Ruoshuang didn't say anything about related parties. In the field of solo dance, there are also related parties and some strange cooperative relationships.

At present, Ning Ruoshuang's strength in the field of solo dance has entered the top field, but she is not the top among the top. , so she needs to keep working hard

"come on! An Liang encouraged Ning Ruoshuang,"Shuangshuang, I know something about your dance field. Don't worry, I know you don't want me to help you get a chance to be on stage, but I can guarantee one thing." An

Liang said solemnly,"As long as you participate in the competition, I can guarantee the fairness of the competition!""

"Um! Ning Ruoshuang responded gently,"Thank you, Master An.""

Chen Siyu responded from the side,"Sister Wanxi also promised it!"

Of course An Liang knows that Zhao Wanxi has promised, but Zhao Wanxi's guarantee is Zhao Wanxi's guarantee, and An Liang's guarantee is An Liang's guarantee. What

Ning Ruoshuang wants is An Liang's guarantee, and what Ning Ruoshuang wants is An Liang's attitude. , and the care behind it, not just a fair environment.

After breakfast, An Liang did not send the two of them to school. They now go to school by themselves.

An Liang received the message from Huang Guoxiang

‘Huang Guoxiang: Are you awake?’

‘An Liang:?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Come to our headquarters?’

‘An Liang: Is something wrong?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Yeah!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Very important things are not convenient to communicate on mobile phones’

‘An Liang: OK!’

‘An Liang: Do you have a docking port for flying motorcycles?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Of course!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: But our flying motorcycle parking port only allows the flight control system to park automatically. You leave it to the flight control system to handle it.’

‘An Liang: Got it’

‘An Liang: I'll be right over. An

Liang simply tidied up his personal hygiene and took Qin Tianxiang to the flying motorcycle parking port on the rooftop of Yunjing International Apartment.

Two flying motorcycles equipped with ALON aluminum nitride transparent ceramic ballistic deflectors took off and intelligently drove to the docking port at the headquarters of the National Security Investigation Agency through the flight control system.

The National Security Investigation Agency is equipped with a considerable number of flying motorcycles and is responsible for carrying out emergency missions.

In less than ten minutes, the flight control system of the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle intelligently drove into the docking port of the National Security Investigation Agency headquarters.

An Liang took Qin Tianxiang into the National Security Investigation Bureau headquarters by familiar means. Because An Liang had permission in the access control system, An Liang easily passed the access control through the human facial feature recognition program.

National Security Bureau, third floor

"Oh, Director Lu, long time no see!"An Liang met Lu Yuewen from the Operations Department, and he took the initiative to say hello.

Lu Yuewen responded,"It's indeed a long time no see, Mr. An, let's go there together, Mr. Huang is still waiting for us.

An Liang asked casually,"What does Lao Huang want from us?""


Update time: November 12, 2021 00:02:41, good night.

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