In the small conference room of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, Li Cunyuan, Yun Haiyang, and Qian Xiaogang signed confidential contracts with five intercontinental agents on behalf of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

Wu Chunsheng, a graphene battery technology expert, had issues with his identity, so it was naturally impossible for him to show up. An Liang and Zhao Wanxi were too lazy to show up, so the contract signing was left to Li Cunyuan and the others.

Li Cunyuan all holds 9.99% of the equity of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. As senior vice president of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, he is naturally qualified to sign the contract.

After the signing ceremony, the five intercontinental agents paid agency fees and a sales deposit of US$1 billion to the bank account designated by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

After the agency fee and deposit arrived, Oria Rice, the vice president of Fipzel Company, took the initiative to ask,"Mr. Li, when can we get the detailed design drawings of the Guardian prosthetic limb frame?"

Li Cunyuan glanced at it. The other party, the vice president of Fipzell Company, is actually proficient in Xia Mandarin!

"Please wait a moment, Mr. Rice, we are encrypting the detailed design drawings of the Guardian prosthetic frame to ensure their security. Li Cunyuan responded.

Almost ten minutes later, the security personnel of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group brought over five mobile hard drives. Each mobile hard drive was marked with the name of the corresponding company.

Li Cunyuan handed the mobile hard drive to everyone. Agent, he reminded,"These mobile hard drives are protected by hardware encryption and software encryption. When you return to a safe environment, we will give you the password to facilitate your extraction of data. Oria

Rice responded with a smile,"Thank you Mr. Li, you are very considerate!""

While Li Cunyuan was dealing with five intercontinental agents, An Liang was announcing the Guardian Prosthetic Frame agent recruitment meeting in the confidential group of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club.

‘An Liang: @Everyone: The agent recruitment meeting for the Guardian Prosthetic Frame has ended. The details are as follows!’


Guardian prosthetic frame agency rights:

White Eagle Region: Bald Eagle Country/Fipzel Company - US$588 million

Europa Region: Deutschland/Bayer Company - US$588 million

Asia region except Xia Kingdom: Neon/Three Realms Life Co., Ltd. - US$520 million

Dayangzhou: New Zealand/Hainlan Health Company - US$510 million

African region: Kingdom of France/Gaul Insurance Company - US$510 million

Total agency fees: US$2.716 billion sales deposit Total: $5 billion


‘An Liang: The agency fee will completely become our profit’

‘Anliang: Of the US$5 billion in sales deposits, there are approximately US$3.7 billion in profits, but this dividend only captures US$3 billion.’

‘An Liang: Since this profit is a dividend paid to investors after the group makes a profit, that is, the investment return received by investors, we can all obtain tax-free preferential conditions’

‘An Liang: Each official member of the Tianshang Bai Yujing Club holds 0.24% of the equity. According to the exchange rate of 1 US dollar to 6.4565 Xia Guoyuan, each official member of the Tianshang Bai Yujing Club will receive an income of 88,572,849.6 yuan.’

‘An Liang: Please note that all official members should apply for changes in the club app if the payment account number is changed. '

At present, the functions of the Tiantian Baiyujing Club app are very comprehensive.

In the past, Hu Xiaoyu would definitely have to handle this account modification task, but now it can be done directly through the Tianshang Baiyujing Club app.

After An Liang sent the message to the confidential group of Tianshang Bai Yujing Club, he sent the message to the confidential group of the Imperial Capital friends alone.

‘An Liang: Brothers, we made a lot of money again this time!’

‘An Liang: Everyone can get 3.686844864.6 yuan, and they all meet the conditions for tax exemption’

‘Yun Haiyang: I feel comfortable!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I just like the feeling of harvesting overseas leeks!’

‘An Liang: Actually, they also know that, but they want something, so they are just fooled. '

Everything is hard to ask for!

If you have no desires, you will be strong!

If overseas courts and companies hadn't developed the greed to reverse engineer weapons-grade exoskeleton armor through the Guardian prosthetic framework, how could An Liang be deceived?

All I can say is that if you are not greedy, you will not be cheated!

Since you have a greedy mind, don't you deserve to be cheated?

‘An Liang: Let’s get together in the evening. You pick a place and I’ll treat you!’

‘Yun Haiyang: Call the members of the club?’

‘An Liang: Yeah! Everyone should be very happy today. You can choose a place with enough space and we can celebrate together!’

‘Yun Haiyang: Got it! '

After An Liang communicated with Yun Haiyang, he sent a message to Huang Guoxiang

‘An Liang: Lao Huang, you should have received the news too, right?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Our dividend is 3.321481860 yuan, right?’

‘An Liang: You calculate so clearly!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: [Account Information】’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Thank you, boss!’

‘An Liang:...’

‘An Liang: Don’t worry, your share is indispensable’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Are you sure that the other party cannot reverse engineer weapons-grade exoskeleton armor?’

‘An Liang: Nonsense!’

‘An Liang: Ask the military yourself and look at its progress. They want drawings with drawings, technical solutions with technical solutions, and graphene batteries with graphene batteries. Have you seen their success? '

Even if it fails in this case, let alone the situation where there are only drawings?


Update time: November 14, 2021 00:02:38, good night.

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